The second half of This Is Us Season 2 has been a whirlwind of emotions.
We’ve laughed, we’ve been upset and we’ve cried quite a lot as we dug deeper into the lives of our favorite TV family, the Pearsons.
The sophomore chapter focused on Kevin’s addiction, and the subsequent road to sobriety, Kate’s first miscarriage and journey to “I do,” and Randall’s new venture along with the addition of a foster child to his balanced brood.
Not to mention we finally got closure to the looming mystery surrounding Jack Pearson’s death, which would explain all the crying.
Every episode gifted us with paramount moments that made us more invested.
To hold us over until the series returns later this year, we’re taking a look back and breaking down some best and worst moments of the second half of season two!
You can check out our report card of the first ten episodes of This Is Us Season 2 right here!
If you need more of the Big Three now, you can watch This Is Us online at TV Fanatic!
Saddest Moment – Jack’s Death
During a season that focused most of its efforts on the mystery and aftermath of Jack’s death, there couldn’t be a more somber moment than the obvious death of the family patriarch. Both the house fire episode and the following funeral episode were a non-stop tear-fest as we mourned and celebrated a wonderful father, husband and human being.

Mystery That Finally Got Answered – How Jack Died
And it still hurts to talk about. After roughly two seasons of wondering, we finally found out what killed the family patriarch. Jack survived the blaze but died from cardiac arrest a few hours later after all the smoke inhalation put stress on his lungs and heart. You know, I still haven’t brought myself to use my Crock-Pot. And I’m most definitely never accepting used appliances from a neighbor or letting my fire-alarm batteries die.

Biggest Shocker – Randall & Tess in The Future
This Is Us has such a handle on timelines. Every episode features a look at the Pearson past while brilliantly connecting it with the present storyline. And next season, they’re taking the obvious step into the future. We got our first glimpse at the flash-forward with elderly Randall and adult-Tess, who is now a social worker thanks to her family’s devotion to fostering. Initially, the moment was shocking, but after they discussed “seeing her,” I’m simply intrigued. Who is this “her” they are referring to? Beth? Annie? Deja? All I know is, It doesn’t seem like a happy conversation.

Biggest Letdown – Kate and Toby’s Wedding
There was so much hype around Kate and Toby’s wedding, and I genuinely wanted to see every aspect of her “big day.” Unfortunately, most of the episode focused on Kate letting go of her father and making room for her new husband, which was beautiful in its own way but took away from the actual ceremony and reception. We didn’t even get to see their vows! I think Kate’s dream of Jack and Rebecca’s vow renewal got more screentime.

Best Surprise Camo – Old Man Jack
Speaking of vow renewals. Since Jack passed away when he was 53, we never imagined we’d see him growing old with Rebecca. However, the writers and directors know just how to pull at our heartstrings and surprised us with a dream sequence that saw Jack surviving the fire and was renewing his vows with his wife as his adult children looked on.

Most Nerve-Wrecking Moment – The Fire
More specifically, waiting for Jack to emerge from the fire after he ran back in to save Kate’s dog. Since we didn’t know the circumstances surrounding his death, when the Crock-Pot-sparked house fire erupted, fans immediately jumped the gun and figured he died while rushing back into the house. Those few seconds, as we waited for him to come back out, felt like forever.

Needed Less Screentime – Deja
While I enjoyed the Deja-centric episode, I didn’t really need so much of Beth and Randall’s attention on her. It’s as if they keep forgetting that they have two other brilliant children, Tess and Annie, who they rarely pay any attention to. We don’t really know what’s going on with them, yet we dedicate so much time to Deja. Yes, her storyline is heartbreaking and compelling, but if she keeps acting out, it’s going to turn fans away.

Needed More Screentime – Miguel and Rebecca
Rebecca is a main character so obviously, we see her a lot, but I want to see more emphasis on her relationship with Miguel. Let’s forget about my allegiance to Jack for a second — Rebecca had a right to move on and I’m glad she did. But now, I want to know what happened after she and Miguel reconnected on Facebook. How did they approach the topic of dating, when did they get married, etc. Miguel seems to really care about her and vice-versa, so I want to embrace that instead of having it being so taboo. Miguel isn’t a bad guy either and definitely doesn’t deserve to be the show’s unofficial villain.

Best Fight – Family Therapy
We were moments away from punches being thrown when the fractured Pearson clan reunited for a therapy session following Kevin’s stint in rehab. The emotions were raw and ugly — there were accusations about Rebecca playing favorites (and she finally admitted Randall was “easier to love”) and painful revelations about how they’re a family of addicts who put Jack on a pedestal. Coming in at a close second was Randall and Beth’s quarrel at the Magic Mike show in Vegas.

Most Improved Relationship – Kevin and Rebecca
Following that explosive fight at family therapy, Kevin and Rebecca worked to patch things up between them. She admitted that maybe his childhood wasn’t perfect, and he tried to make up for lost times by moving in with her. During the Super Bowl episode, they made a breakthrough with Kevin visiting his father’s tree and realizing Rebecca did her best for them during an impossible time. He even seemingly accepted Miguel who told him it was never his intention to replace Jack in Rebecca’s life but that he also wasn’t going anywhere.

Best Friendship – Kate and Madison
After several episodes of scoffing at everything “thin Madison” said during therapy, Kate actually gave her a chance and the two became “besties.” Madison, who is dealing with her own unhealthy relationship with food, planned a no-pressure dress shopping appointment for Kate, became her unofficial maid of honor and even planned the whole Vegas bachelorette party! Not to mention she has quirky nicknames for Toby and brings so much energy into Kate’s world.

Most Improved Character – Kevin
At the beginning of the season, Kevin was a broken man who couldn’t find his way and began relying on painkillers to numb the pain, resulting in a full-blown addiction. His behavior reached a climax when he was pulled over for drunk-driving with little Tess in the backseat. A stint in rehab forced him to confront his inner-demons and slay them. He emerged stronger than ever, and while he still has moments where temptation takes hold, he’s able to overcome them and remain level-headed. And it seems his life remains on the upswing in season three as a flash-forward reveals a relationship with Beth’s cousin Zoey. Will their trip to Vietnam allow us to learn more about Jack and his brother?

Best Throwback Moment – Rebecca and Jack’s anniversary
Rebecca and Jack are always parenting the Big Three but in this flashback, it was nice to see the kiddos take care of their parents for a change. Rebecca was adamant about keeping the anniversary low-key, avoiding any grand gestures from Jack, but she didn’t say anything about grand gestures from the mini-Jacks. Kate, Kevin, and Randall planned the whole anniversary, complete with a night under the stars.

BONUS: Best Quote – Randall
Randall and Beth are a rare couple, heck, a rare family for television. The way they celebrate their black love and their blackness is something we definitely need more of on primetime. So, while Beth had a slew of outstanding quotes and moments, Randall takes the honor with this gem: “And don’t get it twisted sis. I wake up every morning next to a headscarf and coconut oil. I’m married to a black queen. Not that it’s any of your business.”