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Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Episode 4 Recap: Last Supper

Carisi tells Stabler he needs a witness who is willing to flip. Stabler says he had one but the guy died of fentanyl exposure. He is working on the widow.

A woman calls looking for her daughter at school and the girl says she's with Uncle Carlo (the bad guy)

Stabler says that Carlo is worse than his brother.

Kiki's mother tells Carlo to ask before picking up Kiki. She sends Kiki away and Carlo orders her to sit down. He asks her if she has been loyal.He doesn't trust her like his brother did. She says of course she has. He says Los Santos will take care of her if she takes care of them. She kisses his cheek and leaves.

Kiki doesn't understand. Uncle Carlo will take care of them. The mother says never. Her brother is silent as he gets out of the car.  The mother calls Stabler and says she will testify if he keeps them safe.

Bryanna is a child bride who  married into the family at age 17. Bell and Stabler brief the team but Bell says that Stabler isn't going anywhere. Bashir has been invited to join their team and has been promoted to Detective. Reyes doesn't like it.

Bell and Stabler go to Bryanna's with Jet and Bashir. Kiki demands to know why they are in her house. Bryanna goes to talk to her in Spanish.

Stabler introduces himself to the son, Lucas. Stabler tries to build rapport over them both being connected to the Saint of Lost Causes. Lucas asks if Stabler's father hated him too.

Bell tells Kiki and Lucas no one can leave and they have to give up their phones. Kiki is upset and informs Jet that if her dad was alive he'd peel her face off.

Carisi shows up and tells Stabler he can't be here because he was undercover with this case. Bell agrees with Carisi. Stabler is upset. Bell says she'll talk to Bryanna. Kiki is watching from the steps.

Bell tells Stabler at least he gets to do that thing with the fam. Stabler is not excited.

Mama Stabler is studying flashcards of the family to remember them. Randall says it's good they're doing this now.

Carisi says Bryanna doesn't know how to tell the kids they are going into witness protection.

Eli Jr is not surprised Stabler is on the phone. Stabler calls Reyes to check on the cameras.

Kiki is upset. She's playing Sandy in Grease and now will have to drop out. And she'll be leaving her boyfriend. Bell says Kiki needs to understand this. Kiki says this is a nightmare and runs away.

Kiki texts Carlo that she hates her mother and that she's making her go to DC. Carlo tells her to delete tje text/

Stabler's little nephews come. He needs to make a call first. He talks to Vargas about tapping into home security cameras.

Stabler sees the boys' father spinning them around and wishes his back was like that. Randall is sure Mama won't remember Joe. She does.

Bashir checks on Lucas who is playing a video game.  Lucas ignores his attempts to bond but asks him to get him past the turrets.

Kiki is annoyed Jet came in but asks her to show her how she did her makeup. Jet says she needs to pack but will show her the art of the smoky eye first.

Bashir wins the game. Lucas thanks him for looking out for them. Bashir says he knows how hard it is to lose someone. Lucas says he used to pray that his dad would die.

Kiki asks Jet if she was there when St abler killed her father. Jet says the makeup tutorial is over.

Joe Jr and Stabler talk in the yard but Stabler changes the subject when Joe asks about putting Mama Stabler in a home.

Stabler wants to know why Joe was discharged. Joe took some trinkets overseas and was charged with stealing cutlural artifacts. Now he's selling wine which he claims is a legit job. Stabler says he knows enlisting wasn't for Joe. Joe admits he only did it cause of Stabler. He was so cool and such a badass over there. He wanted what he had.

Vargas gets an alert that someone is approaching the house. Bell tells Jet to stay with the family while she and Bashir go after the guy scaling the wall. It's a kid. He says he's Xander, Kiki's boyfriend.

Stabler calls to find out what that's about but Bell tells him not to come.

Eli Jr introduces his girlfriend to Mama Stabler who says she's out of his league. Eli Jr says he wishes Stabler would be present with them.

Jet doesn't believe Kiki only texted Xander. Kiki is offended. Jet tells Vargas to check the data.

Stabler introduces himself to Becky and asks Eli what's up. Eli says you're always at work and not really here. Stabler says he's here. He's right that he's b een on the phone, he has to check in. Eli says that's not okay and walks off.

Randall says dinner is ready. Stabler walks off.

Meanwhile, Kiki stabs at her food and is anry at her mother for doing this to her. Xander runs after her. Jet tells him not to. Bryanna says she's ruining their lives.

Randall tells some story about how when he was a little boy, Stabler put on Mom's makeup and sang a song from the Partridge Family.

Mama Stabler says she remembers what she wanted to say. She wanted to apologize for what happened, for why he sent her bus tickets. Randall says we'll talk later. She says don't talk to me like I'm a child.

Vargas discovers the second text but when he calls Bell the lights go out, she cuts out, and there is gunfire. The guards have been killed.

Randall says you want to do this in front of everyone? Stabler doesn't know what she's talking about but she says quiet. Maureen and Eli try to leave. Bernie says no. She's sorry that she threw Randall out. Stabler says you didn't do that. She insists she did. Stabler says and you haven't told me this? Why didn't you tell me this? Randall says I didn't want to tell you why. Randall gets obnoxious. He says their father was beating their mother and Stabler was too young and stupid and selfish to care. Reyes calls and Randall takes the phone away. Stabler decks him and Maureen says they are leaving now.

Jet barricades the house and stands waiting with her gun.

Reyes calls Stabler while he's on his way. Stabler says he's almost there, it'll be okay.

Someone tries to break into the house.  Bell, Jet, and Bashir are ready with their guns There is a shootout. Jet shoots at someone who breaks in.

Stabler pulls up to the middle of the gunfight. Bashir runs out of ammo. Bell almost does. The shooter is still shooting outside . Stabler shoots him.

Jet tells the kids it's sfe now. Lucas checks a dead guy's pulse before they go down. Lucas has a gun and tries to shoot Stabler and falls down the stairs. Bell got shot.

At the hospital Reyes is with Bell. He says surgery went well but she lost a lot of blood. Stabler says she'll be okay. Reyes says she'll have a road ahead. He has called Denise. A temporary captain has been assigned and wants an update. It's Shah. Kiki and Bryanna are safe. Shah says she has to suspend Stabler for assaulting a minor because he broke Lucas' skull.

Stabler comes home. His mother has gone to stay with Kathleen. Stabler asks Randall about Joe. Randall agrees something is going on there. Randall tells Stabler he wants to fly home and get stuff and come back and stay awhile. Stabler tells him he got suspended. Randall says he'll stay. Stabler says it's fine. He says don't do anything stupid like dad did but won't tell Stabler what he's talking about.

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