Here are the 21 incredibly romantic moments on TV in the last 10 years.
Derek and Meredith post-it ‘wedding’ — Greys Anatomy, “Now or Never”
This is probably one of the sweetest “weddings” ever thanks to the unique use of post-its. It was such a Meredith and Derek thing to do; write their vows on post-its and promise to love each other when they hate each other.

Jane admits his feelings to Lisbon — The Mentalist, “Blue Bird”
It was the moment fans of Jane and Lisbon were waiting for and it certainly did not disappoint. They have been together through six seasons and finally Jane admits his feelings to Lisbon and kisses her thus making the internet explode and fans to either cheer…or jeer.

Castle and Beckett FINALLY get together — Castle, “Always”
After four seasons of going back and fourth and giving their fans whiplash, Castle and Beckett finally admitted their feelings to each other and gave in to a passionate kiss/night together. We all wanted them together from episode one, but it apparently takes time in TV land

Kensi and Deeks are all in — NCIS LA, “Humbug”
We weren’t sure what to expect when Kensi was talking about Deeks being safe, but than she grabs his hand and we knew she wanted to be with just Deeks. It was a great moment between these two character who have had a flirty relationship from day one and are now finally official.

Damon and Elena rain kiss — The Vampire Diaries, “Do You Remember The First Time?”
You can’t talk about romance, in regard to, The Vampire Diaries without mentioning the Delena rain kiss. Damon and Elena are enjoying a romantic night and when it starts raining Elena is reluctant to leave just yet which makes Damon love her even more and than they kiss. It was a tender moment between the couple who loves each other and wants to be together forever.

Oliver and Felicity kiss — Arrow, “The Calm”
You couldn’t help but feel bad for Felicity when she was telling Oliver to just tell her it is not going to happen and that he doesn’t love her, but than Oliver goes and kisses her and admits he will never say he doesn’t love her. It was a great mixture of romance and heartbreak especially when Felicity walks away.

Sheldon tells Amy he loves her too — The Big Bang Theory, “The Prom Equivalency”
When Amy gives her speech to Sheldon about how much she loves him and how she understands that even though he may not be able to say it back to her she is fine with that, you’re heart broke just a little. Though Sheldon surprised all of us when he told Amy he loves her too and you couldn’t help but tear up just a little bit.

Hayley and Elijah share their first kiss — The Originals, “A Closer Walk with Thee”
Elijah has always been a fan favorite, even when he was on The Vampire Diaries, and we were ready for him to finally get a love of his own. So when Elijah started to have feelings for Hayley we knew we were in for a wild ride. From the stolen glances and tender moments these two have had it was not surprising their first kiss would be simple yet passionate. Going into season two they may not be together just yet, but we can still enjoy the sweet moments between them.

Finn and Clarke give into a night of romance — The 100, “Murphy’s Law”
You can say Finn and Clarke were doomed from the beginning, but you can’t deny the love they shared. It only took a few episodes for these two to give into their feelings and enjoy a romantic night together; though it was ruined when Finn’s girlfriend Raven showed up. It came as no surprise this tragic relationship would end with one final tragedy; Clarke mery killing Finn in season 2.

Mary chooses Francis — Reign, “The Consummation”
Whether you are a fan of this couple or not, you can’t deny when Mary chooses Francis it was such a romantic moment; even through the prophecy she wants to be with the man she loves. You can’t hate her for it.

Ben tells Leslie he loves her in a unique way — Parks and Recreation, “The Trial of Leslie Knope”
There are a ton of wonderful Ben and Leslie moments and we could probably fill an entire slideshow with them, but one which always sticks out is when Ben resigns, on record, and confesses his love for Leslie. What better way to tell a woman you love her then by making it part of an official government document.

Monica proposes to Chandler/Chandler proposes to Monica — Friends, “The One with the Proposal pt. 2”
Chandler and Monia are still one of my favorite couples of all time. Their personalities work perfectly together and the moment where Chandler thinks he lost Monica broke my heart…until he walked into the apartment. I give Monica credit for trying to propose, but when Chandler took over and they shared their happiness with their friends it made for a perfectly memorable moment.

Cam and Mitchell get engaged — Modern Family, “Suddenly, Last Summer”
When gay marriage became legal in California it only seemed right that Modern Family would have Cam and Mitchell get married. They could have done a huge elaborate proposal, but instead Modern Family took the calmer approach and have these two get a flat tire, talk abut life and than have them kneel in front of each other and just say, “yes,” at the same time. It was a beautiful moment between this great couple.

Jasmine and Crosby reconcile — Parenthood, “Remember Me, I’m the One Who Loves You”
Jasmine and Crosby had a rough start to their relationship. Crosby was in a previous relationship when Jasmine showed up on his houseboat with their son Jabbar who he had never met. The relationship was almost doomed from the beginning, but they fought to stay together. When Crosby and Jasmine reconciled for good it was a turning point for the two of them and also the moment where they realized they couldn’t live without each other.

Leonard and Penny finally get engaged — The Big Bang Theory, “The Gorilla Dissolution”
This was the moment fans of Penny and Leonard have been waiting for and it certainly did not disappoint. Penny was at a crossroads in her career and the only thing that was actually working out was her relationship with Leonard. Penny decides they should get married and Leonard is at first reluctant but agrees. It was such a downer type of proposal and when we though, “that’s it?,” Leonard gets down on one knee and proposes with a ring he has had in his wallet for a couple years.

Darren and Sue get back together — The Middle, “The Walk”
Sue has always been the unsung hero of The Middle. She truly sees the world as rainbows, kittens and all kinds of good. It was really not a shock when she started a relationship with Darren who is essentially the male version of Sue, but it was heartbreaking when they first broke up. When prom came around Sue’s dates fell through because she thought she was going to prom with Darren until he cancelled as well. Sue soliders through her heartbreak and goes to prom alone, but thanks to Darren’s big heart he shows up and sweeps Sue off her feet — why couldn’t high school really be like this?

Beverly and Murray renew their vows — The Goldbergs, “The Facts of Life”
Beverly becomes obsessed with the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana and it gives her the idea to renew her vows. Murray is not interested and when things go from bad to worse Beverly throws in the towel and doesn’t want a wedding; until Murray sees how much it truly means to Beverly. So he wakes her up late at night and they renew their vows in front of their family — the people who truly matter.

Emmett paints a mural for Bay — Switched at Birth, “This is The Color of My Dreams”
Emmett and Bay have never had an easy relationship and when he cheated on her with Simone Bay’s heart was broke and we all though this was the end. Than Emmett goes and creates this beautiful mural for Bay which symbolized the different moments in their relationship. Even though you should be hating Emmett for cheating you couldn’t help but love him for this grand gesture.

Howard sings a song for Bernadette — The Big Bang Theory, “The Romance Resonance”
Only The Big Bang Theory could come up with something romantic coming out of someone being in quarantine. This is probably my all time facvorite moment from the show when Bernadette has to be placed in quarantine and has to miss the anniversary of her and Howard’s first date. Than Howard gets the friends together and sings, “If I Didn’t Have You (Bernadette’s Song),” and the feelings just come bubbling up.

Jim and Pam get married — The Office, “Niagara”
Jim and Pam have always been a fan favorite couple so it came as no surprise that their wedding would be just as memorable. Everything that could go wrong did and when Pam was ready to throw in the towel after her veil was ripped Jim was there to lift her back up by cutting his tie in half. What makes the episode even more romantic is while everyone is placing bets on his the wedding will happen, Jim and Pam run off and get married on the Maid of the Mist ferry boat in a private ceremony. Of course they come back and have the big wedding — complete with a unforgettable dance down the aisle.

Mark tells Lexie he loves her one last time — Grey’s Anatomy, “Flight”
This is a moment many would say would be a controversial choice for being romantic, seeing as Mark his confessing his love to a dying Lexie, but even through the heartbreaking moment you can’t help but feel the love Mark had for Lexie. Telling her they were going to be together and that she can’t die because they are meant to be just pulls at the heartstrings.