Television couples break up all the time. it’s not always the couple’s fault though. If left alone, many TV couples would have continued to live blissfully. Unfortunately, it’s not always up to the couple.
There are plenty of TV characters who make it their mission to break up our favorite ships. The motives can vary. It can stem from disapproval or revenge. There have also been times when characters broke up a pair of lovebirds thinking it was for the greater good.
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Many times, love will triumph. These are not those instances. Below are examples of characters who managed to succeed in ending some great love stories.
Penny – Grey’s Anatomy
Penny was the only doctor who knew how best to save Derek’s life, but her supervisor refused to listen, which resulted in Derek dying. Unfortunately, and unfairly, Penny was the one scapegoated for ending the series-defining romance of Meridith and Derek.

The Founders – Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
The Founders thoroughly disapproved of Odo having feelings for Kira and attempted to undermine their relationship at any given opportunity. The sabotage never fully succeeded, but Odo ended up leaving Kira in order to help his fellow changelings come to a better understanding of humanoids.

Emily & Richard Gilmore – Gilmore Girls
Emily and Richard scheming to pair Rory up with someone of higher status led to Rory and Dean breaking up for the last time. Though the elder Gilmores’ method shouldn’t be applauded, putting a permanent wedge between Rory and Dean was a good thing given how their relationship devolved from a sweet first love into something toxic.

Sgt. Alvin Moore – Boy Meets World
Knowing how much Angela wanted to spend time with her dad, Shawn let her leave him to live in Europe. Their farewell was open-ended enough to hope they could handle a long-distance relationship. Alas, in Girl Meets World, we learn they didn’t get back together.

Penn Epner – Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars’ universe is populated with plenty of shady and vile people, and Penn Epner is now at the top of the list. He planted the bomb that killed Logan just hours after he and Veronica finally wed.

Titus – The 100
As the Flamekeeper, Titus wanted what was best for his people and Lexa. Meanwhile, Lexa and Clarke had gone from enemies to uneasy allies to falling in love. Just after their relationship was consummated, Titus attempted to kill Clarke, only a stray shot led to him killing Lexa instead.

Ethan Rickover – Monk
Major spoilers if you haven’t seen Monk because it’s not until the very last episode do we discover that Judge Ethan Rickover was person responsible for murdering Monk’s beloved wife Trudy.

Jadis – The Walking Dead
Jadis calling a helicopter to rescue Rick proved her redemption was real but also took Rick away from Michonne. Will Rick and Michonne ever reunite? We can only hope the upcoming Rick Grimes movies will provide answers.

Guy of Gisborne – Robin Hood
Robin Hood defeats Guy of Gisborne and lives happily ever after with Marian — right? That’s not how it plays out in the BBC version. Instead, Guy stabs Marian, and she dies in Robin Hood’s arms.

Kaylons – The Orville
Watching Claire and Isaac fall in love was very sweet. A more bitter discovery was finding out Isaac’s people intended on exterminating all organic life, and Isaac betrayed his crewmates in the process. He eventually realized he couldn’t turn his back on The Orville but not in time to prevent the fracturing of his and Claire’s relationship.

Shawn – The Good Place
Every single time Eleanor and Chidi remember/realize they’re in love with each other, Shawn and his minions wind up doing something that erases it from memory.

Sin Rostro – Jane the Virgin
Sin Rostro faked Michael’s death and fried his brain to induce amnesia. Years later, Michael and Jane reunited, and he regained his memories. However, while Michael and Jane still had feelings for one another, they realized their paths in life had diverged too much for them to go back to being husband and wife.

Maj. Mason – Riverdale
Moose and Kevin’s romance didn’t get the screentime it deserved, but they shared some very moving moments together. Just as they consummated their relationship, Moose’s father impersonated the Gargoyle King and kidnapped them. Kevin and Moose survived the ordeal, but their relationship did not.

Sir Phillip Tapsell – Downton Abbey
Sir Phillip Tapsell had the ego befitting a TV doctor but not the brains. As a result, he missed the signs of Sybil’s distress while she was in labor. She died thereby transforming her and Tom’s fairy tail, inter-class romance into a tragedy.

Olly – Game of Thrones
To Jon Snow, Ygritte was the woman he fell in love with. To Olly, she was just another Wilding slaughtering everyone he loved. Consequently, he didn’t hesitate to shoot an arrow through her heart.

Ashildir – Doctor Who
Ashildir didn’t intend on Clara getting killed. She only wanted to protect the alien refugee camp she had become mayor of. Her intentions didn’t matter to the Doctor though as he became hell-bent on bringing Clara back and was forced to have the memories of his beloved companion wiped when he couldn’t.

Eobard Thrawne – The Flash
From all accounts, Nora and Henry Allen were happily married while raising their son, Barry. Eobard, despising The Flash and wanting to prove himself the superior speedster, killed Nora, framed Henry, and tore apart a loving family.

Hades – Once Upon a Time
Hades was about to kill Regina with the Olympian when Robin sacrificed himself to save her. Robin died, but at least there was the satisfaction of seeing Hades reduced to dust shortly after.

Marcus Pierce aka Cain – Lucifer
Dan and Charlotte’s romance was adorable to watch, and they brought out the best in each other as they worked on shedding their pasts as a corrupt cop and morally bankrupt attorney respectively. Their happiness came to an abrupt end when Charlotte put herself in the line of fire to save Amenadiel from Pierce.