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23 Times We Wanted Lovers to Forgive The Unforgivable

If asked to list off what we could not forgive our partner for, cheating, abuse, and violence would be high on the list. We would also sight dishonesty, manipulation, and countless others.

If our paramour came to us asking for forgiveness after committing one of these acts, we would most likely send them packing. If we didn’t, our friends would likely encourage us to seek therapy. 

Related: 17 Toxic Male Characters TV Tried To Disguise 

For some reason, it is different on TV. Maybe, in the beginning, we hate the transgressor. However, over time, we often find ourselves rooting for our ship to sail again.

Maybe it is because we see it from both sides, the one wronged, and the wrongdoer. We may say, “sure he was wrong, but I get why he did it.” After all, we love them both and want them happy. Plus aren’t they so cute together? Don’t they have the best chemistry? Didn’t we invest all this time in them?

Related: 33 Couples Who Were Robbed Of Their Endgame

Here’s our slideshow for 23 times we wanted lovers to forgive the unforgivable. Did we miss anyone? Are we being too hard on these lovers? Too forgiving? Let us know in the comments.