Whether they’re winding down now, just begun or will premiere later in the year, there are a lot of shows coming to an end in 2017.
Some of the shows shuttering their doors are the best of their genre. Saying they’ll be missed is an understatement.
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Halt and Catch Fire – AMC
The little series that could (thanks to AMC) will power its way to an amazing finale, of that I have no doubt. For three seasons it’s been one of the best written and acted series, even if you guys haven’t bothered watching. Jump on board before it’s all over!

Orphan Black – BBC America
Orphan Black’s upcoming fifth season, premiering in April, will be the last spend with our sestras. Will we meet even more of them before they unentangle themselves from everything the clones have been involved in? Will they live happily ever after? Please?

Girls – HBO
We’re two episodes into the final 10-episode season of Girls and knowing we’ll never see them again is kind of painful whether you got to know them initially through love or hate watching (hey, it happens). You still have time to watch it all before the end.

Bates Motel – A&E
Norman is already psycho and on his way to full-blown Psycho in ways only he can do. Norma is gone, but he’s kept Mother alive and well. There’s no doubt this amazing series will go out as only Bates Motel can.

Teen Wolf – MTV
So the first half of Teen Wolf Season 7 was all about finding Stiles. At least he’ll be around for the second half of the end, right? Think positive! They’re going out swinging. I just know it.

Switched at Birth – Freeform
Despite the many problems Bay and Daphne went through as they came to terms with their unique position in this world, we already know they’d never switch back if given the choice. We’re richer for having watched Switched at Birth.

Grimm – NBC
Before Grimm, who would have believed we’d mourn the day we’d no longer have Fridays to look forward to with wesen and woging? Yet here we are.

Pretty Little Liars – Freeform
There is no place we’d rather not live than Rosewood, where teenage girls are the first suspects in any murder and cops can get away with anything. But years later, those victims (and we the viewers) are still hanging around. Whoops!

The Vampire Diaries – The CW
Who will survive to the end? Will the lone human outlive the wild ride? Will Stefan or Damon be there to greet Elena when she returns as Bonnie (sob) inevitably dies before the curtains close on Mystic Falls? So many questions, and the answers are almost here.

The Strain – FX
The ugliest vampires in Manhattan (do we know if they’ve moved beyond the city limits yet?) are about to have their stomping grounds closed down. How will it end? No idea. Tune in this summer to find out!

Black Sails – Starz
Hopefully, you’re following along with the pirate antics right now, because can there be any way they’re all going to make it to the end alive? Sure, it’s a prequel to Treasure Island, so take that as your spoiler.

Bloodline – Netflix
Netflix’s dark and broody family drama based in Florida will also be ending just after the third season, airing later this year. We’re doubtful of a happy ending.

Episodes – Showtime
One of the funniest shows on television stars Matt LeBlanc and is, of course, coming to an end in 2017. Did we expect Joey to have one of the most successful TV careers post-Friends? Nope, but he’ll have two series on the air this calendar year.

Bones – Fox
These guys have solved more cases than there have been episodes to watch. We’ve watched characters fall in love, commit crimes, die and be murdered. They’re getting their happy ending. Mark my words.

Longmire – Netflix
Longmire has lived twice as long as was originally intended thanks to Netflix, so we’ll thank our lucky stars for the death being cheated once and roll with it.

The Leftovers – HBO
The preview for the third and final season, which begins airing in April, looks so good it makes me giddy. If it’s anything like what the trailer implies and the end is near for the characters (society) as well as the series, oh my gosh. If not, expectations are still sky high based on season 2.

Turn: Washington’s Spies – AMC
This series didn’t stop with exploring what the men did during the revolution, but brought women such as Betsy Ross into the equation, making it one for the ages. There is literally something for everyone. Look for the final season to air later in 2017.

Reign – The CW
Reign started as an almost bizarre look at the Mary Queen of Scots with her ladies in waiting pushing and their sexual trysts the boundaries of the FCC. Over three years later and Mary’s struggling to survive opposite her cousin Queen Elizabeth and political intrigue is the name of the game as the series winds down.