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13 Guilty Pleasures You Can’t Help But Watch

If these shows are brought up in casual conversation, you might be reluctant to admit your undying devotion them.

Why? Because they’re not only addicting, they’re not very good. Some are downright awful.

They’re our guiltiest pleasures, and they’re up for the Golden Fanny Award. You know the fanny pack, right? Nobody wants to admit they’d like that extra pouch in a pinch, either.

So flip through the slideshow below, pick your favorites and vote. If you vote other, make sure you make a notation of other so we can count it!

Click here to vote >> The Golden Fanny Award

And don’t forget our other contests:

The Speedster

The Gilded Bullshirt

The Perpetual Ocular Rotation

Keep an eye out for more awards as the days count down!