Check out the TV Fanatic staff picks for best plot twists of 2014.
Aayan Killed by Haqqani — Homeland
Aayan’s death on Homeland was shocking, even if it could have been expected because Carrie really invested herself in the young man and believed he might be free from the savagery of Haqqani since they were blood relatives. Instead, Haqqani shot him in the head just after it was revealed he also had Saul as a hostage. From there, the race to save Saul turned the season around.

Klaus Turns Esther — The Originals
Klaus turning Esther into a vampire. How do you stop your all powerful wicked witch mother from trying to kill you? Turn her into into a vampire so that she can no longer use her ridiculous magic against you. Not to mention it is the one thing that she hates the most. The plot twist at the end of the Originals Season 2 Episode 3 changed the stakes for everyone. With Esther no longer a witch the gang can focus on their other enemies and we will get to see Esther struggle with her new status. We can probably assume that she still won’t stop hating and plotting against her children.

Mary’s An Assassin — Sherlock
Who shot Sherlock Holmes, “His Last Vow,” Sherlock. When Sherlock introduced John’s girlfriend (and later wife) Mary Morstan, few people would have pegged her as a highly-skilled assassin who would shoot Sherlock to save him. There were hints from the beginning that something was just a little bit off with the witty woman who insisted on John reconciling with his not-really-dead best friend, but the revelation about her past was a fantastic twist on the original Conan Doyle character. It fit neatly with John’s adrenaline junkie personality: it’s only natural that he’d fall in love with an ex-assassin!

Luisa’s Loves her Stepmom — Jane the Virgin
The reveal that Luisa’s past lover is now her stepmother had me gagging. Even for a telenova-inspired TV show, I still didn’t see that one coming!

Gemini Coven Reveal — The Vampire Diaries
The whole Gemini Coven situation on The Vampire Diaries was a good plot twist. Elena figured out that Alaric’s new girlfriend Jo was a witch. We heard the story about Kai killing most of his siblings, but letting his twin live after he stabbed her. Then we saw the scar on Jo’s stomach and it all came together. To twist things even more, the twins who were saved were Luke and Live! Oh and they have to merge so one dies and one becomes the leader. FAMILY DRAMA!

Bedilia’s Working With Lecter — Hannibal
WHAT?!? Nobody, but nobody saw it coming that Hannibal’s psychiatrist, Bedelia Du Maurier (Gillian Anderson), was on Hannibal’s side. We all thought that he had successfully scared her away, and we have no idea what threat or charm he used to get her on his side. So when that final scene with her and Hannibal on the plane graced our screen, jaws all over the world collectively dropped in shock.

Skye’s True Identity — Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Finally finding out who Skye is (and her real name) that also ushered in The Immortals into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. after a season and a half of wondering, I didn’t know if the answer would live up to the suspense, but it absolutely did!

No Sanctuary — The Walking Dead
After spending half a season on a journey to a supposed sanctuary, Terminus turned out to be anything but. Instead, the group is attacked on arrival by cannibals in a shocking turn of events complete with some of the most gruesome images shown on the series so far. Watching Rick change the sign to “No Sanctuary” as they made their escape felt like a punch to the gut for our survivors.

Snow Cast the Dark Curse — Once Upon a Time
When citizens of the Enchanted Forest returned to Storybrooke, everyone assumed either Regina or the new villain, Zelena, brought them back. But, turns out a very unlikely person cast the Dark Curse, the one and only, Snow White. As the thing she loves most, there was also the question of how Charming was alive and with another twist, Snow and Charming are now sharing Snow’s heart so Charming could survive.

Oliver Queen is Dead — Arrow
The last few moments of Arrow’s Season 3 Midseason Finale was the “WTF?” that broke the internet. Geeks everywhere were spazzing out in front of their TV sets in absolute disbelief. I mean, how do you kill off the star of the show? Comics fans are aware of Ra’s al Ghul’s history with the Lazarus Pit. Though our hero will inevitably be resurrected courtesy of the Pit, it doesn’t make his death scene any easier to watch.

Zoe Barnes’ Train Trip — House of Cards
Zoe Barnes instantaneously being taken out of the equation at the hands of the Washington Metro train. Zoe’s British counterpart didn’t survive the first season and we knew she was playing a dangerous game, but no one could have foreseen such a dramatic demise.

David Clarke is Alive — Revenge
David Clarke’s return on Revenge! The entire premise of the show has been for Emily (a.k.a. Amanda) to seek revenge on behalf of her father, but as it happens, he is alive. Now he and Emily have reunited, but their relationship is more complicated than ever. David’s return has made this season of Revenge one of the best seasons so far.

Forrest’s Ill-Fated Space Trip — Review
Review featured plot twists galore as we learned there was no limit to what Forrest MacNeil wouldn’t do in the name of experiencing new things on behalf of his fans. While his willingness to destroy his marriage and overindulge on pancakes led to the episode that put the show on the map, perhaps, there was no greater surprise than the disaster 10,000 meters above the Earth when Forest tried redeeming himself by taking his in-law on a space trip.

Henry’s Identity — Sleepy Hollow
When we first met Henry, he was just your everyday Sin Eater, helping Ichabod and Abbie on their quest to fight evil. But in the epic Season 1 finale, not only is it revealed that he is the Horseman of War but also Ichabod and Katrina’s son! Turns out Moloch resurrected Henry some years earlier from the coffin he’d been enclosed in and now he’s hell bent on making his parents pay. Not exactly the happiest family reunion.

Louis Makes Demands — Suits
Louis was a broken man after his resignation from Pearson Specter and things only got worse for him as he found out that many of the people he considered friends had been lying to him for ages. That’s right, Louis FINALLY found out that Mike never went to Harvard. And if that wasn’t shocking enough, he took all of his rage and turned it onto Jessica and demanded that in exchange for his silence, she make him a named partner. As in…Pearson Specter Litt! What?! Will she do it? This twist will surely change the whole dynamic of the show going forward!