After 15 seasons, encompassing 16 years, Abby Scuito will be leaving the NCIS lab for good.
Actress Pauley Perrette announced in October 2017 that she had decided it was time to hang up her lab coat after over 300 episodes, and NCIS fans are already mourning her loss.
Former NCIS agent Tony DiNozzo once described Abby as, “a paradox wrapped in an oxymoron smothered in contradictions in terms. Sleeps in a coffin. Really, the happiest Goth you’ll ever meet.”
This remarkable character not only affected the universe which is NCIS, but the real world as well.
Can the show survive without its near genius forensic specialist whose can-do attitude and effervescent personality has kept fans tuning in week after week, year after year?
Time will tell, but in the mean time, we’ll list the 13 ways in which Ms. Abby Scuito changed our world.
And if you need to see more Abby now, you can watch NCIS online here at TV Fanatic.
The Abby Effect
Did you know that there was such a thing known as “The Abby Effect”?
Where the overall field of science has been dominated by men, Abby Sciuto has made a difference.
With 15 years on screen as a top forensic scientist, Abby has inspired many girls and young women to enter the field.
The NCIS Abby Effect (along with characters from Bones and CSI) are considered part of the reason why students going into forensic science programs are over 70% female! That’s pretty amazing.

There Are Even Abby Sciuto Inspired Scholarships…
For these, you’ll have to thank the actress herself, Pauley Perrette who originated two different scholarships for women hoping to follow in Abby’s path.
One scholarship is at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City and the second is to Ms. Perrette’s own alma mater, Valdosta State University in Georgia.

Keeping Work Fun
We should all have a little more fun on the job. Abby always did.
Was there ever a time you saw her lab where the music wasn’t playing or you couldn’t spot at least one toy?
There have been stuffed bunnies, giraffes, and of course the infamous Bert the Farting Hippo.

Have Your Own Style
With her Harlee Quinn pigtails, dark, black hair, dog collars, and spider web neck tattoo, no one could say Abby Sciuto didn’t have her own unique sense of style.
If anyone ever questioned Abby’s look, she only smiled and remained purposefully oblivious. If there was ever a character who was comfortable in her own skin, it’s been Abby Sciuto.

Making Gibbs Smile
No one, and I mean no one, could make Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs smile quite like Abby Sciuto.
Gibbs and Abby have always had a father/daughter like relationship. She’s kept him smiling and he’s kept her stocked with Caf-Pows for 15 seasons!
We don’t know how Gibbs will cope without Abby’s smiling face to greet him each day.

Abby and McGee
We admit it. Throughout many of the early seasons of NCIS, we were rooting for Abby and McGee to become a solid, long term couple, but it wasn’t meant to be.
But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The two have developed a life long friendship and both have found their own happiness.

Never Miss a Holiday
Abby never met a holiday she didn’t love, and encouraged others to do the same.
Let’s face it, if Abby can find her holiday spirit while working in a lab where she is frequently investigating death and destruction, then the rest of us can certainly create our on sense of joy.

Abby’s Love of Animals
Not only does Abby Scuito love animals, but the biological brother she never knew she had works at an animal shelter.
The first time the two meet, he hands her a puppy. You can’t get more perfect that that.

Pauley Perrette Loves Animals Too
Actress Pauley Perrette may be an even bigger animal lover than her onscreen counterpart. She’s lent her time and name to many animal charities over the years.
Here she shows off her three adorable rescue dogs while encouraging others to check out their local animal shelters to give a forever home to a new best friend.

She Piqued Our Curiousity About Sign Language
On NCIS, we’ve seen Abby and Gibbs communicate using sign language, to the surprise of some of their colleagues.
Abby Sciuto’s parents are deaf, and she is proficient in sign language, but we’ve never been told how Gibbs learned the language, although some fans theorize that military snipers are often taught a simple version of sign language in order to communicate nonverbally when necessary.
No matter how it began, fans have been fascinated by this language for several seasons, spurring some to learn it themselves, and spawning many a website post trying to translate exactly what the characters are saying to one another.

Be Kind
The list of people Abby Sciuto has been unkind to is downright miniscule.
Yes, there may have been some moments of jealousy on occasion, but if Abby shows her displeasure with someone it is usually because she feels they haven’t treated her friends well. And no one messes with Abby’s friends without her having something to say about it.

Being Willing To Donate
Abby not only has her own organ donor card, but she was willing to give one of her kidneys to a complete stranger. Maybe it shouldn’t be a shock that, unbeknownst to Abby, her brother was willing to do the same.
An estimated 20 people die each day awaiting an organ transplant. NCIS used its TV bullhorn to draw attention to their plight, and Abby was the obvious character to be willing to donate an organ to help someone else, and encourage others to have the courage to do the same.

Love and Loyalty
Abby loves her NCIS family fiercely, and they her. There’s no doubt that losing Abby will effect more than just the lab, it will effect every single character on the show.
From the looks of things, we don’t think anyone will have an easy time letting go, but love and loyalty should help them, and NCIS fans, move forward.