Benson wants an update from Valesco on finding his friend. She wants him finding him today. She has evidence of a woman in Maine sending the guy money. She wants him and Churlish to drive up and deal with this. Not Muncy because she is too loyal to Valesco.
Maxwell celebrates her anniversary.
A woman with a gun shows up at an exclusive club demanding to see her husband who she says is having an affair. She catches him in a room with five young girls. He tells her to calm down and she shoots him and asks how old the girls are.
Benson is called to the scene. Maxwell's husband shows up and says Harold is the real victim. She sends him away and tells Bruno they will get him if he's involved.
Velasco and Churlish discuss Chili. Loyalty is the only important thing. That's why people don't usually get out.
Benson fills Carisi in. She says Maxwell's husband claims he was only having a drink. They are still trying to figure out what happened. Carisi runs away when Maxwell shows up. He says she's his boss so it's a conflict of interest.
Maxwell wants to know what's going on. She is sure her husband is innocent.
The cops talk to the girls who say they didn't have to have intercourse but did other sex acts.
A suspect says he can give them a bigger fish.
Meanwhile, Roger says he has nothing to hide and that he thought the girls were hostesses. Carisi interrupts.
Meanwhile Bruno and Muncy try to get the other suspect to talk. He claims eventually that Roger is the mastermind. If he's telling the truth, Roger is a sex trafficker.
Maxwell orders Roger to be quiet until his lawyer arrives.
Carisi has indicted the other men but says he can't indict Roger just based on the word of a co-conspirator. The girls say he neer propositioned them. He wants a search warrant for Maxwell's house.
Maxwell wants to be transparent. She wants to reassure them that she wants the perps brought back to drivers but if Francis Fuller is using her husband to mitigate his own guilt she won't stand idly by. She wants them to talk to Roger before they execute a search warrant. Benson tells her she can't be in the room.
Valesco and Churlish question a Vice Prinicpal about why she is sending money to a Paula Mendoza in Mexico.
Velasco believes the woman. Churlish does not. Velasco realizes Chili is teaching at the school.
Roger and his lawyer claim the girls are hostesses and sometimes entertainers. The girls were only supposed to be part of the scenery but were scanily clad. The lawyer claims Roger is innocent and Fuller is lying. Roger says he and Francis are in a real estate venture and Francis is trying to blackmail him into selling his shares.
NMaxwell knows nothing about this and says it's not true. Francis sold his stake last year and the deal imploded. His wife told her. They ner discussed it because she didn't want to emasculate him. She wants them to get all the warrants a judge will allow.
The warrants turn up nothing. He has no personal funds and club financials will be hard to get. Muncy says they found nude photos in Roger's locker. Roger claims they were planted. Benson is sorry but she has to arrest him.
Valesco can't beliee Chili is a teacher.
The cops tell Maxwell that Roger may have blackmailed the girls. In private, Maxwell asks Benson if this is her fault somehow. Benson tells her no. Maxwell wishes she could believe that.
At arraignment, Carisi asked for $150k bail. The attorney wants ROR but loses. After he tells Carisi they have a lot to talk about, they won't make their case etc, and accuses Carisi of trying to get a promotion.
Valesco wants to just talk to Chili. Chil's wife wants to leave. Chili says he has to talk to his friend as he has no choice. Chili doesn't like talking to cops and Valesco wants him to talk to he scared kid back in Juarez. He will never forget what Chili did for him.
Roger has refused a plea and insists he's not guilty. She thinks it's a fair deal. He says it's not fair. They both know the girls won't testify. Maxwell is angry. He is sorry he put her in this position. He wanted to make his own way for once. He htinks she's only angry because he made his own money. He wants her to make this go away. He says if he goes down she will go down with him.
Chili says they were just tryig to put food on the table in those days. He doesn't think about it much. Valesco says he can't stop them from creeping into his present. Chili says you didn't do anything. Valesco says he still pointed a gun at the father's chest. He neer thanked him for covering for him that night. Chili says he did what he had to do. Velasco signals Churlish who pays and leaves as Valesco says he has nothing but time to hear Chili's story.
Valesco doesn't want to arrest Chili. He has recorded him. He calls Benson and soon afterward gets held at gunpoint by the wife who wants the recording. She knew Anthony was running from something and believed he could change. So she wants the phone. Velasco says he knows she's not going to pu ll the trigger.He can't give her the phone. He's sorry.
Maxwell comes home and finds Roger has set everything up for a romantic dinner. He wants her to take his olive branch. She doesn't think so but she will have a drink. He pours her one. He says they always had fun didn't they? He has gotten Doordash from her favorite. She says she doesn't think so. He gets mad that she won't have one more nice dinner with him. He says she deserves to be humiliated and is a castrating bitch.
He begins choking and falls to the floor as she watches. She finally calls 911 for him.
Carisi can't believe Roger is dead. Benson says Maxwell found him dead and called 911. He thinks the timing is convenient. Was this divine intervention? Does Benson really think this is an accident? Benson thinks it's a tragedy all around.
Valesco is annoyed that Chrulish is here. She says she wanted to make sure he was okay. He has a merit badge for her.
Benson talks to Valesco. She says recording him was illegal. Valesco says he learned about two new murders. He feels bad though he did the right thing. Benson says unburdening himself will eventually feel really good. Benson says she will listen to the tape and decide who to share it with but it is out of Valesco's hands now.
Maxwell tells Benson that Roger started choking and she couldn't help. Benson says you did everything right, called 911 immediately. Maxwell says she did love Roger despite everyting. Did Benson believe her? Benson says there's no proof to the contrary. But it does have to be investigated. She tells Maxwell that justice may be blind but it's not heartless. However she will be heartless if this conversation ever comes back to haunt her.