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Kung Fu Season 1 Episode 9 Recap: Isolation

Mei-Li and Nicky deal with new truths being revealed. Mei-Li does not know where her sister, Nicky's Aunt, is, but Nicky wants to find her.

Nicky and Henry have a lead, and a possible alias for Nicky's Aunt: Sanda Yang.

Mei-Li and Jin's relationship is still strained.

Zhilan and Kerwin are cultivating their interesting dynamic (and relationship), and Zhilan thinks that Kerwin is keeping someone from her.

Evan is there to help Nicky and Henry with their current lead on the Aunt. A small red panda statue was sent with letters from the Aunt, and they find a small town in Canada where there is a matching large statue.

Mei-Li does not want Nicky to go to Canada, but Nicky is headstrong as usual.

Zhilan and Kerwin consult their information, and she decides that she needs more info on the weapon they are looking for.

They get into a small fight because Kerwin does not want to ask his father for help.

Things are still very awkward between Henry and Evan.

Ryan and Althea do some brother/sister bonding, and she gives relationship advice.

Althea is teaching a class in her area of expertise.

Evan and Henry start to bond while on the car trip, to Nicky's pleasure.

Kerwin reveals that his father branded each of his children, which is when he got into his car accident. Zhilan reveals all her cards (collected weapons) to Kerwin.

Nicky and the gang arrive in the town, and the statue has disappeared. Luckily she finds a bar with the same name.

They start asking the bartender questions, but she does not have too much information for them.

Althea meets with a potential new protege, and she advises her to avoid her old boss's company, without disclosing any of the information.

Nicky accidentally starts a bar fight, and she demands the father's address while threatening to break a man's expensive pool cue.

Althea learns that the girl ended up taking the job with her old boss.

Kerwin's dad has THREE of the weapons, leading to much excitement from Zhilan.

Zhilan does however want to get to the remaining weapons before Kerwin's father does.

Kerwin proposes that he and Zhilan head to Myanmar to get the ax.

Althea wants to break the NDA so that no one else gets assaulted. She knows that the repercussions will be bad.

Nicky arrives at the father's cabin and sees the red panda statue.

She sees a carving of what looks like her Aunt, and the father points a shotgun at her.

She shows him the mini red panda statue that she has.

Nicky calls Mei-Li to prove to Duke (the father) that she is actually related to Mei-Xue.

The call was extremely difficult for Mei-Li, leaving her in tears around Jin.

Duke does not know where exactly Nicky's Aunt lives but knows a lot more about her. He tells her where the area around where she lives is.

Nicky leaves without Henry and Evan, much to their annoyance.

Evan and Henry decide that they have to trust Nicky even though they are nervous about her safety.

Nicky is on her way through the forest, and a wolf finds her.

The wolf takes her bag, and she twists her ankle. She makes a makeshift splint for herself and grabs a stick to help her balance as she continues on her trek.

Henry and Evan are lying down in the car together, and Evan reveals that he's broken up with her girlfriend. Henry wants to avoid the relationship talk with Nicky.

Meanwhile, Nicky is continuing her journey in the dark, and the wolf is back, chasing her now. Running is hard for Nicky, as she is in a lot of pain.

The wolf got caught in a trap and she helped it escape, which prevented the wolf from attacking her.

Nicky slept in the woods, and when she wakes up, she sees a path to a small worn-down cabin.

She enters the cabin and starts to ask for the woman in Chinese.

Pei-Ling appears to help guide Nicky when she is looking through the cabin. Nicky learns that her aunt has searched for the sword herself, and speaks to the dangers on a tape that Nicky finds.

Nicky finds a marked grave near the cabin, and wonders who could have been the person to bury the grave.

Nicky returns to the car with her new information and the collection of the tapes. She learns about the lineage of the sword.

During a montage scene, Althea has an emotional moment with Dennis, most likely telling him about her assault.

Nicky tells Mei-Li that her sister has passed away, and they share an emotional cry with each other.

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