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17 Teen Power Couples of the ’90s

Teenage love is always intense. 

With hormones running wild, everything in life seems heightened, whether it be not getting invited to a party your crush is going to or something as simple as forgetting to bring your notebook to class.

So it’s only natural that teenage love would be of the utmost importance to those of us who grew up watching our favorite shows in the ’90s. 

As television began to develop shows aimed at teens and pre-teens, teen power-couples were born that we could all relate to. We all knew what it was like to fall in love in the high-school hallway, or with your next door neighbor giving you butterflies. And if you didn’t know, well, you could always fantasize!

As we found ourselves in our favorite characters, and they found themselves in love with the perfect mate, we too wanted to find that perfect love, even if that love was just for a season or a school year.

Here are some of the teenage power-couples from the ’90s that helped define our views of love!