The Outpost is being pushed as the next Game of Thrones, or maybe The 100. Truthfully, the only real similarities it has to those shows is that it is a story about the lengths that one character will go to survive in a world where everything from corrupt enemy soldiers to supernatural horrors is trying to destroy you.
The Outpost is part of a new push within The CW to move away from the teen-centric high school series it has been most known for in order to make way for a new host of genre shows which are challenging viewers to step out of their comfort zones.
The Outpost is definitely uncomfortable at certain points. But if you’re a fan of watching a fearless, headstrong heroine grapple with dangerous and sometimes (literal) sticky situations, you’re going to love this new show.
Read on for more reasons why you should tune in to The Outpost!
Badass Heroines
Talon is the obvious choice for the female protagonist who everyone wants to be. But it’s really Gwynn who has the feisty, adventurous spirit that pushes the show forward. While Talon is focused on personal revenge, it is Gwynn who has the desire to fight for the betterment of her people.

A Love Triange That is Actually Interesting
This isn’t the usual case of two girls fighting over the same guy.No, this is two girls … who are into a guy … who is into both of them … and meanwhile, both of the girls are also into each other. I can’t really see The CW pushing a polyamorous relationship, but I would be so, so happy if they did.

Kickass Fight Scenes
The best fight scenes on TV have believable stakes for our protagonists. It may be more impressive when a protagonist has martial arts style skills, but when you truly see your favorite characters struggling toward victory, it makes the payoff even sweeter.

Outfits That Make You Wish You Lived In A Fantasy World
Talon dresses like she is on her way to Coachella, and I’m not even mad. Talon is part of a people called “Blackbloods.” If the standard uniform this group of people is hair ties and suede capelets, sign me up.

Corrupt Men Who Are Scarier Than The Supernatural Monsters
There are “Plaguelings” and demons from another dimension who haunt The Outpost, but it’s the corrupt soldiers and ruthless guardsman who are the most terrifying. Already we have met one of the men who slaughtered Talon’s entire village, and he could give Tywin Lannister a run for his money.

The Plot Doesn’t Revolve Around A Love Interest
As previously mentioned, yes there is a love triangle. And yes, the male character in that triangle is a hot, chivalrous soldier. But neither Talon nor Gwynn have time for that because they are too busy trying to stop the evil Prime Order to focus on Garret Spears and his fab abs.

The Amazing Cast
Not only is Jessica Green (Talon), gorgeous beyond belief, she also has the charisma to carry this show all on her own. Not that she has to with the equally enchanting Imogen Waterhouse (Gwynn) and the adorably charming Jake Stormoen (Garret Spears) to back her up.

The Balance of Comedy and Action
Talon may kill at least one baddie each episode but that doesn’t stop her from throwing a razor-sharp quip immediately afterward, and I love it! The problem with so many fantasy/dystopian shows is that they go dark and then darker, and then still darker without taking a moment to breathe.

Original Plot Premise
Ok, so it isn’t completely original in the sense that it does follow a very specific Fantasy/Sci-Fi formula. But it is definitely refreshing to be able to watch a show that isn’t based on a book, or a graphic novel, or remade from a show that came out in the 90s.

Doesn’t Take Itself Too Seriously
I have seen a lot of complaints on the internet about the “cheap” set up of the show, and I just want to put it out there: Not every show is going to have a 10k budget. The Outpost was shot in Utah, and the natural settings are gorgeous. No, the castle where most of the drama takes place isn’t exactly Winterfell. But whatever happened to suspending disbelief in the name of art?

The Dialogue
I mentioned before that the Outpost is funny, but I don’t know if I emphasized just how funny it is. Janzo, the barman is probably the source of most of the witty exchanges, but Talon and Gwynn definitely get in some zingers of their own.

It Passes The Bechdel Test
A feat that I’m not even sure Supernatural has achieved yet! All the more refreshing, I’m not sure that Gwynn and Talon have even had a conversation about Garrett just yet. These women have more important things to discuss than the men in their lives, and I love it!

Strong Women (And Not Just Physically Strong)
Talon kicks ass, yes. But shout out to Gwynn who uses her keen intellect to pull one over on the men who try to keep her down. Strong women often get bogged down in the expectation that they “fight like a man.” But just as often it’s nice to see a female character with presence and a personality!

The Possible Bisexual Romance…
Ok so I am not convinced that the CW will go there, but already we have a young Talon sketching a picture of a female friend, and then the sizzling chemistry between her and Gwynn as adults… I very much hope this isn’t all queer-baiting and instead an example of the CW bringing us into a new age of LGBTQ programming.

Characters Who Play Against Stereotype
Talon is the chosen one, but she doesn’t have any of the usual reactions to the news. She is already strong and self-confident even without the “prophecy,” but she also isn’t exactly a heroic character. She is far too selfish for that. Actually, it is Gwynn, the “sidekick” character who is far more overtly heroic, despite the fact that she lacks Talon’s physical strength. And thus far, the obvious romantic interest Garrett doesn’t seem to be too set on pursuing either female character. He respects both of them too much for that, and it is so incredibly refreshing.

Actual Adult Characters
They haven’t mentioned the character’s ages yet, but it doesn’t seem like any of them are teenagers. Not that it would matter in this society. I am definitely a fan of The CW moving away from teen-centric programming regardless.

It’s the Underdog Show of the Season
This show has been so critically panned, but from what I’ve seen of the actual audience reviews, people enjoy it. As I said before, a show doesn’t need a big budget to make for good TV.