After five long seasons filled with secrets and lies, #TeamCharles fans are getting their moment.
Until now, audiences have been torn between Josh, Liza’s hunky younger ex, and Charles, her sophisticated boss whom she gradually developed feelings for.
While both men have given Liza something unique, Younger Season 6 is giving Liza and Charles a chance to be together.
After Charles found out Liza’s real age, he gave up his company in order to fully pursue a relationship with her that was no longer forbidden.
Things between the couple may have ended on a questionable note at the conclusion of Younger Season 5, but after polling Younger fans on Twitter we found out that there’s more then a few reasons why #TeamCharles fans believe he’s Liza’s endgame.
If you don’t believe me, watch Younger online to get all the proof you need.
He Makes Sacrifices For Her
The biggest reason is that Charles sacrificed everything he’s known for this relationship! Charles had everything to lose by falling in love with Liza, and yet he willingly gave up his grandfather’s company just to be with her.

He Takes Her on Amazing Dates
Where a man chooses to take you on a date says a lot about him as a person. Charles went above and beyond to plan date nights that put the regular dinner and a movie to shame. Liza and Charles took their time getting to know one another and didn’t rush into a relationship. Charles’ date night ideas are proof that he understands Liza’s wants, needs, and likes.

He Loves Liza for Her Mind
A man who appreciates intelligence is like a diamond in the rough. There’s no denying deny that Liza’s a looker, but Charles was, first and foremost, attracted to her mind. They connected on an intellectual level; they both share a passion for literature and they’ve bonded over authors, writing styles, the arts, and even musical taste. Even when he didn’t know her age, Charles admired Liza’s “old soul.” It’s rare that a couple on television is not only physically but also intellectually attracted to one another.

They’re on the Same Page
They’ve both been through their fair share of heartache and learned a lot from their previous marriages. They are at a point in life where they know how rare it is to find someone you just vibe with. And they both want the same things out of life including no more children, which came between Liza and Josh. They relate as parents, as divorcees, and as adults looking for a serious relationship.

They Have Amazing Chemistry
It’s all about the elusive thing they call chemistry. You can’t fake the kind of chemistry or passion that Liza and Charles have. From the longing stares to dirty dreams to not being able to keep their hands off of each other even in a professional space, anytime these two are in a room together it’s HOT and heavy.

He Cooks and Lets Her WORK
Marry the man that feeds you and encourages you to pursue your passion without getting angry, jealousy, or feeling insecure that your career may be taking precedence over his.

He Listens When She Talks
Charles genuinely values Liza’s opinion and has never looked down on her or thought her opinions were less valuable because she was a younger assistant. He’s always recognized her worth which is rare in this world.

The Way He Looks at Her
Get you a man that looks at you the way Charles looks at Liza. Since day one, Charles has been enamored with Liza and couldn’t help but give away his feelings with just one look in her direction.

He’s Like a Fine Wine… Better With Age
We like wine, we like Charles, and we like wine and Charles. It’s undeniable — they make one fine looking couple!

He Gets Along with Her Friends
Including her ex-boyfriend, Josh, who once punched him in the face out of jealousy. Okay, we don’t know if Josh and Charles “get along” get along, but since they are drinking and laughing together in the Younger Season 6 trailer we’re going to assume that they’ve put aside their differences. Charles is also getting some “love advice” from Liza’s bestie, Maggie, in the trailer.

He Forgave Her
Charles was initially upset with Liza for lying to him, but who could blame him? He was blindsided and hurt because he had developed real feelings. But even after finding out that Liza lied, he still couldn’t stop thinking about her. He forgave her, meant it, and never held her the lie over her or threw it back in her face.

Liza Can Be Herself Around Him
Liza has lived a life based on lies but with Charles, she has always been unapologetically herself. Even when she couldn’t tell him the truth about her age, she never pretended to be someone else or dumbed herself down just so he would like her. Charles fell in love with the woman Liza has always been — brilliant, hardworking, caring, and goofy. When she’s with him it seems like the whole world has stopped.

She Gets Along with the Kids
Charles’ two daughters, Bianca and Nicole, both loved Liza when she was their babysitter. Family always comes first and if your lady can get along with your kids, she’s a keeper. Let’s just hope Liza’s daughter, Caitlin, likes Charles as much as we all do.

It’s Been a Long Time Coming
One fan pointed out that the writers have been building the relationship between Liza and Charles since Younger Season 1 Episode 5. Since they first met, Charles and Liza have been gravitating towards each other. The writers wouldn’t have spent so much time crafting this romance if they weren’t endgame.

He’s Always There For Her
When Liza was hospitalized for breaking her clavicle, Charles ditched his girlfriend, Radha, to be by her side even though it meant the end of their relationship. And he even tucked in her piggies!

They’ve Always Had Eyes for Each Other
Liza and Charles dated other people throughout the course of five seasons, but regardless of who they were with, they’ve only ever had eyes for each other. Even in a crowded room, they always locked eyes. No one could ever come between them because they always found their way back to each other. Charles even became jealous when Liza was rumored to be dating an older man in publishing because he didn’t understand why it wasn’t him.

She’s Not Afraid to Call Him Out
Despite their attraction, Liza isn’t afraid to call out Charles or stand up to him. Charles kept trying to run away from his feelings by leaving rock star Chrissy Hart’s house to avoid Liza, but she showed up at the office having secured the rights to Hart’s book and told him it’s because “she didn’t run away.” Liza and Charles challenge each other to be bold even when the odds are stacked against them.

Liza Made Him Feel Alive Again
“And then I met you and it felt like a cloud lifted. I felt like me again around you.” Pauline made a mess of Charles’ life and hurt him to the point where he didn’t think it was possible to be happy again. All of that changed when he met Liza. She gave him hope and made him feel alive again.

They Were Destined to Meet
Some people are just destined to be together. If Liza and Charles hadn’t met at Empirical they would have been set up by their mutual friends, Bob and Julia. The road to romance would have likely been easier that way but less satisfying and passionate.