Quotables from Week Ending March 26, 2015 By: Author Carissa Pavlica Posted on Published: March 27, 2015 · 6:53 PM EDT · 0 Comments Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Threads Pinterest These are some of the most memorable quotes of the week ending March 26, 2015.“You want to be a mess, be a mess.” Grey’s Anatomy1Alex: You want to be a mess, be a mess. I don’t care. I can take it.(ABC)“Surrender, monsieur.” The Musketeers2Constance: Surrender, monsieur. ~~~ Vargas: You bring women to fight your battles? ~~~ Constance: Perhaps I bring men to fight mine. ~~~(BBC America)“I will be the biggest star of them all.” Glee3Rachel: The sun is not the biggest nor the brightest star in the sky. It’s just the closest. There are bigger, better, brighter stars. That’s what I am. I will be the biggest star of them all.(Fox)“First rule of brain club, you don’t talk about brain club.” iZombie4Blaine: First rule of brain club, you don’t talk about brain club.(Diyah Pera/The CW)“Honey.” NCIS5Tony: Tim. How many times have you tried to contact Delilah in the last twelve hours? ~~~ McGee: Texts? Couple. All right, a dozen. But I only called six times. ~~~ Tony: What? ~~~ McGee: And left messages. ~~~ Tony: Honey. ~~~ McGee: I know. ~~~ Tony: I know you know but you’re scaring her. That’s not good. Women want the illusion of being chased. They don’t want to actually be chased.(CBS/Robert Voets)“If you don’t marry him, I will.” Hart of Dixie6Zoe: Since when do you even care about this stuff? ~~~ Wade: Since I met you. ~~~ Lemon: Zoe, you have to admit that was pretty sweet. ~~~ Lavon: If you don’t marry him, I will.(Scott Everett White/The CW)“Jackie Chan.” Criminal Minds7Reid: This is really good coffee, by the way. Coffee’s a language in itself. ~~~ Loker: Who said that — Dickens? ~~~ Reid: Jackie Chan(CBS)“But which head are we going to mount over the fireplace?” The Good Wife8Diane: Aren’t you having fun? You hunt deer. I hunt clients. ~~~ Kurt: But which head are we going to mount over the fireplace?(CBS/JEFF NEUMANN)“You texted Castle and not me?” Castle9Kate Beckett: You texted Castle and not me? ~~~ Kevin Ryan: Well, when you have a crazy theory you don’t call the voice of reason.(ABC)“Oh please.” Once Upon a Time10Regina: Oh please, I was torturing people back when you were still playing with puppies.(ABC)“Pass.” Scorpion11Sylvester: It’s a box held up in the sky by a lawn mower blade. Pass.(CBS/Sonja Flemming)“How long since I’ve been to confession?” Supernatural12Dean: How long since I’ve been to confession? Sam: Never. Dean: That’s too long.(Liane Hentscher/The CW)“Hey chuckles.” Chicago PD13Platt: Hey chuckles. ~~~ Halstead: Detective chuckles if you don’t mind.(Matt Dinerstein/NBC)“You’re super duper old now.” Modern Family14Phil: [Singing] You are not the man you used to be. You get up four times at night to pee. Ba da dum da dum tat ta ta ta. You’re super duper old now.(ABC)“That really is not your best argument.” Arrow15Ray: This isn’t the first time he’s been judge, jury and executioner. ~~~ Felicity: He hasn’t killed anyone in nearly two years. ~~~ Ray: That really is not your best argument.(Katie Yu/The CW)“We are them, Rick. We are now.” The Walking Dead16Glenn: We are them, Rick. We are now.(AMC)“I’m a cop.” Person of Interest17Reese: I’m a cop. I’m just reaching for my badge… Damn. She stole my badge.(WARNER BROS./Jeff Neumann)“Debatable.” The Flash18Captain Cold: I like you kid. You’re smart, you pulled yourself up from humble beginnings, you seem like a good brother. Cisco: You, too. Captain Cold: Debatable.(Dean Buscher/The CW)“You don’t want to go off half-cocked.” Better Call Saul19Chuck: You don’t want to go off half-cocked. Jimmy: Full cock. Okay.(AMC)“I think one of us has a problem…” Bates Motel20Norman: I think one of us has a problem, and I’m tired of the assumption being that it’s me.(James Dittiger/A&E)“I start an investigation, Milt, because I’m a cop.” Battle Creek21Russ: I start an investigation, Milt, because I’m a cop. We’re cops. That’s what cops do. I smell something funny, I don’t shrug and walk away, I try to figure out who farted.(CBS/Cliff Lipson)“The last thing the world needs is a forever Amy.” Helix22Balleseros: Last thing the world needs is a forever Amy. (Philippe Bosse/Syfy)“Maybe I didn’t go to some fancy-pancy Ivy League med school…” Archer23Krieger: Maybe I didn’t go to some fancy-pancy Ivy League med school, and maybe I didn’t go to some other med school, even the one down in Grenada which was my fall-back but whatever, that doesn’t give you the right to bully me! I have had it!(Copyright 2015, FX Networks. All rights reserved.)“The impossible becomes reality all the time.” Bones24Angela: The impossible becomes reality all the time. Ideas, and memories, and love. You can’t hold those things in your hands, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. So, why not spirits? And why not Sweets? You don’t have to believe. I get it. But you don’t have to dismiss the possibility, either. No decent scientist would do that.(Patrick McElhenney/FOX)“I don’t take anything you say at face value.” The Blacklist25Liz: I don’t take anything you say at face value.(Will Hart/NBC) Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Threads Pinterest