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Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4 Spoilers: The Rollisi Kids FINALLY Appear As Carisi Can’t Shake A Disturbing Case At Home

Great news, Rollisi fans!

The days of Rollins and Carisi’s kids being MIA are behind us, as Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4 spoilers promise a moving story involving them.

Carisi should have had a mini-breakdown over that cold case since the victim was around Jessie’s age at the time she was raped. Still, better late than never!

Law & Order; SVU Season 26 Episode 4 spoilers in a photo collage

Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4 Spoilers Say Carisi Can’t Help Worrying About His Daughters

This case may hit closer to home for Carisi because it’s a current case involving a teenage rape victim.

Jessie should be about eight, so he has a few years to go before he and Rollins have to deal with teenage romance, but this victim’s plight will make him realize his kids are growing up in a dangerous world.

Carisi knows that already, of course, since he worked for SVU for several years. Still, it’s a terrifying realization for any parent that they have to worry about violent crime in addition to everything else that comes with the territory of raising kids.

It’s even harder for people involved in the traumatic cases that SVU handles. Many of my favorite Stabler episodes were about Stabler’s difficulty realizing he couldn’t protect his kids from all the evils in the world.

Now it’s Carisi’s turn. This should make for some strong drama!

A teenage victim is brought into the hospital on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4

A Disturbing Case Involving A Teenage Victim

According to Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4 spoilers, this case is one of the series’ more disturbing.

It involves a teenager being brought into the hospital in critical condition hours after she left for a date.

This case will be one of SVU’s most brutal, and it looks like there are few leads in the girl’s attack.

Since the girl was on a date, it’s possible she was dealing with an obsessive lover.

A prep school student wearing a suit, tie, and prep school jacket and laughing on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4

If so, this will be one of SVU’s most important stories.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, but many people are not aware that teenagers can fall into these types of relationships.

Teens are extremely susceptible to abusive relationships because of a lack of experience, especially if they haven’t seen healthy relationships modeled at home.

Thus, a story about a teenager being abused by her dating partner could be a strong social justice story that helps raise awareness so that real-life parents can help guide their kids away from these types of relationships.

Fin sitting and scowling on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4

Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4 spoilers don’t confirm that it was the boyfriend who did it.

Although the victim left for a date, she could have been abducted or assaulted before she got where she was going.

It’s a well-known TV trope that the first person the cops suspect is never guilty, especially if they are the most obvious culprit.

SVU follows this trope a lot, so I wouldn’t be surprised if all eyes are on the dating partner, but it turns out to be someone else altogether.

Hey, Look! Silva Is Back!

Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4 spoilers show Silva discovering a hidden camera.

It’s not clear who placed the camera or why, but it may yield clues as to who attacked this girl.

Benson squeezes her eyes shut in disgust on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4

I’m almost more interested in who discovers the camera than what’s on it. Silva disappeared soon after she was introduced, which was ridiculous.

Hopefully, she will have a big part in this one to compensate for her non-existent role in the last several episodes.

What Is This Camera All About?

Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4 spoilers don’t say much about why the camera is important, only that there is one.

Benson frowning as he she walks into a crime scene on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 3
(NBC/Peter Kramer)

We already had a hidden camera on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 1, which led to the contrived arrest of a suspect that we’d never heard of before.

Hopefully, the writers won’t make that mistake again!

The hidden camera probably has evidence of the rape on it, which means someone was filming the incident for their pleasure.

Gross! But at least the cops should be able to use it to determine what happened and who was responsible.

Carisi sitting in front of Benson's desk with his hands on his hips on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 2
(NBC/Ralph Bavaro)

No Wonder Carisi Is On Edge

It’s unsurprising, given this disturbing case, that Carisi is on edge.

According to Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4 spoilers, the perp doesn’t stop after just one victim.

He returns to rape other victims in the same manner, forcing the SVU team to race against time to stop him.

Additionally, they might have a copycat rapist on their hands, and this plot twist makes things even worse for Carisi.

Close up of Benson looking determined on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 2

Carisi will probably feel the pressure from all sides.

His bosses at the DA’s office want him to convict somebody for the rape(s), hoping to deter any other copycats from causing trouble in New York City.

At the same time, Carisi really feels it at home.

He’s probably raising the girls by himself since Rollins is away on business so much, so they’re all over him the second he gets home.

That will make it more difficult for him to process what’s going on in the case.

Fin wearing a silver necklace on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 3
(NBC/Peter Kramer)

Carisi’s family drama will stem from his fears for his girls, which will be exacerbated by his current need to figure out the best way to parent them alone.

This will be an interesting conflict for him. Carisi was more than willing to treat those girls as his own, but he doesn’t know what the right move is here.

Over to you, SVU fanatics!

Hit the comments to tell us your favorite spoilers and what you hope happens on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 4.

Law & Order: SVU airs on NBC on Thursdays at 9/8c and on Fridays on Peacock.

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