Television has produced some of the best romances in history. The type of relationships that make us cry, swoon, and believe in love.
However, television has also seen its fair share of disaster couples. Two people who absolutely don’t belong together in any sort of romantic way. While these couples don’t exactly scream “true love,” they do provide us with an endless amount of laughs.
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Most of the couples on this list were intentionally bad, meaning they weren’t put together for romance, they were put together for comedy.
Yet, a few of the pairings weren’t meant to be comical but ended up becoming an inadvertently hilariously, awful couple.
Whether these terrible relationships were meant to be funny or not, one thing is for sure they all provided us with great entertainment.
Which bad tv couple makes you LOL the most? Make sure to let us know in the comments.
Kelso and Jackie – That ’70s Show
Let’s start off with the inspiration for this list: Kelso and Jackie. The two melodramatic teenagers were the representation of terrible, unhealthy teen relationships. The only reason the two dated each other for as long as they did was that they were the two most attractive teens in Point Place. Kelso cheated on Jackie so frequently, and Jackie insulted Kelso on a regular basis.
It was clear from the getgo that these two were not meant to be, but they still managed to make us laugh every time they spoke to one another. Kelso and Jackie are the epitome of a toxic relationship but managed to make their awfulness hilarious. Fortunately, the actors who portray them make a much better couple in real life.

Michael and Jan – The Office
The Office thrived when it came to hilariously terrible relationships. For every Jim and Pam, there’s a Michael and Jan nearby. Michael and Jan getting together was a terrible idea for both parties as soon as the two shared their first kiss. Michael was desperate for love, but what Jan provided wasn’t anything close to love. Their super awkward attempt to host a dinner party was a perfect example of how disastrous they were.
Jan was next-level insane, and Michael took her abuse the best he could. Michael Scott had his faults, but it was obvious to everyone except him that Jan wasn’t the right woman for him. While their relationship was uncomfortable for those who worked with them at the office, it was a bundle of laughs for everybody else.

Dan and Serena – Gossip Girl
This one didn’t start out comical. Dan and Serena were actually quite adorable together on Gossip Girl Season 1.
However, as the show went on, their relationship continued to become more and more ridiculous. They became step-siblings at one point, went back and forth between loving each other and hating each other, and to top it all off it was revealed that Dan was Gossip Girl.
That’s right, the guy Serena spent so much time with has been spreading and sharing all of his girlfriend’s secrets. The ridiculous part was that she ended up marrying the weirdo.
Dan and Serena’s relationship wasn’t supposed to be funny, but each time they would fight and get back together it just got more ridiculous. By the time the two got married, Gossip Girl Fanatics couldn’t help but laugh at how preposterous the two were as a couple.

Jonah and Dina – Superstore
This whole not really relationship was a joke that all Superstore Fanatics could not stop laughing at. Jonah and Dina didn’t officially date, but she had a massive crush on him for a long time and was always pursuing him.
Jonah accidentally ended up kind of dating her for a day because he was afraid of hurting her feelings. The stalker crush turned brief dating couple quickly came to an end after Dina kissed Jonah, and it was super awkward.
While the two were never meant to be end game, Dina did manage to provide us with a bundle of laughs due in large part to her obsession with poor Jonah.

David and Stevie – Schitt’s Creek
Some people forget about this pairing, mainly because it was so brief, but also because the two make much better besties.
David and Stevie’s chemistry is undeniable, but it was clear to everyone expect them that it was strictly platonic chemistry. To be fair, their hookup was a complete accident that happened after one drunken night.
Yet, the two decided to try being friends with benefits, and Stevie even developed feelings for David.
Things became awkward between them for a small amount of time, and David even ran away and lived in Amish country after Stevie confessed her feelings.
Their brief time together was messy and frankly pretty bad, at least for both of them. Their romantic time together was filled with some pretty humorous moments Schitt’s Creek Fanatics are still LOLing about.

Joey and Rachel – Friends
This colossal mistake of a pairing has been discussed ad nauseam. Ross and Rachel were by no means the perfect couples (that title belongs to Chandler and Monica), but it is evident from the start that they were endgame.
Rachel and Joey, however, were so random and nonsensical that it was actually quite funny. Joey turning into the romantic loveable goofball was a side of the usual playboy ladies man we never got to see before, and Rachel needed to take a break from her will they, won’t they relationship with Ross.
Joey and Rachel’s relationship added a humorous albeit strange dynamic to the show. They were never meant to be, and it was obvious that the two weren’t a match. Their one week of dating became an entertaining punchline not only for Friends fans but for the show as well.

Ryan and Kelly – The Office
Ryan and Kelly defined the term toxic relationship. Dunder Mifflin Paper Company was rarely a professional work environment, but when Ryan and Kelly were together, professionality was a word that didn’t exist.
Between their inappropriate makeout sessions to their screaming matches, poor Toby had to listen to at his desk every day, Ryan and Kelly were insane, and we couldn’t have loved them anymore for it.
Ryan was a scumbag who was more terrified of commitment than anything else, and Kelly was a desperate woman who was willing to lie and cheat to get things done her way.
Ryan and Kelly were terrible for each other but oddly meant for each other as well. Whenever they were in a room together, whether they were in a relationship or broken up, one thing was for sure…hilarity was about to ensue.

Boyle and Gina – Brooklyn Nine-Nine
These two oddballs accidentally hooking up may have been the strangest thing to ever happen in Brooklyn. It was something that never should’ve happened in retrospect, mainly because Gina’s made it clear since day one that she doesn’t find Boyle attractive. Their casual relationship can’t even be defined as dating, more like a fling that ended super quickly.
Yet, when Gina’s mom and Boyle’s dad got married, and the two became step-siblings, their brief fling was mentioned more than ever.
Their hookup ended up being a hilarious gag, and to this day Charles brings it up regularly despite Gina wishing it never happened. The most comical relationships are the ones that don’t take themselves seriously, and Gina and Boyle never once took whatever sort of relationship they had that day seriously.

Jason and Tahani – The Good Place
Jason and Tahani were the ultimate mish-mash couple. They couldn’t have been completely different from one another, and really the only reason they got together was that there wasn’t a ton of options for them, after all, they’re dead.
Everyone can agree that Jason belongs with Janet, but his time with Tahani brought out an even weirder and stranger side of Jason if that’s even possible. His attempt to try and understand her posh and presumptuous ways highlighted just how dimwitted Jason really is.
Despite an initial physical attraction to one another, Jason and Tahani were always better off as friends, but that doesn’t mean their attempt at trying to pursue a romantic relationship was highly amusing.

Tom and Ann – Parks and Recreation
This made absolutely no sense, at least for Ann. Tom’s pursuit of Ann started ever since she met him and Leslie.
His pick up lines always missed the mark, and Ann always went with the bigger, attractive guys like Andy and Chris.
No one ever anticipated Tom would actually land Ann, who everyone agreed was way out of his league.
Somehow he did for a short period of time. Ann decided to go out with Tom despite not really caring for him in that way. Ann loved Tom’s stuff way more than she loved Tom.
And once Tom got Ann to date him, he realized they couldn’t have been more of a mismatch. This relationship wasn’t about soulmates or true love, it was pure comedy.

Troy and Britta – Community
Community was and always will be a wonderfully weird show. When Community first began most assumed that Troy would end up with Annie and Britta with Jeff.
Community decided to switch things around and defy expectations, and while it worked with Annie and Jeff, Troy and Britta had a much more difficult time connecting as a couple.
Watching their romance play out was like watching two kids who liked each other on the playground. It was sometimes cute, but more often than not it was amusingly cringy.
It took them a little longer than everybody else in their study group to realize that besides both being physically attractive, they literally had nothing in common. The flame may have fizzled out fast, but their awkward relationship provided us with plenty of laughs along the way.

Angela and Andy – The Office
They say opposites attract, but that was far from the case for Angela and Andy. Andy’s quest to get a girlfriend at Dunder Mifflin led him to Angela who used him as a rebound after her break up with Dwight.
Everyone at Dunder Mifflin knew that Angela wasn’t really in love with Andy, she barely tolerated him. Yet, Andy tried every single time to make her happy and even proposed to her.
This entire relationship was a trainwreck from the beginning. Angela was unfaithful, Andy was oblivious, and more in love with the idea of having a wife than he actually was with his finance. This disaster ended as hilariously as it started, with Dwight at the forefront of it all.

Jughead and Betty – Riverdale
Hear me out Bughead Fanatics because I know this isn’t going to be a popular opinion. Betty and Jughead were once the most beautiful partnership on Riverdale.
Their cute dates at Pop’s and investigations for the school newspaper were an absolute delight. Yet, as the show progressed, the relationship of Bughead has become absurd. Ever since Jughead asked Betty to be his Serpent Queen, they’ve been way too over the top.
Every situation they find themselves in ends up being these major life or death scenarios. The Serpents gang nonsense has particularly hurt their relationship, and any realism the couple once possessed has been completely stripped away.
Every time the two talk about a dire Serpents problem together, laughter is sure to follow because it’s all pretty ridiculous.