Making it halfway through The 100 Season 6 means starting to consider how the story might wrap up, and who will still be around for the next arc.
There are many ideas of who could die, as well as a nice mix of characters that should die.
The difference is all about the proof we have that some might now make it vs. the proof that fans may have that some characters don’t fit anymore.
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It can be difficult with a show like The 100, which prides itself on only having four episodes where someone doesn’t die, and yet has too big of an ensemble cast to seamlessly have the time to include all the characters in their stories.
This is why this is a slideshow that has collected several character options that feel possible because of this season, and a few that make you question whether it just might be their time to go.
It would be nice to imagine some of these characters taking a break like Wick and Bryan were allowed to, but the chance of a not so brutal death on this show seems slim at best.
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Which character are you thinking won’t make it into next season?
The 100 Season 6 premieres Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW.
Clarke Griffin’s Memories
This hurts me more than it hurts you, but we have to discuss it. During The 100 Season 6 Episode 7, Josephine and Clarke meet and there are hints of what might happen now that Clarke opened the door and is fighting for control.
Her brain will deteriorate and fans can’t help but consider memory loss to be the final twist for the season. Based on the episode though, there hasn’t been any hints that Clarke is losing anything but constant vigilance is important with this show. Memory loss which would include scrubbing six seasons of storytelling away for the sake of a new finale turn. At this point in the season, it seems unlikely again.
And yet, we have to keep this in mind as Clarke fights to be the only one in her mind, which we know she will win but at what cost? Honestly, maybe Clarke actually dies.

John Murphy
Murphy isn’t even a choice that would make sense on this list. Still, can you imagine if a character fighting tooth and nail for his immortality ends this season with a sacrifice of exactly that for the greater good? I can’t either but let us throw it out there for fun.

Raven Reyes
Raven is a death that shouldn’t feel true but it is getting harder and harder to dispute. This is a character that doesn’t have a solid storyline for herself, she hasn’t for a while, and it is either in anticipation of a cast exit or a misstep that is upsetting when it comes to such an important character.
We really hope this doesn’t happen, but the show isn’t making us confident that something won’t drastically change Raven’s place on The 100 this season.

Octavia Blake
What other characters on this show have had as many teases with death as Octavia? It is almost mandatory that she comes close to death or has the potential to be killed off at least twice a season, and those don’t count fake-outs. At some point, you either commit and kill her off, or you stop teasing that this might happen.
For now, the show has Octavia dealing with an aging side effect that has her with about a day or so left to live. So you know, it sounds like a choice has been made for now.

Marcus Kane
It is one thing to try to keep Kane’s memory alive while the actor was focused on another show, it is another to beat the characters and the audience over the head with his existence.
As a character who fell into a holding pattern of the same few lines of dialogue and no real help to the plot overall, this choice feels like something that keeps making sense the longer Kane is left alive on the show.

Please let me be wrong about this. Gaia has a stronger role when she is tied to Madi, which is still up for debate about how beneficial that is for the character individually. But with Madi banishing Gaia and the limited connections that the character has to everyone else on the show since her mother isn’t awake yet, consider us scared.

Josephine Lightbourne
Josephine could say she is always one step ahead, and yet the truth is she hasn’t truly met Clarke Griffin. The chances of Josephine surviving in her body when Clarke (and her friends) will stop at nothing for her to have full control back is slim to none. And in some twisted way, Josephine is one of the villains this season, so she needs to watch her back and her USB drive.

Russell and Simone Lightbourne
There’s really only so many ways that this could end. Russell and Simone were a threat to Clarke and they aren’t friends with the others. Either they are somehow brought back as their host bodies, which doesn’t sound possible, or they might be facing their own deaths soon. It’s only fair, right?

This is the last death we could want, but someone has to be realistic. Xavier is a guest star who we don’t know much about unless he is serving Octavia’s storyline. It isn’t a shock to have MOC that only appear to contribute to Octavia, but that also means knowing how this pattern ends.
Hopefully, Xavier comes with enough of a Sanctum twist that he has to stay, so consider this just light preparation for the possibility.

Abby Griffin
Similar to Kane, it has become almost impossible for Abby to have a true story for herself that holds up. This may correct itself this season but so far all of her screentime is closely attached to a character who isn’t even on the screen, which works for some but not for everyone. This is a character that doesn’t feel like she is heading for a true death watch, and yet maybe she should be.

The Flame
This is long overdue, like a new planet and 125 years into the future overdue. The Flame is more of a thorn in the show’s storytelling than anything else. It served any purpose it could have had at least two seasons ago and now it just drags itself around for the sake of mythology continuity or to be used as a Lexa mention inspiration.
Not only could The Flame disappear this season, it desperately needs to because it is a distraction at best these days.

Sanctum USB Drives
Having a second blue chip that brings up nothing but destruction and not so realistic housing for humans that should be long gone by now is just pushing it. The fact that a planet far from Earth made the same stupid mistake to follow the belief of some piece of plastic is one thing, but the danger it is causing is another. Burn them all down.

Delilah Workman + Priya Desai
Delilah is a character that has to stick around, but it feels like a big 50/50 chance here that she will be able to pull a Clarke and come back from being a host. She clearly went into the process not fully willing, and yet knowing that Clarke survived because of an experience that Delilah didn’t go through is concerning. Delilah doesn’t have the mesh so there still could be a chance to save her, yet at the same time that can’t be a guarantee that Delilah is alive or that she can be saved. But if the Primes are leaving this season, at least Priya will be gone (for Jordan’s sake).

Charmaine Diyoza
This one really hurts to suggest but we have to throw it out there. Diyoza is a scene-stealing character but the way she is working to keep Octavia safe doesn’t sit right with me. There is also a young actress credited as Hope in a future episode of the season, which is something to keep in mind as Diyoza hangs around an area that can doom you to quick aging.

Gabriel Santiago
There is no way someone called The Old Man isn’t at risk of leaving before The 100 Season 6 ends. He has also been shrouded in mystery in present time so far, and if he is in the Anomaly all signs point to a flight risk.

Ryker Desai
If this line of dialogue wasn’t enough, the way that Ryker is making it clear that he isn’t interested in being a Prime speaks volumes. Coming off his conversations with Raven, it would be very shocking if he lasted the season.

Realistically Echo will never die. But the question between whether she will and whether she might need time off the show is another thing altogether. So far this season, and coming off The 100 Season 5, Echo hasn’t been sustained as her own character.
In an effort to make her likable, and through countless attempts to achieve that, this character became reliant on others. Specifically, it is like both Echo and the show doesn’t know who she is outside of Bellamy, with a mix of the Space family thrown in there. It is almost as if no one knows what to involve her in, so instead, she passively exists and only does something when it is necessary for the plot.
That isn’t a quality structure for a character, not even close.