Welcome back to Neptune Marshmallows.
Veronica Mars taught us many lessons over the years: The usefulness of a tazor. How to unluck a car with a folder spine. Using a vent as a hiding place.
Straight out of the gate, though, Veronica Mars was teaching us life lessons to take with us on a daily basis.
Related: Veronica Mars Kicks Butt in Revival Trailer
What life lessons came out of Veronica Mars Season 1 Episode 1?
Read on to find out and don’t forget to comment what lessons Veroncia Mars taught you below
Always wear clean socks.
You never know when you are going to be taped a pole in nothing but them.

Be kind to strangers.
They might just become your best friend.

Don’t do drugs, but if you’re going to, don’t bring them to school.
The fact that Neptune High was known to do random locker searches, yet people still brought their drugs to school blows my mind. You deserve to get caught at that point.

Always bring your own lunch.
Otherwise, you might get stuck eating mystery meatloaf.

Commit to your actions.
Yes, the PCHers would have still come after Wallace for ratting them out, but trying to take it back out of fear just made him look like he had no courage. People would have had a lot more respect for him if he just committed to what he was doing.

Secrets can kill.
After all, Lily died for hers.

No matter how stealthy you think you are, you’re not.
Veronica and her dad investigated too many people’s supposed secrets to think that anything ever really stays a secret.

Always bring back up.
You never know when an angry gang is going to roll up on you.

Never drink anything at a party that you didn’t pour yourself.
This one is a biggie. It’s so easy for someone to put something in your drink quickly. You are much safer if you are the only one who ever has possession of it.

Allow your hard times to strengthen you, but not harden you.
Veronica went through so much after Lily’s death, all of which brought her strength. With that strength, though, it also hardened her and isolated her. Once she softened a bit, she was able to flourish with her newly found strength.

Appreciate the ones who stuck around when things got hard, and remember the ones who didn’t.
It says a lot about a person when they don’t run away the first chance they get when things get hard.

A corny supportive parent is better than an aloof “cool” one any day.
Just look at Logan’s dad. Aaron may have been a good looking movie star, but we all know what was lurking beneath the surface.

Open communication is the key to any relationship.
If Keith had just told Veronica that it was her mom’s car or been open about the fact that he was investigating Lily’s murder still, they could have gotten so much more accomplished and so much quicker.

It’s always good to have friends in high places.
Veronica’s connections were so useful to her throughout the show.

Be careful who you piss off.
They may look like nothing more than a cute girl, but they could be the smartest person in the room.

Never judge a book by it’s cover.
Everyone at school had pegged Veronica as a hard bitch after her falling out with the popular crowd, but Wallace could see the truth; She is nothing but a marshmallow.

Remember your manners.
You might get punched in the face if you don’t.

Keep leverage when you have it.
You never know when you might need it.

Lies always hurt more than the truth.
The truth might hurt at first, but it is going to hurt a lot more if you lie, and the truth is discovered later.