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The Walking Dead: 13 Reasons We’re Excited for Season 8!

Let’s face it, the first half of The Walking Dead Season 7 left a bad taste in many people’s mouths. Its grimly dark tone was only accentuated by how badly Rick and his group were beaten down throughout the first eight episodes.

As difficult as it was to witness, it was a necessary evil.

Rick had grown too confident and comfortable prior to meeting the Saviors and needed a heavy dose of reality in order to realize what he was up against. In the latter half of Season 7, we saw our heroes rise up and form allegiances with Hilltop Colony and The Kingdom in order to take a stand against Negan, who is in for a heavy dose of reality himself.

That said, there’s no denying the immense hype surrounding the upcoming season, and with good reason. Let’s take a look at 13 reasons we’re excited for The Walking Dead Season 8!

The Walking Dead returns on Sunday, October 22nd.

In the meantime, you can watch The Walking Dead right here at TV Fanatic!