It was another great season of The Resident!
The sophomore season had Resident Fanatics talking in more ways than one, and the countdown begins until the show’s return when we find out what happened to the Nevin family.
Related: Fox Fall 2019 Schedule: Empire, The Resident and More on the Move!
Until then, it’s time for an overview of our favorite and least favorite aspects of the season.
Check out our report card below as we discuss our favorite Conrad moments, most improved character, favorite unexpected dynamic, and more.
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The Resident is on the move! It returns Tuesdays this Fall on FOX!
Best Conrad Arc – Conrad and Marshall Make Amends
Conrad’s drama with Nic was mostly unappealing and frustrating, but his best arc of the season consisted of him repairing his relationship with Marshall. The family feels were too much and yet not enough; we could watch those two forever. Conrad nearly lost Marshall twice, and Marshall was able to put some of their past into perspective for Conrad. It’s hard not to get misty-eyed just thinking about them, but without a shadow of a doubt, this arc brought out more of Matt Czuchry’s incredible range, and it was his strongest development of the series yet.

Best Character Growth – Bell
Bell absolutely killed it this season! He’s the character who had the most growth, and his arc was one of the most appealing from beginning to end. Season two fleshed out the morally gray character and gave him more layers, or better yet, peeled back some of his layers. He’s a complex character with so much depth, and it was beautifully showcased as he got in tune with his compassionate side, exhibited tenderness, kindness, and empathy.
He opened himself up to love with a great woman, was a total badass in surgeries, saved lives, and more. Bruce Greenwood’s performance was one of the highlights of the season, and Bell’s incredible journey made him go from antagonist/adversary to an unexpected fan-favorite.

Most Annoying Character (Who Needs Improvement) – Nic
Nic started the season off strong, and we got to learn more about her throughout the season with information peppered throughout about her past with Conrad and her relationships with Kyle and Jessie. We also learned she has Panic Disorder. She has overcome a lot and is going through a lot, and it should’ve made her more endearing. However, she grew increasingly more annoying as the season progressed.
Nic wouldn’t allow herself to be happy and therefore made others (mainly Conrad) miserable too. She ran hot and cold, she came across hypocritical as ever when she implored him to open up to her, and then berated and pushed him away when he did. She gaslit him during most of their disagreements.
Nic was a mess this season; it was meant to be more development and growth for her character, but it backfired spectacularly when she got lost in her family and relationship woes and stopped feeling like her own character. She was all over the place this season, and it felt unresolved by the end.

Least Favorite Episode – Emergency Contact
The episode was meant to tie up many of the loose ends hanging and end a few storylines. Julian unsurprisingly returned alive, well, and a few episodes too late to be interesting. She was gone as fast as she came. It was the first introduction to Kyle, and we had to say goodbye to Marshall. It was not the series at its best.

Most Powerful Episode – If Not Now, When?
The Resident has always been bold in its approach to tackling issues, but this standalone was superb and beyond reproach. It’s the most provocative hour of the series and deserves every accolade. It was one of the finest performances Manish Dayal has put forth on the series to date, and guest stars Kamal Bolden and Vinessa Antoine were truly exceptional.
It was a must-see hour and an unforgettable one. The focus on two dire issues: the maternal mortality rate and gun violence in the US were handled well, and the personal touch of the Lea Davies case being inspired by Kira Johnson’s made it all the more powerful.

Most Vulnerable Character – Mina
Who would have expected we’d see the softer side to Mina? We found out so much about her past and what makes her tick. She went from a stoic and guarded character to one whose vulnerability poured through often. Whether it was her love for Micah and eventual heartbreak too, or it was how emotional and attached she got during certain cases and losses, or her rocky relationship with her mother, Mina became more multifaceted than ever, and it was so refreshing.

Best Addition – Kit Voss
In the perfect world, we could keep Jane Leeves forever! Kit Voss was a fantastic addition to the hospital. It’s a testament to the writing, character, and Leeves that she was truly missed whenever she was absent from installments, and it feels as though she has been part of the series since the beginning.
Kit paired well with any character. She and Conrad worked well together, she served as another mentor to Mina, and she and AJ got along like bickering siblings. However, the relationship between her and Bell was intoxicating. Bold, smart, brilliant, badass, sexy, funny and cool — the season was so much better with the addition of Kit.

Worst Addition – Alec
Here’s the thing, initially the hate Alec received was undeserved. Many fans were not fond of his presence for the simple fact that he could potentially interfere with CoNic, but Alec wasn’t that bad … at first. However, his dogged pursuit of Nic despite knowing she was with Conrad, and his sudden burst of arrogance were offputting. He went from a decent guy to a world-class jackass whose final attempt to woo Nic involved introducing her to the organ donation black market. The season didn’t need him.

Character We Never Expected to Love – Marshall
Who would have ever imagined the man we feared would break Conrad’s heart turned out to be the person with his best interest at heart? Marshall completely won us over in the second season. We fell so deeply in love with him and his growth. His attempts to make amends with his son and be part of Conrad’s life again were genuine, and he proved it time and time again. He was the best asset for Conrad and the hospital. Glenn Morshower’s presence on the show was treasured, and no one wanted Marshall to leave.

Cutest Couple – Irving and Jessica
Jessica is a ray of sunshine, and Irving is the OG scene-stealer. The relationship between the pair blossomed in the background for most of the season, and despite a minor rough patch, they remained the cutest and most problem-free couple of the series.

Most Improved – Devon
Devon’s personal life was a bit of a dumpster fire, but he was an exceptional doctor all season. He really came into his own practicing his craft. He advocated for his patients like no other, was attentive, went to bat for them, and exuded compassion. He was confident in his abilities without being too cocky, and he shined in the ER. He was assertive, and a real joy to watch. Mina nicknamed him Conrad 2.0, which was accurate, but also, he came into his own as a person and found his own path too.

Most Interesting Character Arc – AJ
AJ is one of the most interesting characters on the series and a fan-favorite, but his arc during the second season was easily one of if not the actual best. We learned so much about his character, but also he became a more well-rounded character. He had highs and lows all season, and they were all fascinating for viewers.
We saw him humble himself and lose confidence after he was blamed for Bradley’s death. His unique relationship with his mentor took him on quite a journey as well. He wore his love for Mina on his sleeve, but he also avoided overstepping boundaries, and AJ looking into his birth parents was interesting too.

Sexiest Scene – CoNic’s Valentine’s Day Sexcapades
CoNic may have had their ups and downs during this season, but no one can deny the smoking hot chemistry the pair have. Despite one of their spats, they moved on as though nothing happened, and we kickstarted Valentine’s Day-themed episode (The Resident Season 2 Episode 14), with this sexy scene between the two.

Heart-Pounding Moment That Had Us On the Edge of Our Seats – The Race to Save Henry
There is no shortage of moments that had us on the edge of our seats, but the scene where Conrad had to race across the street to the clinic and break into it to retrieve Henry’s wand all the while Bell and Nic fought like hell to keep Henry alive was breathtaking in its intensity.

Best Power Couple – Mina and AJ
Mover over CoNic because the ultimate power couple of the season was a couple who aren’t officially a couple at all. AJ and Mina made fans fall in love with them more than ever as individuals, but also as partners, friends, and potential lovers. They have genuine feelings for one another, but neither of them is inclined to act on them out of respect for their jobs, and somehow that makes the idea of them all the more appealing.
Mina is AJ’s most prized resident and mentee, but the beauty of their relationship is how he views her as his equal, and vice versa, and it works for them. They’re a dynamic duo who work better together than they do apart. There isn’t a greater partnership on the show than AJ and Mina. Period.

Most Emotionally Draining Storyline – CoNic Relationship Woes
The first half of the season was mostly good for Conrad and Nic. They were in a great place in their relationship and seemed as though they were on the same page. We later gained more insight into their tragic background with a miscarriage and Conrad’s emotional/anger issues.
The second half of the season there was a noticeable shift in their relationship where Nic kept Conrad at arm’s length, while Conrad wanted to move forward in their relationship. Nic’s coldness and Conrad’s earnest compromising and neverending pattern of bending over backward to appease Nic took a toll on CoNic fans. Plus, they stopped appearing compatible for each other, and their relationship woes feel unresolved.

Romance We Could Have Done Without – Devon and Julian
Devon fell hard and fast for Julian, but the same can’t be said for how some of us felt about the pairing. Devon and Julian crossed lines and grew closer than they should have. It eventually led to the destruction of Devon’s engagement with Priya and him breaking up with her on their wedding day. Then Julian disappeared, and after all of that drama, the pair weren’t meant to be together. It didn’t paint either character in the best light, and we could’ve done without it.

Best Takedown – Lane and Gordon’s Demise
Evil, conniving Lane Hunter was taken down by a pissed off nerdy guy in a sweater vest, and he got away with it. It was a satisfactory end to a woman who never showed an ounce of remorse and was still set on ruining lives upon her release from prison. Lane’s swan song was epic!
Gordon came across as invincible, but Marshall was the secret weapon when it came to taking him down. Gordon went down in a fiery car crash after attempting to flee the feds. Fans may have rejoiced when his car exploded. Good riddance!

Best Friendship – Devon and Mina
Devon and Mina were all the friendship goals this season, and they had one of the best dynamics. Mina called Devon out on his crap and offered him a place to stay when he was down on his luck, and Devon wasn’t afraid to call Mina out too. They both worked together when investigating QuoVadis as they were properly motivated for different reasons. They worked together and hung out together, and honestly, their friendship is the best.

Couple That Should’ve Been Endgame – Bell and Kit
Bell and Kit were so cute together and so great for one another. They had fantastic chemistry, and Kit brought out the best in Bell which in turn made him treat her so well. They balanced each other out. They were a lovely couple until Kit decided to rekindle things with her ex-husband, and even then, Bell was so shockingly gracious about the ordeal proving why they were meant to be!

Friendship We Need More Of – Conrad and Mina
Hawkfor was one of the highlights of the first season, but unfortunately, their friendship wasn’t as prevalent this time around. The absence of their bond was felt often. Conrad embarked on his personal arc with his father and was bogged down by his relationship with Nic, and Mina’s core relationships were with AJ and Devon. It made the handful of moments when Mina and Conrad did spend time or work together all the sweeter.

Unexpected Dynamic We Adored – Bell and Grayson
While we’re at it, you can just consider Grayson the ultimate scene-stealer too! Radek Lord has the best comedic timing, and his chemistry with Bruce Greenwood is wonderful. Every scene with Bell and Grayson is a treat. Bell went from viewing Grayson as a nuisance to viewing him fondly like a son, and we can only hope the unexpected friendship that developed between the pair continues in the next season.

Cutest Conrad Moment – The Germ Skit
Conrad, Mina and the others putting together a skit and game to make Jasper’s last days on earth the best possible had Conrad at his absolute cutest. He would be the best dad or the perfect doctor in pediatrics.

Best Mina Quote – First of Her Line
Mina and AJ’s entire relationship throughout the season is one of pure joy and entertainment. Mina had some incredible development too, but despite being AJ’s subordinate, she never hesitated to show him that she’s her own person and an equal. She’s not an extension of him; she stands on her own.

Disappointing Pattern – Spoiled Reveals and Revealing Promos
Promos and releases are supposed to tease, but for some reason, almost every big reveal was spoiled before the installment aired. It took some of the excitement away from the episodes when we knew Julian was alive and was returning before the episode aired, or Bradley’s death was revealed in the promos before the episode. It happened for almost every plot point which would’ve left us on the edge of our seats.

What the Series Continues to Excel At – The Personal Investment and Development with Medical Cases
It’s impossible to pick a standout medical of the season because the majority of them were so great. Nearly every patient had time and attention devoted to their case, and the cases were touching and emotional or informative and fascinating. Conrad’s attachments to Zoe, Henry, and Jasper were endearing.
It was moving when Bell saw himself in a John Doe or desperately tried to save his colleague Simon. The lengths to which Nic went to help a woman who was sick and needed to stay in town for treatment was fantastic, and Mna connected with more than her fair share of cases in ways we never expected to see during the first season.

Favorite Team-Up – Conrad and AJ
There were so many awesome team-ups throughout the season. Many of them were established for most of the season like AJ and Mina and Devon and Irving, and others were unusual pair ups we didn’t see often like Conrad and Kit, or unexpected ones like Conrad and Bell, but one that stood out often was Conrad and AJ. They make a great team, and every moment spent with the pair working a case together was a treasured one.

Best Conrad Quote
Conrad is the ultimate badass, and he knows who and what he is as a doctor, so nothing was more satisfying than when he put Alec in his place when the two were forced to work together on a case and butted heads due to their different methodologies.

Overall Grade – B+
The first half of the season was stellar and didn’t pull any punches whatsoever. It was the quality content we came to expect from the series, and it improved upon itself in amazing ways. This season had more episodes than the first one, which also meant more room to fall off a little in certain spots.
The second half of the season had some minor issues with the CoNic relationship drama and Nic’s schizophrenic — for lack of a better term — storyline, both of which remain unresolved. Julian’s disappearance lagged, and the resolution to the QuoVadis storyline was anti-climatic.
However, the character development for most of the cast was incredible, notably Bell, Mina, and AJ. Conrad’s relationship with Marshall was one of the best arcs of the season. It was an action-packed, thrilling, and emotional season, and a great character study for many of our favorites.