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Law & Order: SVU Season 13 Episode 8 Recap: Educated Guess

While trying to catch a groper in Central Park, Rollins and Finn stumble upon a naked man running through the park in a drug-induced haze. He’s taken to La Guardia Psychiatric Hospital where he witnesses a female patient being raped. The detectives are asked to investigate his claims and their interviews lead them to a frequent patient named Gia.

Gia denies that she was attacked, but her rape kit indicates a history of sodomy.. Benson and Rollins talk to her mother who claims that Gia has been making false rape accusations since she was twelve. Eventually, they are able to get Gia admit that her uncle has been raping her for ten years. Once the police verify that he disguised himself as a doctor to get access to Gia, they arrest him.

Uncle George claims their relationship is consensual and that they didn’t have sex until she was seventeen. Upon searching his home, Benson and Rollins find naked pictures of a fourteen-year-old Gia, which should be enough evidence to convict him on several counts of rape.

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