Let’s face it, the first half of The Walking Dead Season 7 left a bad taste in many people’s mouths. Its grimly dark tone was only accentuated by how badly Rick and his group were beaten down throughout the first eight episodes.
As difficult as it was to witness, it was a necessary evil.
Rick had grown too confident and comfortable prior to meeting the Saviors and needed a heavy dose of reality in order to realize what he was up against. In the latter half of Season 7, we saw our heroes rise up and form allegiances with Hilltop Colony and The Kingdom in order to take a stand against Negan, who is in for a heavy dose of reality himself.
That said, there’s no denying the immense hype surrounding the upcoming season, and with good reason. Let’s take a look at 13 reasons we’re excited for The Walking Dead Season 8!
The Walking Dead returns on Sunday, October 22nd.
In the meantime, you can watch The Walking Dead right here at TV Fanatic!
100 Episodes!
What better to kick off The Walking Dead Season 8 than with the show’s monumental 100th episode? Here’s to Rick Grimes and the gang killing walkers for another 100!

Hit The Ground Running
The cast and showrunners seem to say the same thing every season: “This is the best season yet” or “There is so much action.” Yet, last season the show struggled to live up to its own hype.
This season however, I have no doubt that the days of treading water for numerous episodes are behind us. The All Out War story arc in the comics is unrelenting to say the least, so there should be little excuse for filler episodes this season.

Casualties Of War
It’s difficult to not view the impending showdown between Rick and Negan as a boxing promotion. Season 7 was all about the hype, showboating and smack talk, but Season 8 will be the pay-per-view event we’ve been waiting for.
Since the upcoming season will be following the “All Out War” arc from the comics, there is no doubt that the war between Rick and Negan will finally come to a head. Of course as with any war, there will be casualties.
With an overabundance of characters introduced over the past two seasons, expect the show to begin trimming the fat exponentially this season.

More Shiva!
We’re going to get to see more of Ezekial’s pet feline in action. Need I say more?

Consequences For Sasha’s Death
After Sasha’s failed kamikaze attempt in taking out Negan, the Savior’s leader was furiously searching for answers. And while Negan has his suspicions, Eugene’s assisted suicide could end up having big time consequences.

Taking Out The Trash
Speaking of repercussions, the Scavengers and their odd speaking leader Jadis will most definitely get their comeuppance this season. Rick Grimes does not take too kindly to double crosses.
No ma’am.

Not So Easy Street
Daryl, like most of us, is still reeling over Glenn’s death. Maggie made it a point to tell Daryl that she doesn’t blame him for what happened, but that doesn’t mean Daryl can forgive himself.
How Daryl continues to process and deal with that going forward will play a part in the coming season.

Could Crazy Morgan Be Making A Return?
Morgan was brought back to sanity thanks to Eastman’s rehabilitation in Season 6. Last season though, we starting to see signs of Morgan beginning to crack. His encounters with the Saviors showed him that the “all life is precious” mantra he learned from Eastman will not be enough, and he showed signs of regression.
If Morgan intends to be helpful in this war with the Saviors, he’s going to need to find that survival instinct again. The downside from his potential loss of sanity though, is that there may be no coming back from it this time.

Everyone Loves A Comeback
Many fans are still on the fence after the lackluster Season 6 finale, where everyone had to wait seven months to find out who met the wrong end of Lucille. Combine that with the brutally dark, albeit necessary Season 7 premiere, it was enough to turn many fans off.
When you’ve been repeatedly beaten down as much as Rick and his group were last season, the only place left to go is up. Seeing our heroes “rise up” against the Saviors in the second half of Season 7, merely set the tone for what’s to come in Season 8.

Old Man Rick
There are a lot of fans worried that a popular theory would be coming to fruition, with everything that Rick had gone through over the past 7 seasons having been a dream while in his coma.
Fans that are concerned that this is the case need not worry.
The showrunners have said repeatedly that they have enough material to keep the series going for another 4 to 5 seasons. If the entire series was a dream, there really wouldn’t be much story left would there?
As an avid fan of the comics, I can tell you that there is plenty of story left to tell.

Where Does Dwight’s Allegience Truly Lie?
There is no doubt that Dwight is a troubled individual. He’s endured a lot during his time with the Saviors and their shenanigans, which finally started to take a toll on him last season.
If Dwight’s shift in allegience to Rick is genuine, then he will give Alexandria, Hilltop and the Kingdom a significant edge in the coming war against Negan.

The Saviors Will Get Theirs
Talk about a group that needs to be brought back down to earth? Look no further than the Saviors. These guys are the epitome of arrogance, and I’m looking forward to seeing these cocky jerks get taken down a few notches.

Oh Deer…
Lastly, we should all be thankful that we will hopefully not have to be subjected to anymore poorly executed CGI this season.