They were never meant to get out of Jersey, but thank god they did.
The Jonas Brothers reunion is the most unexpected reunion of 2019 but it’s one we’re most grateful for.
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The world is a better place when Kevin, Nick and Joe are not only getting along but making sweet music together.
The Bros aren’t holding anything back in their tell-all documentary, Chasing Happiness, which dropped on Amazon Prime on June 4th.
They air everything out from their humble beginnings to their rapid rise to fame and the eventual breakup of 2013.
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it also sheds light on their second chance as a band and how their journey made their comeback stronger than ever.
Though there’s plenty of interesting tidbits in the documentary (plenty of which I’ll get to below), I think the biggest takeaway is most likely, the inspiration behind the documentary’s title: “You spend so much time chasing happiness and the thing you think will bring you joy never realizing it’s in there all along.”
Nick Jonas figured out the secret of life.
Here are 19 things we learned from the documentary:
Nick Ventured Into Music First
From a young age, Nick expressed the most interest in pursuing a career in the spotlight and became involved in plenty of Broadway shows. After seeing his success, both Joe and Kevin wanted to find “their thing.” Joe channeled his outgoing personality into stand-up comedy and wanted to star on “All That,” while Kevin started booking commercials. Nick was also the first to score a record deal and introduced his brothers to the label where they performed their first song together.

Kevin Was Bullied
When recalling their upbringings in Wyckoff, New Jersey, Kevin revealed getting bullied by the other children. Kevin says his “uncool” interests like “gymnastics” and “magic” and his “inexpensive clothes” made him a target. “Kids were cruel at that age. They would call me gay. They would call me a f-g,” he said. He also mentions that he had a hard time fitting in and connecting with the other kids. How heartbreaking.

They Were Supposed to be a Punk Band
Sure, they may be a pop band now, but that wasn’t always the case. After being signed, the label tried to shape them into a “punk rock band.” Since the fundamental issue was that they weren’t a rock band, they did a crash course in how to be a rockstar with a 12-hour, 6-day a week boot camp. We can probably thank that boot camp for their insane stage presence nowadays.

Their Success Didn’t Happen Overnight
No one can sit there and say their success got handed to them; the Jo Bros did the grunt work. At the start of their career, their life was anything but glamorous. They did two shows a day which included school assemblies in the morning and nightclubs in the evening. Since money was tight, they’d drive back to their hometown before returning to another city because it was cheaper than getting a hotel. But the best part is that they genuinely enjoyed it.

Nick Had a Health Scare
Since they were on tour a lot in 2006, Joe and Kevin were the first to realize that something was very wrong with Nick. He would drink Big-Gulps every day, had to use the bathroom every 15 minutes, and at one point, Kevin noticed Nick was skin and bones.
“I look in the mirror, and I’m like a skeleton,” Nick said. “I feel like I’m dying.” A visit to the hospital diagnosed Nick with diabetes and changed his life forever. The band initially kept the diagnosis a secret from the label because “they didn’t want to get dropped.”

They Hit a Low Point
They always say that to follow your dreams, you have to be willing to lose everything. And the Jonas Brothers were. It all happened at almost the same time: their father lost his job, they lost their childhood home, Columbia Records dropped them, and they had no money. Paul Kevin Sr. invested 90K of their college savings into the band and maxed out his credit cards.
Their mother, Denise, said they were playing “Russian Roulette” on the boys and their career. Since the pressure was on to make money and survive, their dream went from being a hobby to the family’s lifeline. It’s good to know that there’s a happy ending to this story.

They Kept Their Record Deal a Secret From the Church
Getting signed to a label when you’re a teenager is so exciting you’d probably want to shout it from the rooftops, but the Jo Bros had to keep their record deal a secret. At the time, their father was the pastor of their local church, and thus, there was a certain image the pastor’s family had to uphold. “We were signed to a secular label, and we weren’t making a Christian album,” Kevin said.
When they were picked up by Disney, the church’s parishioners who were once like family judged them for singing about girls. Eventually, the pressure was too much, and Paul Kevin Sr. was forced to resign his position at the church. In the blink of an eye, they lost their whole community.

They Got Booed by Senior Citizens
The Jo Bros embarked on a mall tour and got booed by senior citizens. Honestly, there’s nothing more to it. How rude. They started the year getting booed by senior citizens and ended the year with 50 thousand fans crowding Times Square to celebrate their album release. The boys called the moment “validating” and said they were glad to see their family get to the other side.

Kevin Could Finally Score a Date
After the Jonas Brothers became a household name, Kevin said he was finally able to score a date. However, despite all his clout, his still couldn’t play it cool when chatting with his then-squeeze and now wife, Danielle. The most amazing thing about this is that Joe and Nick predicted that Danielle would become his “future wife.” ”

Joe Was Only Supposed to Star in “Camp Rock”
Joe was the only one cast on “Camp Rock,” but their father didn’t think it was wise to break-up the band during their come-up so he called the President of Disney to ask if they’d cast all three Jonas brothers instead. If you’ve watched the iconic Disney film, you know that the Prez said “sure thing, Papa J.”

A Drinking Game is Responsible for Their Reunion
After six or seven years of not spending any quality time together, the brothers decided to reconnect and travel the world. They met up in Australia, which Joe calls his second home, and decided to address the elephant in the room, i.e., all the resentment surrounding the band’s break-up. To break the ice, they opted for a drinking game which now gets credit for the reunion of the ages.

Nick Hated Season 2 of ‘Jonas’
During said drinking game, Nick revealed that his biggest regret was doing Season 2 of Jonas. He recalls the decision “stunted their growth.” All three of them agreed that the show was not good and not on “brand” as they were becoming adults, yet the content was catered to 8 to 11-year-olds.
Starring on the Disney Channel show made people think they were “uncool” and they became a joke as the media referred to them as “God’s favorite virgins.” Who can forget the now-infamous purity rings? “We had all this success, and that’s the only thing we could hear or focus on, was things that people were saying about us,” Kevin said.

Nick Felt Stifled; Joe Was Blindsided
When the band called it quits, fans were devastated, but it took a toll on the brothers. Nick remembered feeling frustrated creatively but attempted to dodge break-up rumors. Still, there was no denying that the band wasn’t happy performing together anymore. They lost their spark, practically hated each other, and their music was suffering as a result.
When Nick dismantled the band, he was scared his brothers would hate him. Both Joe and Kevin got caught off guard. “I felt betrayed; I felt lied to; I felt angry. Numb,” Joe recalls. Joe attempted to pursue a solo career to “prove himself, “but his solo effort didn’t resonate. He credits this as his first failure and remembers thinking he’d never accomplish anything without his brothers.

They Felt Like Kevin Was Holding Them Back
Kevin reflected on the hardest moment in his life: when Joe and Nick performed the band’s songs without him at a radio show. Joe admitted that they never meant to hurt Kevin but felt like he was holding them back because his priorities shifted from music to his future wife. Joe acknowledged that at the time his love was music, so he didn’t understand it. But after falling in love with now-wife Sophie Turner, he sees how “f**ked” up it was to exclude him.

Joe & Nick Hated Kevin’s Reality Show
Kevin was relieved for a break from the band because he got to spend time with his girl, Danielle. Shortly after they got married, E! offered them their reality show. That’s OK — we know you were obsessed. While it seemed like filming “Married with Jonas” was a blast, Joe and Nick didn’t want to to the reality show because they didn’t want to air out all their drama or have it dictate who they were.

Nick Felt Like a “Has Been”
At 21, Nick told his manager that he felt like a “has been,” but both Nick and his manager knew his second chapter was only beginning. As we know from, Nick went on to have a pretty successful career.

Baby Alena Brought Them Together Again
The band breaking up caused a rift between the brothers. It was so bad that they didn’t even get together for Christmas. When Kevin welcomed his first daughter, Alena, it was the first time the brothers saw each other since the split. So, technically, we should be thanking Alena Jonas for this whole reunion.

Frankie is Their #1 Fan
Or so he says. I’d argue that I’m their biggest fan, but we’ll give it to the Bonus Jonas since he is a Jonas brother after all. Plus, he claims to know all the lyrics and all of their “making the band” stories.

Nick Initiated the Comeback
“I miss singing with you guys.” That’s the statement that kickstarted the reunion. At first, Joe didn’t think anything of it, but Nick was serious about getting the band back together. “I want a second chance with them, and I want to enjoy every moment,” Nick said. All three brothers agreed that the only way they’d reunite is if it meant they would have fun again. The breakup was necessary for them to reunite and become better than ever before.