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Katy Keene Season 1 Episode 1 Recap: Pilot

Katy welcomes Josie into the apartment building, and they make fast friends. 

Katy learns that a position has been opened for a personal shopper, leading to Katy asking for it from Gloria. 

Gloria tells Katy that she can have it she delivers in the way she thinks she will. 

At a dress fitting, Katy was forced to let the client try her dress on, and Gloria was mad. 

She gave Amanda the job instead of Katy. 

Katy was demoted to the stock room and found herself upset over everything. 

K.O. told Katy that he wanted her to make the right call, but there was also a chance that he could be leaving New York and wanted her to leave with him. 

However, she felt like New York was where her heart was. In the end, she got a much-needed promotion thanks to a friend at work. K.O. subsequently proposed to her. 

He was totally fine about leaving his job behind. 

Josie got close to a man with a record label. He promised that her dreams would come true, but we later learned he was battling to get his sister to let him train artists. 

Jorge was hurled out of an audition because of the way he looked. He went back in drag and was caught. 

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