The 100 doesn’t focus on romance, and yet it is those exact moments that stay with us the longest.
The scenes that really stand out though are the ones that work romantically because that isn’t what is being framed specifically for the audience. The connection that can be created between two people sustains itself based on the groundwork that it lays out for itself instead of waiting for it to be presented that way.
Here is a slideshow dedicated to the most underrated romantic moments from The 100, whether they are shared between couples that were together or based on the chemistry that was created between the lines.
If you want to see these moments live, you can watch the 100 online to see them in context!
Zeke looking at Raven in awe
Zeke and Raven’s relationship is rooted in appreciating one another. Zeke looking as Raven fixes something and asking if there is anything she can’t do could just be a one-off line or it could be a perfect example of why we love these two so much. Raven is so talented and amazing, she deserves to be with someone who views her exactly that way. Season 5 introducing Zeke was showing exactly what the show was missing and what we all were waiting for.

Bellamy and Clarke’s Season 1 Journey
Bellamy and Clarke came such a long way during that first season, and it doesn’t get enough love. Or maybe it does but it could always use more of it because that had to singlehandedly be the best relationship development within the scope of a single season. Bellamy and Clarke went from worst enemies to flirty co-leaders, with each new episode pressing on the fact that those two were growing even closer. Day Trip definitely was what it all built up to, with these two baring their souls to one another and forming what could only be considered a platonic soulmate bond.

Monty and Harper being the most soft
Monty and Harper have to be without a doubt the softest couple on The 100. Their love is sweet, supportive, and tangible proof of what a healthy relationship can be. It can be moments like these when Monty just kisses Harper after sex that is a lingering detail focused on how much these two love one another.

Bellamy and Wells letting the rain set a mood
With the rain washing over both of them, the way that Bellamy and Wells stood in that downpour and lingered around a possible something is still astonishing so many seasons later. Let’s just make it clear that Bellamy was dropping hints left and right that he was single, and this scene specifically doesn’t get enough credit for what it was, pure flirtation. Whatever the hell we want? We see you Bellamy Blake, we all see you.

Bellamy and Clarke’s Season 2 Journey
Now the second season allowed itself to explore the best friends label, stepping over the line of what a friend would do for someone and what Bellamy and Clarke would do for each other. Bellamy voiced the fact that he would do anything for Clarke, which is exactly what he did when she decided that love was a weakness and she couldn’t be weak when it came to her wanting to protect Bellamy. But that was not really meant to mean anything, except that it was and it did. Season 2 was the turning point of what Bellamy and Clarke thought they were to one another and what their trust in each other was actually becoming while neither was paying attention.

Murphy and Emori’s domestic bliss
The calm before the storm was Murphy and Emori cooking and enjoying the bliss that comes from a staycation. Even though right now their relationship is in a strange place where it feels like Emori breaking up with Murphy was the best choice possible, this was still a scene worth appreciating for the happiness that it was.

Lexa watching Clarke sleep
Watching over someone else as they sleep could mean a lot of things, in this case, this was further proof of the lingering affections that Lexa had started to experience for Clarke. This is a split second glimpse of something that would set the scene for an epic revelation further on in the season, so looking back at this is a lovely reminder of what is to come.

Zeke willing to die for Raven to live
Raven is someone who is constantly risking her life for her friends without a second thought. At her core, Raven cares about her people and death was never a dealbreaker. So her finding someone who would be willing to literally die for her after knowing her for a few weeks is finding someone that she deserves to be with in the future. But also this is another example of who Zeke is, a character we were lucky to meet and who is everything we all have been waiting for.

Bellamy and Clarke’s Season 3 Journey
As emotionally compromising as Season 3 was, for Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship it might have been the best turn of events. In terms of leading their people and just being themselves, those two needed one another to make any of that work. Their first prolonged separation put it all on the line, proving that The 100 very much is about Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship with one another. Also, there was too much touching and too many looks for there to be any doubt about the startlingly way that “losing” Clarke made Bellamy come to terms about some feelings.

Monty and Harper showing everyone how to live
Monty and Harper lived life instead of just hoping to survive the next big obstacle in their way. Their memory goes hand in hand with their legacy and this scene where they foreshadowed their future gains more value because of exactly that. At their simplest times, they were a farmer and a survivor that wouldn’t let the destruction around them affect who they were. At the end of the Book One, Monty and Harper came out as the true good guys and their love for each other and their family conquered all.

Lincoln and Octavia pulling strength from one another
Lincoln and Octavia were all each other’s center and it could even be argued that Octavia’s humanity died out with him. These quick flashes of comfort between the two are great indicators of romance that doesn’t have to be over the top. A simple gesture fueled these two to survive the next war that came their way, they truly found their strength through one another.

Bellamy and Clarke’s Season 4 Journey
The end of the world on The 100 means figuring out where you stand, with Bellamy and Clarke finding peace in their places alongside each other. This was a true love letter of what would be in a perfect world where a time jump didn’t mean offscreen content. Had Clarke gone up to space with everyone else there is no question in anyone’s mind that she and Bellamy would be together in under a year. Season 4 was leading up to that revelation, with the season finale teasing how much lines were starting to blur for them. Not only was seeking each other’s touch almost a reflex to them, now they were in a place where they were planning what six years of peace would look like and for Bellamy and Clarke it meant them together.

Clarke tending to Lexa’s injury
Season 3 started out all about Clarke and Lexa’s relationship, but before the real chaos started we had these little scenes that were all about vulnerability. Clarke and Lexa saw each other at the end of the day when they were nothing more than two people trying to make it another day with the weight of leadership on both their shoulders, and it was during those moments that the heaviest promises of what could be shone through.

Raven staying close to Luna
Luna comforting Raven was the most unsubtle romantic scene that episode, if not that season as well. But this scene teases Raven’s side of things, with her touching Luna when there was not much else that she could do. Pretty ladies comforting each other in any way that they can is the most romantic thing.

Bellamy and Clarke’s Season 5 Journey
It is easy to see why Season 5 could be written off as lacking romance when it comes to Bellamy and Clarke, but this is actually quite possibly one of the more underrated romantic examples instead. While almost every character and story became a victim of a stagnant season, Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship still managed to find itself exploring some epic shifts. It is all about taking things like Clarke’s jealousy and Bellamy’s decision to poison Octavia because of his love for Clarke and Clarke’s emotional sanity clinging to six years of radio calls to Bellamy. While none of that got the attention it deserved, the fact of the matter is that the bare bones of those writing choices still matter. Season 5 was Clarke’s self-destructive understanding of her relationship with Bellamy, and the time jump amplified her awareness of it.

Lincoln and Octavia finding peace together
There is something so warm about Lincoln watching Octavia sleep. He is protecting her even at that moment, and it is such a soft example of a domestic act between a couple that is happy being with one another.

Jasper and Maya living out their own romantic comedy
Jasper and Maya were that glimmer of love within Mount Weather that should have gotten even more appreciation than it did. It offered both characters the romance they deserved and we were lucky to witness it when we did.

Miller and Bryan looking towards the future
Looking for a day when war or destruction won’t be a constant worry isn’t easy on The 100. And yet it was exactly that possible promise of a safe and calm future that Miller and Bryan

Bellamy and Gina’s entire existence
Gina was real. The time that Bellamy and Gina spent together may have been brief, but it was built around this sense of pureness. Their scenes together showed exactly how much happiness and positivity came off them because Gina was so kind at her core and that is exactly what she highlighted within Bellamy as well. Especially now, looking back at their relationship is a reminder of the underrated good that radiated from these two together.

Abby and Kane still worried about each other midfight
Abby may have been mad at Kane but that didn’t mean she would let him go out exposed to the radiation. It really is all about the little things with these two.

Niylah and Octavia’s road to love
Niylah and Octavia’s entire relationship is based on them protecting and looking out for each other. Octavia checking in on Niylah was almost nothing new, but yet it is exactly that kind of moment that means so much to both of them. Niylah looked up to Blodreina so easily, that had to be built from the way that they grew to matter to one another during their time in the bunker.

Kane and Charmaine on hopeful ground
If you didn’t feel something when Kane and Charmaine were looking at what they thought would be their future home which then led to Kane meeting Hope then you are straight up lying. It was a comfortable kind of feeling because it was a lingering reminder of what could be, much like what everyone is now looking for on the new planet. There is room for hope wherever they may be, they just have to look for it.

Octavia and Ilian’s few minutes of bliss
Octavia and Ilian only managed to relax on his farm for a minute or two, but that had so much potential for them. Their relationship never got the chance to grow in any direction thanks to Echo, which is why something small like this means so much more when you look back on it.

Kane and Abby healing together
Mount Weather was a nightmare for everyone, and yet Kane and Abby came out of it stronger than ever. Their relationship grew from there because of the way they leaned on one another from the moment they returned to Arkadia. This truly was the tip of the lovely iceberg.

Miller telling Bryan a goodnight story
Romance can come up in the most unexpected of places and sharing horror stories is definitely one of those times. Miller scaring Bryan was silly and a glimpse into a comfortable relationship. Also, does anyone love a couple that shares scary stories with each other a friend in a cave? No? Just me?