Let’s get this party started!
There’s nothing better than a cool pool party on a hot summer day. Better yet is when your pool party is filled with good food, good drink, and good music topped with a whole lot of fun people.
Each of these characters below would add their own brand of fun to any party, and we think they’d be a blast at ours!
Who would you invite? Hit the comments and let us know.
Dany – Game of Thrones
Dany is one determined girl, and if she wants to have a good time, she’s going to have a good time! How can she not have a good time at this party? Hopefully she’ll bring a dragon or two to help start up the grill!

Castle – Castle
Any guy who dresses up as Elvis for a friend’s bachelor party is definitely someone we want to have at our party. He might be the goofiest of the bunch, but he sure knows how to have a good time. Added bonus: you know he’ll bring Beckett (but hopefully not the kids!)

Sara Lance – DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Underneath all that sexy badassness is a chick who likes to party. Not only will she drink you under the table, she’ll blow you away on the dance floor. And, you can be sure if someone starts misbehaving, she’ll be the first one to put them in their place.

Dr. Bull – Bull
There’s nothing wrong with having a good doctor around, especially one that can dispense some great advice. There certainly are some people here that need it. And while we know the picture is of Dr. Bull when he used to be Special Agent DiNozzo, there is no doubt that this new persona is going to be just as fun as the old.

Dean – Supernatural
No party would be complete without Dean Winchester. Not only would he crank up some good tunes, he’d make sure the hamburgers were cooked just right, and he might just show us the right way to play air guitar.

Baz – Animal Kingdom
Actually any of the Cody brothers would be fine at our party, but Baz is our favorite. While he likes to have a good time, he has a tendency not to take it too far, and we’ll definitely need some sensibility with this cast of characters.

Nick and Jess – New Girl
Nick and Jess are a party unto themselves and will liven things up the minute they walk in the door. There doesn’t even have to be music for Nick to have a good time, and once he starts the whole party starts.

Lucifer – Lucifer
Lucifer might make us crazy with his insatiable desire to show off his body, but he’d definitely take this party up a few notches. He’s classy and sassy and will make sure everyone has a good time, even if he has to use his supernatural charm to do it.

Rumple – Once Upon a Time
Rumple might be a little dangerous, but he’d be loads of fun. He’d be the party’s games master, telling people their fortunes and performing magic tricks to the delight of all! And since he probably doesn’t get many invitations, he should be on his best behavior which would be good for everyone.

Hakeem – Empire
Hakeem knows what it takes to get a party going. He’s been doing it almost his entire life. Just give him a mic, and he’ll have everyone dancing in no time.

Kono – Hawaii Five-0
Kono may take her job seriously, but every good cop needs some downtime once in a while. Though she might not share her sharpshooting secrets, she might just show us some of her cool pool moves.

Homer – The Simpsons
Homer may be an idiot, but someone needs to cook. What better person to fire up the grill than someone who loves food? Plus, we know he’ll bring lots of beer!

Louise – Outlander
Louise might be trouble, but every good party needs a bad girl. She’s got all the latest gossip, and she’ll be the first one to get the party games started.

Cassidy – Preacher
Every good party needs a good bartender and Cassidy is the man. He might not show up until the sun goes down, but isn’t that when the real party starts anyway? He’ll make the best Bloody Mary’s or whatever your tastebuds desire.

Garcia – Criminal Minds
Every party needs color and flair. Garcia will be the one to come early to help set everything up and will make sure the party has lots of decorative style, just like her!

Pine – The Night Manager
Jonathan Pine has lots of secrets and lots of special skills. But his best skill is how good he looks in swim trunks, so why wouldn’t we invite him to our party?

Amy Schumer – Inside Amy Schumer
Things will get crazy wild once Amy shows up. If the neighbors weren’t calling the police for the loud music, they will be for the loud laughter caused by her non-stop jokes and antics.

Jace – Shadowhunters
We need someone to fight off all the evils we can’t see, and Jace is the man for the job. Besides, who wouldn’t want to look at those fabulous abs?

Hannah – Girls
Hannah knows how to let it all hang out when she parties. The girl spends too much time worrying and could definitely use another break. Plus, she’ll be the one to get things started for those who are just a little on the shy side.