Death comes for everyone, and TV characters are no exception.
There have been countless character deaths over the years. Some were shocking and some were expected. However, there have been certain moments when certain character deaths are meant to be shocking, but in the end should have come as no surprise.
So, let’s take a look at 13 character TV deaths that we should have seen coming.
Oberyn Martell – Game of Thrones Once we learned Oberyn’s history with the Mountain and stepping up as Tyrion’s champion, did anyone actually think there was any other way this was going to play out? The only other outcome of this fight would have been Oberyn defeating Cregor, avenging his sister, and Tyrion being released. That is far too much optimism for a show full of death and despair.
(HBO) Zoe Barnes – House of Cards While her death was sudden, it wasn’t unexpected. Zoe’s persistence in probing deeper and deeper into Frank’s personal affairs was a giveaway that her number was just about up.
Especially since we already knew what Frank was capable of, after taking out Peter Russo.
Tristan – American Horror Story: Hotel Death and American Horror Story go together like peanut butter and jelly, so it’s not all that surprising when characters are killed off. On American Horror Story Season 5 Episode 6 however, Tristan’s death at the hands of the Countess was heartbreaking, but it shouldn’t have come as much of a surprise. We discovered the Countess’s selfish and jealous nature early into the season, so it was only a matter of time before she robbed her friend Liz of the only thing she had left in the world.
Jon Snow – Game of Thrones Although he was eventually resurrected, Jon Snow’s death on Game fo Thrones Season 5 episode 10 still came as a shock to many fans. Alliser Thorne had much contempt for Jon, so it wasn’t all that surprising when Thorne orchestrated a mutiny along with some members of the Night’s Watch. It should have been expected, and there was always a lot more of Jon Snow’s story to tell.
Eddie Thawne – The Flash It was devastating to lose Eddie, but at least he went out heroically by sacrificing himself to stop Eobard. However, once the Reverse Flash revealed his connection to Eddie, it seemed unlikely that this character would make it out of the season alive.
Laurel Lance – Arrow Laurel started out with much promise when she took over as the Black Canary, but eventually her character began feeling a bit stale. Season four of Arrow opened with the reveal that someone close to Oliver was going to die. As the season went on, it became more and more clear that we wouldn’t be hearing the Canary Cry much longer, but rather a cry for the Black Canary.
Robin Hood – Once Upon A Time Similar to Laurel Lance on Arrow, Robin’s character was running on fumes. The writers seemed to struggle finding anything important for him to do and he ended up getting thrusted into storylines just to make him feel important. Although, Robin and Regina made a cute couple, it was only a matter of time before the man Regina loved was taken from her, once again.
John Reese – Person of Interest When we first met the ex-CIA operative in the the very first episode, his life was in shambles after the murder of his girlfriend Jessica and found himself
living in a homeless encampment. Harold Finch gave him a new purpose in life, working with the Machine and saving countless lives over the years. There was never a way
to have John’s story to have that “riding off into the sunset” ending. So it should have come as no surprise that Mr. Reese sacrificed his life to put an end to the currupt
A.I., Samaritan and saving the Machine.
It was a sad, yet satisfying end for this beloved character.
Henry Allen – The Flash The writing was on the wall with this one. Once Henry Allen returned after a brief hiatus and joined the team, it more or less spelled doom for this character. Barry working together with his father was a pleasure to watch, but with Zoom hell bent on making Barry suffer, such a thing wasn’t meant to last.
Abraham Ford – The Walking Dead No surprise here that this death made the list, but the death itself shouldn’t have been all that surprising either when you think about it. Abraham’s death in the graphic novel by getting an arrow through the eye, went to Denise on the show. Once AMC pulled the old switcharoo, it became obvious that the writers were saving Abraham to go out in a much bigger, and more meaningful way.
Bobby Singer – Supernatural While it was indeed emotional, Bobby’s demise during Supernatural’s seventh season wasn’t all that unpredictable. Up until this point, the show hadn’t had a major character death in quite a few seasons. Sam and Dean were safe, even after their own numerous deaths and resurrections. It was about time our friend Bobby was put out to pasture.
Walter White – Breaking Bad This entry should have an asterisk next to it in this category. Mainly because Walt was diagnosed with terminal cancer in the first season, so his fate was pretty much sealed form the get go. However, a lot of fans were still shocked in the way he went out. Regardless of whether or not you were surprised by how Walt was killed, his death was inevitable.
(Credit: AMC) Glenn Rhee – The Walking Dead You knew it was coming. Even if you’ve never read the graphic novel, the numerous fakeouts, red herrings and foreshadowing dropped throughout the last two seasons should have been a red flag. While Glenn’s TV death was both graphic and heartbreaking, it was definitely not unexpected.