Weddings are highly anticipated TV events. They are the reward for watching our favorite couples pine, fight and overcome all obstacles on the road to true love. Since we spend a lot of time of energy and rooting for them, we naturally want their weddings to be elaborate celebrations of love shared with all of our favorite characters.
Some couples oblige us. They plan out their wedding throughout an entire season and
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have a show-stopping ceremony and reception in the finale. These are not those couples. They are the couples who married in a hurry.
Some of these couples tried planning a wedding, but it was derailed. Others had so many hangups, they couldn’t make up their mind until it was almost too late. All of them realized they loved each other so much, they refused to wait a single minute longer to tie the knot.
Richard/Emily – Gilmore Girls
High society weddings don’t come together on a whim — unless you’re Richard and Emily Gilmore. To celebrate the end to their dark days of separation, they planned a classy, elegant vow renewal ceremony with reception to follow at the Windsor Club’s Rose Room (which can fit a twenty-piece orchestra) in a week.

Magnus/Alec – Shadowhunters
Magnus is always right. Who needs months of planning when your wedding planner is a warlock, and all you need is a little magic, exquisite taste, and the man you’ve been waiting for your entire life.

Bernadette/Howard – The Big Bang Theory
Bernadette and Howard were planning a big wedding only to have it disrupted when Howard got a call to board a rocket. With the gang’s help, Bernadette and Howard had an impromptu rooftop ceremony, and Howard Wolowitz went to outer space a married man.

Blake/Cristal – Dynasty
Fallon didn’t take the news of her father remarrying very well and tried to break up Blake and Cristal. Her efforts backfired. Blake transformed their engagement party into a wedding. Cristal got her wish of walking down the aisle to David Bowie’s “Modern Love,” and Fallon got the kiss off.

William/Daisy – Downton Abbey
William loved Daisy, and everybody at Downton Abbey loved William. The downstairs staff, Lady Edith, and the Dowager Countess herself moved heaven and earth to make his dying wish of marrying her come true.

Castle/Beckett – Castle
Instead of the beautiful, elaborate wedding Caskett fans wanted to see, Castle and Beckett had a lackluster, quickie wedding ceremony without their friends set against a badly green-screened sunset. At least the vows were good.

Marshall/Lily – How I Met Your Mother
Marshall and Lily had not one but three quickie weddings. First, they eloped to Atlantic City and found a sea captain to marry them. The second time was an intimate, outdoor ceremony in the midst of the big, elaborate wedding they planned falling apart. Seasons later they renewed their vows right before Barney and Robin’s wedding.

Nathan/Haley – One Tree Hill
Were you as shocked as Lucas when you heard Nathan and Haley went from exes to newlyweds within the span of one episode?

Daphne/Niles – Frasier
Learning her parents were divorcing tested Daphne’s faith in love. Niles’ efforts to keep her parents together didn’t work out. They did make Daphne realize she didn’t want to live another moment without being Mrs. Niles Crane.

Phillip/Elizabeth – The Americans
It took years before Phillip and Elizabeth were finally ready to make their marriage real. Once the decision was made, they went straight to a warehouse where a priest married them in a traditional Orthodox ceremony.

Wade/Zoey – Hart of Dixie
The status of Wade and Zoey’s relationship changes from episode to episode. They’re hot; they’re cold. Unsurprisingly it took Zoey going into labor to make her discover she couldn’t wait any longer to marry him. Fortunately, the citizens of Bluebell were already present and ready to help Zade get married before the baby was born.

April/Andy – Parks and Recreation
April and Andy had only been dating for a month when they decided to spring a surprise wedding on their friends. Leslie didn’t take the news well and tried to stop it. Then she saw April walk down the aisle, the two of them exchange vows, and she knew they were meant to be.

Charlie/Quinn – Scandal
With her fate hanging in the balance after testifying against B6-13, Quinn decided it was now or never to make it official with Charlie. After pulling some strings, the two of them had a quick, jailhouse wedding.

Jason/Janet – The Good Place
While Chidi agonized over choosing Real Eleanor, Fake Eleanor, or Tahani as his soulmate, Jason and Janet learned the key to loving someone is kindness. Since they figured out the answer to the riddle known as love, why wait to celebrate? Janet handed out the invites, and ten minutes later they were married.

Robb/Talisa – Game of Thrones
We have Romeo and Juliet, and Westeros has Robb and Talisa. He was the king who impulsively put his crown and honor at risk to marry the woman he loved instead of the one he was betrothed to. Their short-lived wedded bliss was paid for in blood.

Jess/Nick – New Girl
The dream for Jess, Nick, and fans was the two of them getting married at the loft. Naturally, Jess and Nick cursed themselves, and the dream wedding went down the drain. It didn’t stop them though. They went through with the wedding ceremony at a hospital while waiting for the birth of Aly and Winston’s baby.

Jackson/April & April/Matthew – Grey’s Anatomy
April “the twice quickie-wedded bride” Kepner proves love can overcome control freak tendencies. The first time she eloped with Jackson after he declared his love for her. The second time, she and Matthew spontaneously married when the missing officiant for Jo and Alex’s weddings serendipitously showed up after he proposed.