The Big Bang Theory concluded taping on its series finale on Tuesday night.
As expected, the cast was emotional as the final curtain came down on the comedy series which hit many milestones throughout its 12-season run.
Related: The Big Bang Theory Ending After 12 Seasons!
There’s no spoilers included in these photos about what might go down on the series finale.
Instead, it’s a batch of tear-filled images with some kind words from the cast members.
Have a look below.
Remember you can watch The Big Bang Theory online right here via TV Fanatic.
The Big Bang Theory concludes Thursday, May 16.
Mayim Bialik
“Here we go,” Mayim Bialik captioned the above image.

Jim Parsons
“Knock, knock, knock, thank you… Thank you, apartment 4A, for being a home to so many dreams come true, to so many friendships made,” Parsons captioned the above photo on Instagram.
“And thank YOU, ALL of you — yes, YOU, reading this right NOW! As we get ready to tape our final episode tonight, to walk in and out of this apartment door for the last time, it is hard to find the words to articulate what a profound experience this has been.”
“But the words ‘love’ and ‘gratitude’ come to mind… so love and gratitude to all of you. ALL of you… ”

Johnny Galecki
“More feelings than words can express,” Galecki shared of his own character’s apartment.

Kevin Sussman
“Gonna miss napping next to @missmayim,” Sussman shared.
“We nap in adjacent dressing rooms, so we simulated what that would look like if you removed the wall.”
“Did I mention that Mayim’s room is also where I’ve had some of my most productive psychotherapy sessions? Thank you Dr. Bialik. ❤️”

Kevin Sussman and Melissa Rauch
“The friends you make along the way… One of the best things about showing up to Stage 25 all these years has been seeing @themelissarauch’s smiling face,” Sussman said of the above photo.
Melissa Rauch said the following:
“While Stuart may have taken up residence in the Wolowitz household @kevsussmantook up residence in a special place in my heart.”

Sussman on working with Kaley Cuoco
“Do @kaleycuoco and I look like we’re keeping it together?,” Sussman wondered in the caption for the above photo.
“Took this right before our final speed read. Before our final taping. Before my final emotional breakdown.”
“Gonna miss working with Kaley so much. Sometimes you get to work with an actor that’s so thoroughly in the moment that you can look to them at any time to ground you – Kaley has been that for me for eleven years. ❤️”

Will Wheaton
“I’m sitting in the set where it all began for me, ten years ago, watching the taping of the final episode of the show,” Wheaton shared via social media.
“It’s poetic and heartbreaking and beautiful that my journey with @bigbangtheory_cbs is coming full circle tonight.”
“I don’t have the words to properly express my gratitude and love, but I’ll try. To my friends in the cast, crew, and writer’s room: thank you for everything; not just the work and the wonderful experience as an actor, but for welcoming me into your family, and being such a huge part of my life. I’m going to miss you so much. I’m not crying, you’re crying.”

Sussman on working with Simon Hellberg
“#SimonHelberg and I have logged so many hours talking about acting and theater and film and everything we’re passionate about and have been blessed to be able to do for a living,” he said.
“One of the funniest people I’ve ever met, on screen and off.”
“With all the phenomenal success of the show, Simon’s passion for the work has never changed. Still exploring. Still asking questions.”
“Still doing spot on impressions of Christopher Walken that make you spit your milk out. Love this guy.”

Melissa Rauch
“You know you work with wonderful and extremely thoughtful people when they celebrate your June birthday along with today’s birthdays (@kunalkarmanayyar @sanctionedjohnnygalecki ) because you won’t be together when it comes around this summer,” Raych shared.

Kaley Cuoco
“Final group scene. That’s a wrap,” Cuoco shared.

Bialik Post-Taping
“Goodnight from Stage 25.” Bialik shared.

Johnny Galecki Take Two
“Leonard Hofstadter, PhD,” he wrote on Instagram.

Melissa Rauch Take Two
“Goodnight, Pasadena,” Rauch wrote.