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23 Male TV Characters That Have Perfected The Look™

The look probably sounds familiar if you have seen a thread about it, or found yourself wishing someone looked at you the way your favorite pairing does or even just watched any quick episode of television.

It isn’t always successfully pulled off, the guy either has it or he doesn’t.

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But it is all about just having a male character who can look at someone they are interested in as if they are the only person in the room.

It is about creating that love, long before it truly even manages to become canon.

You know a good look when you see it because you can’t forget it.

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There is almost that solidified understanding that the show itself will follow through on a pairing if the guy looked just right at their romantic love interest. 

This is a collection of a select few favorite looks that we think deserve to be appreciated. What is your favorite look that you think is iconic?