We’re winding down Pretty Little Liars Season 7, and since the very beginning, the Liars have had and retained their unique fashion sense.
This slideshow is in celebration of their ability to be the closest of friends while still standing out in their own crowd.
It’s a very rare day in Rosewood when you’d mistake one of the Liars for the other based upon the way they dress.
They can all wear little black dresses to the all-too-frequent funerals they attend without losing their fashionable identity.
Let’s look at the four of them together over the years, good outfits and bad!
You can see all of these again when you watch Pretty Little Liars online, too!
Going to a Funeral!
Don’t be surprised. It’s a common occurrence in Rosewood. Hanna’s get-up is the very best and shouts she’s not dressing down for them anymore.

Just Throw Something On
These outfits are kind of like the sweats the rest of us would wear. They’re like clothes you’d just throw on to cover your naked body outside, yet still unmistakable.

The Ice Ball
Formals always allow the girls to shine, and for the Ice Ball (where, surprise, terror struck!) Emily looked phenomenal. That gown is perfection, and she knows it!

They Rule the School
On this day of casual dress, they’re all on target, but Emily stands out with her sporty look, as does Hanna with the lovely mint green blouse. No wonder A wanted to attack them.

Another Funeral!
At this one, Hanna looks like she’s heading for a night out with cocktails. The others fit in with the more somber theme of, you know, dead people.

Sometimes you just have to imagine what would Aria do, and then do the opposite. Because what is she wearing? You can tell her parents were splitting up because they obviously weren’t paying attention to how she left the house. Spencer looks cute, and can you see her boots?

Someone’s In Trouble
Maybe the fashion police were giving the Liars a hard time. If you didn’t know them, you’d never guess they were friends, right?

Wedding Fashion Show
No, they’re not crazy enough to get married while still in high school or all in one big, dramatic wedding. Hanna seems to be burning through someone with her eyes, though. Even for a fashion show, their dresses are picked out perfectly!

Promo Shot!
This is a great photo and all are dressed to perfection. Even Aria!! You’d think the wardrobe department would do her a solid more often.

Well Seated
Credit for Aria!! While the print on her dress is rather childish, her shoes are all woman. Aren’t they fabulous? It’s summertime and they’re going bare. Oh, they’re always like that in Pennsylvania. I forgot.

Oh Lei! Funeral Attire
Thankfully, Mona wasn’t really dead, because you’d have to think she would have been rolling over in her grave to think of people sporting the ugly leis over their otherwise lovely black attire!

Lo and behold, the Liars did pick up a coat or four for a few episodes. There is so much you can do with a nice coat, as you can see from Hanna, who looks fab as a 60s British girl and Spencer, who just looks great. More jackets would have been welcome overall.

Senior Prom
Beautiful and sophisticated or youthful and sexy. There is so much to love from the Liars’ choices in dresses for the Senior Prom. Aria really pulled this one off well, and the surprising choice of footwear with Hanna’s gown is a thrilling tough. Love!

Hanging Out
Another day of hanging out at school. Nothing too special, and that’s what was so great about being virtual friends with the Liars. It felt like you’d fit in no matter your wardrobe. You could make it work.

Four Different Stores
From the looks of these outfits, they have to split up at the mall to shop because they can’t buy their clothes at the same stores. But they all look great here casually dressed.

Junior Prom
The Liars were still dressed to the nines for their Junior Prom, and there wasn’t a single mistake among their dresses for Pretty Little Liars Season 5 either. Spencer and Aria could walk into a period piece. Their dresses both have a bodice that laces up the back. Gorgeous!

Toss a Little Dirt on It
We began with one, so we’ll end with a funeral, too. You have to wonder how many little black dresses they have stashed away while waiting for the body count to rise before the end of the series.