Can a happy occasion stay happy?
We’ll have to find out on The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8. It’s the penultimate episode before the midseason finale, and things will be stirred up and secrets will come out.
They have to, right? It wouldn’t be The Fosters without a little drama added in.
Brandon throws a nice engagement party for his father and Ana. It’s a joyous affair until things take an unpleasant turn. Uh oh!
Check out the photos below! Then, hit up the comments, and share all the reasons you think this light-hearted event goes wrong. You can watch The Fosters online here via TV Fanatic!
Felicidades! – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Mike and Ana celebrate their engagement with the Foster family and Ana’s parents. It has been a while since Ana’s parents have been in the picture, but they’re more than happy to pop in and spend time with Ana, Mike, and the rest of the Fosters for this joyous occasion!

Moms, Coffee, and Contemplation – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Stef and Lena steal a moment to themselves. With so much going on with their family, all of the time, they occasionally need to take a beat and just breathe. Plus, consuming a little coffee. The secret to running a family as chaotic as the Fosters is lots of caffeine.

Blushing Bride-to-Be – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Ana’s parents greet the happy bride-to- be warmly. They have not had very much time to know Mike, but they must approve of her new fiance and this new, healthy stage in Ana’s life. They must be proud.

Family Time with the Ex – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Callie and AJ left things on a sour note the last time they spent time together. Callie got her feelings off her chest regarding AJ cheating on her. AJ called Callie out on part of the downfall to their relationship. Will they be able to move past that and be cordial?

Emma and Stef Hug It Out – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Stef as nothing but a warm embrace for Emma. Despite the tension between Emma and Mariana, and the awkwardness between Emma and Jesus after his “proposal” Emma shows up to the party to support the family that always welcomed her.

Grandparents – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
It’s back-to-back grandparents on The Fosters. This time, the twins get to spend some time with their biological grandparents/Ana’s parents. There’s more than enough love to go around at this unusual family affair.

Exes and Besties – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Stef is not only proud that Brandon (with the help of Mariana, of course) put together such a fantastic engagement party for Ana and Mike, but she’s happy that her ex-husband and best friend has finally found happiness.

Socializing and Mingling – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Lena and AJ have never spent very much time around one another. They are an unlikely duo to be mingling at the engagement party. What could they possibly have to talk about together? Whatever it is, it may have caught Emma’s attention.

Gabe the Trooper – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
It has to be an awkward situation for someone like Gabe. He’s at his ex-girlfriend’s engagement party, at his biological kids’ parents’ house that he’s crashing at, with his ex’s parents who hate him there. Not a fun position for anyone. Gabe is a trooper.

Truce – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Maybe it’s the happy occasion, the fact that they’re kind of sort of, possibly going to be family now, or the fact that they genuinely seem to be doing better apart, but the tension and awkwardness between Callie and AJ doesn’t last too long.

Gratitude – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Stef is thankful that Jesus has such a strong-willed girlfriend who won’t marry him on the whim. Emmas has handled Jesus’ TBI better than what’s expected of a young girl who has been through a lot. Stef takes a moment to acknowledge that.

A New Foster Family – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
The Foster family keeps getting bigger and messier. It extends far and wide, and that’s one of the beautiful things about it. Anyone and everyone can be a Foster! Mike is happy to make a new family of his own with Ana, baby Isabella, Ana’s family, and of course AJ.

The Face You Make When You’re Finally Drama-Free – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Secrets are coming out at this little shindig and with this family, that’s going to be a messy, uncomfortable, but entertaining thing. For once, Callie might actually manage to be out of any and all drama that goes down at the party. She’s happy and in love. Go, Callie!

Always Thinking About Jesus – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
There isn’t a time or a moment where Jesus, his health, and his personality changes have not been on Stef and Lena’s minds. They ponder what they can do to help him, and what his future will look like because there’s a strong possibility now that he won’t be the same.

Impressing the In-Laws – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Mike may have his work cut out for him, impressing his new in-laws. They can be tough critics. Fortunately, Mike is a good guy. There’s also the fact that they may just dislike poor Gabe even more. Especially if anyone finds out about him still being in love with Ana.

Exes to Friends – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Yup, Callie might be fighting it, but she could never stay mad at AJ for too long, and he’s always one of Callie’s biggest fans. It’s a beautiful thing when couples start off as friends because sometimes they manage to go back to being just friends in the end, and Callie and AJ were pretty awesome friends.

Trouble Comes in a Pretty Package – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
While it didn’t seem like Gabe was still hung up on Ana, Jesus thought he was and shared it with Ana. If there is even the possibility that these two still have feelings for each other, things can get complicated. Fingers crossed that he doesn’t get found out. Nevermind, this is The Fosters, everything comes out in the end!

Los Abuelos – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Do Ana’s parents know about Jesus’ TBI? An engagement party is for happy discussions. Hopefully, it won’t be a topic of discussion for too long. They could always talk about Mariana and Jude’s latest methods for stopping the conversion of Anchor Beach.

Fashionistas – The Fosters Season 5 Episode 8
Mariana isn’t the only fashionista of the household. Stef and Lena can dress to impress too. Moms take a minute to enjoy the party being thrown in their backyard. This family always finds a moment to celebrate, and that’s probably what keeps them sane and happy.