We’re all sitting there on our nice comfy couches, watching our favorite shows when all of a sudden, the plot takes a horrible turn.
Not only does it take the show in a direction we weren’t expecting, but it also takes us to a place that really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense at all.
Sometimes the plot twist involves something out of character or doesn’t fit the show, or sometimes it’s just plain dumb.
We’re left shaking our heads, and sometimes our remotes, wondering what in the world the writers were thinking, adding this into our beloved shows.
Can the show recover? It depends.
Without further ado, here are the worst plot twists this TV Fanatic staff could think of for 2018.
Did we include the ones you had in mind? Hit the comments and commiserate with us.
Rick Survives – The Walking Dead
Despite impossible odds and impeccable timing by a well-placed helicopter and ex-trash lady, Rick Grimes survives an explosion that should’ve blown him to smithereens. All the hype about the last Rick episode led people to believe he would die, but he didn’t. Not that we wanted Rick to die, but his survival was a bit too convenient for The Walking Dead.

Amanda’s Pregnancy – Law & Order: SVU
Nobody said Amanda Rollins has a good track record with men, but SVU has been hinting on and off about a possible relationship between her and Carissi. When Amanda wound up pregnant for the second time, everyone was thinking it might be his baby. Maybe they’d gotten together without any of us knowing? But, no, some random doctor dude fathered Amanda’s baby. What? Even more, she’s trying to make a life with this guy. Awful twist.

So, Nicky’s Alive? – This Is Us
Sure it was shocking, but it’s also pretty silly. Are we really supposed to believe no one ever Googled him, especially Kevin before flying to Vietnam? No one ever went to DC and looked for his name on the memorial? Highly unlikely. Jack and Randall even took a trip there to visit Howard. It’s just hard to believe.

Riggs Replaced – Lethal Weapon
We all know about the controversy with Clayne Crawford on Lethal Weapon, but killing Riggs off and pairing Murtaugh up with a guy we don’t even get a proper into to, felt like whiplash. No fanfare, no easing into it, just shove-’em-in-your-face, here’s your new guy; he can tell jokes, so he’s #relatable. Love him. We didn’t even get to grieve, and it changed the trajectory of the entire plot current of the show forever.

Ash Tyler is Voq – Star Trek: Discovery
In the STUPIDEST sleeper agent plot twist, human-looking Lt. Tyler turns out to be a physically modified, mentally reprogrammed, Klingon spy. Somehow, Star Fleet cleared him for active duty despite his MONTHS as a prisoner of war and somehow missed that he’d had half his Klingon organs removed, his skeleton completely reshaped, and, oh yeah, that the remaining organs WERE. STILL. KLINGON. Also, the interwebz predicted this plot twist MONTHS in advance of the reveal, and it was only surprising because no one in their right mind would give it any credence.

Teddy’s Bombshell – Grey’s Anatomy
It would’ve been fine if Owen and Teddy stayed together this time. They could’ve lived happily ever after for all we care, but to have Teddy carrying his baby when he’s finally happy with his little make-shift family was horrible. Owen’s never been lucky in the love department, and his and Teddy’s one weekend ending in a pregnancy JUST to complicate things was a plot twist we didn’t need.

Noah’s Kidnapping – Law & Order: SVU
Olivia Benson has decades of experience in special victims and street smarts for miles, so maybe someone could explain to us how in the world she let her guard down with Grandma Shiela. Anyone who’s been watching the show for any length knows Benson can smell a rat a mile away, but somehow she let Noah’s paternal grandmother get close enough to stage an elaborate kidnapping. If that wasn’t bad enough, after Benson was done kicking her ass, she and Shiela held each other on the floor and cried together. It was weird.

Crazy Puritan zealot turns out to be alien mud monster – Doctor Who
On Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 8, Team TARDIS finds themselves in 17th-century Lancashire, where the local manor owner had been executing women on a weekly basis on the accusation of being witches. Where she could’ve been a dangerous zealot or a crazed, but legitimate, serial killer or even a well-meaning fundamentalist with the motive of saving the souls of her townsfolk, it turns out she’s actually been possessed by the de-evolved and incarcerated remains of a criminal alien race called the Morax. The Morax look like sentient mud until they infect a host. Becka Savage has been infected by their Queen. Who do they want to infect with their king? No less than King James himself. What makes this twist problematic is that the Morax aren’t even introduced until the last ten minutes of the episode. Hard to follow and even harder to swallow.

Necromancer, Kristen Dimera – Days of Our Lives
The revealed storyline was that Kristen Dimera was experimenting with bringing a whole lot of dead characters back to life. Which, on its face isn’t anything new in Soap Opera land. But then there was a fire which wiped out all said characters presumed to expire. That was not only a ridiculous story, there really was no point to it, in the end.

Linda Barnes Takeover – Criminal Minds
Linda Barnes comes in to try and disband the BAU. What a waste of time. Who did she think she was, Erin? It’s not the first time the team has had their jobs threatened, and it didn’t end any differently. As everyone assumed, they all worked together in secret to solve a case and used their success to prove they belong together. Everything went right back to normal, and no one lost their jobs. The only point to that plot twist was an annoyance.

Oscar’s Secret Brain Tumor – General Hospital
Teenager Oscar has a brain tumor that his mother Kim has been hiding from him and everyone else for two years. Kim tells Oscar’s father Drew, who he just discovered was his father last Christmas, but they still keep it a secret. When Oscar finds out he is sick, he decides to sue his parents for emancipation to make his own medical decisions because he does not want treatment. He finally agrees to get treatment for Josslyn, which makes no sense, considering she’s his girlfriend, who he dumped when he found out he was sick but didn’t tell her.

Penguin Helps Heal Butch Just to Kill Him – Gotham
Butch is reanimated by the toxic sludge under Indian Hill and becomes a simple-minded thug going by the name Solomon Grundy. Riddler uses him as muscle, but when Tabitha spots him (and then slugs him for not recognizing her), he starts to remember who he was. He reconnects with Tabby but bemoans the fact he still has no heartbeat, essentially a zombie with memories (and, it should be noted, basically unkillable). Enter Penguin and Hugo Strange, promising a procedure that can bring Butch back to life for real. In one of the final scenes of the season finale, the procedure is a success, Butch and Tabby embrace, and then Penguin kills him to get revenge on Tabby for killing his mother way back in Season 2. Seriously? That’s a lot of trouble to go through (and a long time to wait) to get payback.