Fanatics appreciate a lot of things when it comes to the small screen.
To find out how much and what, all you need to do is scroll through the slideshow below.
We’d love to know what you appreciate on TV these days, too!
The West Wing Weekly
I’m grateful for The West Wing Weekly, a podcast about The West Wing that is hosted by Joshua Malina and Hrishikesh Hirway. It’s the perfect episode-by-episode breakdown of my favorite show, with special guests and behind-the-scenes stories that make me cry and fill my heart with joy. — Kaitlynn

The improvement of The Good Doctor
I’m thankful that The Good Doctor has significantly improved since its disappointing pilot. I actually enjoy watching the show now, which I didn’t think was possible when I watched the first few episodes. — Kaitlynn

Sci-fi TV’s two-pronged comeback on network TV
Star Trek: Discovery has evolved the brand into a dark, controversial, long arc narrative. It’s upped the ante on representation and ethical quandaries while introducing an elegant classical allegory. Meanwhile, The Orville pumps up the yuks AND the yucks with Seth MacFarlane’s signature humor style as it pays homage to the lighter, episodic style of space exploration dear to the heart of those who grew up on ST:TNG. — Diana

Sitcoms that aren’t afraid to have a serious message
Black-ish, Mom, Young Sheldon, even Bob’s Burgers regularly address societal issues with novel approaches and a likable, if flawed, cast of characters. — Diana

The gorgeous elegance of Fox’s Lucifer
The gorgeous elegance of Fox’s Lucifer and I’m not just (!) talking about Tom Ellis’ fine dapper self. The writers of this show continue to astound with their risky narrative choices and expert manipulation of the character choices. — Diana

Will & Grace is everything I didn’t know I wanted, needed, or missed
Will & Grace is everything I didn’t know I wanted, needed, or missed until it came back stronger and funnier than ever. I always liked but was never a huge fan of the original, so I wasn’t sure what to expect from this comeback, but I’ve been more than pleasantly surprised. Will and Grace, Karen, and Jack have aged and added seasoning to their sassiness.
Some of the highlights this season have been “Who’s Your Daddy?” where Tony winner Ben Platt played Will’s much younger boyfriend. It led to a hilariously funny yet poignant discussion about not forgetting how being gay has changed over the last couple of decades, “The people that fought and loved and died so that you could walk down the street in skinny jeans with rights you never even knew you never had!”
And then there’s “Grandpa Jack” telling his possibly gay grandson that he is exactly who he is supposed to be.
Will & Grace now not only makes me laugh out loud, but it can bring me to tears, sometimes all in the very same scene, and I’ll forever be thankful for its return. — Christine

As a former Castle fan, I have a lot to be thankful for this fall.
As a former Castle fan, I have a lot to be thankful for this fall. Stana Katic’s new thriller, Absentia, is coming to Amazon. Nathan Fillion is headed back to ABC with a new dramedy, The Rookie and Castle creators Andrew Marlow and Terri Edda Miller have a new procedural, Take Two, starring Rachel Bilson and Eddie Cibrian which just got a straight to series order from ABC. With all of that, fans of the Castle team have a lot to be grateful for this season! — Christine

The final season of The Middle
The Middle is a show I am sad to see leave, but this final season has renewed my love for the Heck family. Seeing Axl, straight out of college, trying to navigate his life has probably been the most relatable for me; though the biggest reason I am thankful for this season of The Middle is the Sue/Sean relationship. While it has been super frustrating, I am legitimately invested in what is going to happen. — Samantha

Evan Peters as Kai on American Horror Story
I fully admit I am thankful for Evan Peters every year, but this year he killed it on American Horror Story as Kai. While the audience was disgusted with Kai’s actions, his image for the public opened our eyes to how people can truly be deceiving and how people in power can manipulate circumstances.

Jane the Virgin
A family-oriented show that isn’t afraid to tackle important messages like immigration, coping with loss at an early age then finding happiness again, bi-sexuality, the unfortunate state of the public school system, and finding the balance between money and family. And all while providing telenovela worthy twists! — Lizzy

The Big Three
While most of us were focusing on how Jack died, season 2 really connected us with who his children were both past and present. While the season and their stories may be a bit depressing, it’s life. And Randall, Kevin, and Kate are such complex creatures that are filled with regret, love, appreciation, and nostalgia. — Lizzy

Chris Wood!
He was deliciously evil in The Vampire Diaries and he’s even more mesmerizing as Mon-El in Supergirl. And after a 6-episode break, he returns from the future where he’s moved on and married Imra! Not only is he easy on the eyes, he also brings a compelling love triangle and layers to Supergirl’s “human heartache.” — Lizzy

Justin Hartley Recognition for This Is Us
Much like his character, Justin Hartley spent the majority of This Is Us being just as amazing as the others, namely Sterling K Brown, and Milo Ventimiglia, but often just shy of the spotlight when it came to individual praise. A Kevin centric episode not only allowed Hartley to put out an Emmy worthy performance and show that he’s an incredibly gifted actor, but he was finally recognized for it. Both Hartley and his character Kevin have depth and range that can no longer be ignored from this point forward, and for that, I am thankful. — Jasmine (and Carissa)

Grey’s Anatomy is Back on Track
It is no secret that the last season of Grey’s Anatomy was, um, awful. This season is back on track. Save for a couple of rough episodes, Grey’s has been fun to watch again. It’s more balanced, has better storylines, and actual character development. I’m a grateful Grey’s Anatomy fan. — Jasmine

Jason Ritter’s Performance on Kevin Probably Saves the World
Kevin Probably Saves the World but he definitely warms my heart and brings me joy, and that’s in large part due to the human ray of sunshine who plays him, Jason Ritter. It is such a feel-good show in a time where there aren’t nearly enough of them. How can you not smile when you watch him on the show? — Jasmine (and Carissa)

Ann Dowd
Whether she’s playing the complex, enigmatic Aunt Lydia on The Handmaid’s Tale, or she is the brass and ballsy Agent Lashever on Good Behavior, Ann Dowd is a force to be reckoned with. Anyway, I have developed such a girl crush on her and I’m thankful for her very existence. — Jasmine (and Carissa)

All of the badass women in law enforcement/military on new shows
I’m thankful for all of the badass women in law enforcement/military that we’re seeing on new shows this season — Chris (Lina Esco) and Jessica (Stephanie Sigman) on SWAT, Jaz (Natacha Karam) and Patricia (Anne Heche) on The Brave, Nora (Christina Ochoa) on Valor. Not to mention some oldies but goodies — the girls of Blindspot, Law & Order SVU, and Criminal Minds. It’s fantastic to see so many hardworking female actresses portraying these tough-as-nails characters and bringing light to how hard it can be for women in male-dominated fields and the crazy amount of respect they deserve for this work. — Kassie

S.W.A.T. got picked up
I’m also thankful that SWAT got picked up for a full season on CBS because I NEED Shemar Moore on my screen! 😉 — Kassie

Dynasty had a rocky beginning, but it has come into its own over the last few weeks. The acting is not fantastic, but it’s not as awful as some have implied. Knowing the series is essentially safe for another season is great because it gives the powers that be time to continue to tweak the show to make it great. — Paul

The mystery on Riverdale Season 2
Riverdale Season 2 has been a gigantic change of pace for the series. Having a serial killer who is not scared to unleash holy hell on the town is excellent because nobody is safe. — Paul

SMILF may have a terrible title, but it’s one of the best shows that Showtime has ever made. It tackles comical subjects, serious subjects and everything in between. Frankie Shaw is one of the most talented women in the business, and everyone should give it a shot. — Paul

Shameless is still fresh
Shameless may be in its eighth season, but it’s still as fresh as it was back when it debuted. The Gallaghers, their friends, and even their enemies are showing no signs of slowing down. — Paul

The Punisher is great
The Punisher is great. It’s up there with Daredevil and Jessica Jones as one of the better series in the franchise. The acting from Jon Bernthal was phenomenal, and he deserves all the awards for his multi-layered portrayal of Frank Castle. — Paul

Mr. Robot Season 3 returned to form
Mr. Robot Season 2 was rocky. Mr. Robot Season 3 has been a rare return to form, and the plot is going somewhere now. The show is back to being a shocking portrayal of a world that can be hacked. — Paul

Bellarke Angst
There is nothing like watching a beautiful relationship building up only to then have them separated at the end of almost every season. This time around though The 100 took the word distance literally when they had Bellamy going up into space and Clarke staying behind on Earth for six years.
I am thankful though that I can look back at their ridiculously emotional scenes to keep my company while I cry about the fact that Clarke called him every single day for all those years as a way to stay sane. — Yana

The Good Place
I’m thankful for The Good Place, which fills part of the void since Parks and Rec ended and gets better every week. I’m particularly thankful it was just renewed for season 3! And I’m thankful for that video of D’Arcy Carden, William Jackson Harper, Jameela Jamil, and Manny Jacinto finding out the season one twist. It’s so pure and delightful. Thank you, Kristen Bell. — Danica

Hard-hitting political satire from Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
I’m thankful for hard-hitting political satire from Full Frontal with Samantha Bee that makes it slightly easier to be a human in this world. — Danica

Stranger Things Season 2 was as enjoyable as Season 1
I’m thankful that the second season of Stranger Things was as enjoyable as the first. With the continued development of the main characters and the addition of some intriguing new ones, this show remains one of the better things on TV. I can’t wait to see what happens in season 3 as the citizens of Hawkins battle the creatures of the Upside Down. — Tim

Curb Your Enthusiam is still hilarious
I’m thankful that Curb Your Enthusiasm, now in its ninth season, is still a hilarious show. Larry David and the great supporting cast keep making me laugh and cringe in equal measure every week. — Tim

Days of Our Lives got its mojo back
I’m thankful that Days of Our Lives has gotten its mojo back! The soap has been struggling with lagging storylines and uninteresting characters, but the latest writing team have definitely given fans something to get excited about.
For example, Will Horton, a legacy character and part of the show’s only gay couple who never should have been killed off to begin with, was brought back to life. The pay off has been the ripple effect as it affects Will’s parents, grandparents, daughter, and his husband who was about to marry someone else.
Then there’s Detective JJ Devereaux who accidentally shot Theo Carver, the mayor’s autistic son. This is a dramatic story that’s giving many characters powerful scenes, tearing some relationships apart, and making Days of Our Lives a must-see soap opera once again. — Christine

Dancing With the Stars
I’m not normally a huge fan of Dancing With the Stars, but I’ve been really thankful for this season. The dancing is better than it’s ever been, the pros are at the top of their game, and the underdogs have stepped up in spectacular fashion. Best of all, it’s a show the entire family can watch together and enjoy.
Adding to the joy was that the season ended with three strong couples, any of which I would have been happy to see take home the mirror ball! — Christine

Longmire Wrapping Properly
Walt Longmire may be a man of few words, but I’d like to spare one or two for Netflix picking up his titular series after it was canceled by A&E. A sixth and final season wrapped up the story of the Sheriff of Absaroka County, and while it’s hard to say goodbye, I’m glad we got the chance to do it properly. — Kathleen

Latest DC Crossover Event – Crisis on Earth X
I’m not sure anyone can properly appreciate the insanity required to do a full-scale, four-part crossover story, but somehow they’re doing it with Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow. Thank you to all the folks who worked so hard behind the scenes to make this happen. And boy, am I looking forward to it! — Kathleen

NCIS may be in its fifteenth season, but it’s still chugging along, thanks to a strong cast led by Mark Harmon. This series has been a staple of my Tuesday nights for years — I may be critical of it sometimes in reviews, but that’s only because I enjoy this show so much. And special thanks to Pauley Perrette for giving NCIS fifteen years of her life, and best wishes to her in the future. — Kathleen

Doctor who
Doctor Who has been a part of my life since I watched PBS reruns on Saturday morning as a child. It was a blast when it came back in 2005, and I can’t believe this British classic marked its fiftieth anniversary a few years ago. Shortly, we’ll bid a fond adieu to Peter Capaldi, the Twelfth Doctor, and welcome Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth. Amazing, remarkable, and absolutely fantastic! — Kathleen

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is still gracing our screens
Though it gets a late start this year, I’m grateful that Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is still gracing our screens. After a rocky and uneven first season, there was some question whether it would get a second. Fortunately, the Powers That Be at ABC decided to stick with it, and we’ve enjoyed four seasons of Hydra infiltrators, alien invaders, Inhumans, android doppelgangers, and more. Bring on Season 5! — Kathleen

New hit shows
I’m thankful for new hit shows like Riverdale and The Gifted that I have gotten completely obsessed with, especially Riverdale. While I’m definitely still thankful for all my Arrowverse shows, Agents of SHIELD, Gotham, you name it, Riverdale is just something else. — Andy

Black Lightning
I’m thankful for upcoming comic book dramas in 2018 like Black Lightning. While I can’t believe FOX decided to pass on it, bless The CW for seeing its worth and picking the series up as I think it’s going to be something that stands out quite a lot. — Andy

The goofiness of Gotham
I’m thankful for the goofiness that is Gotham. With all that’s wrong in the world, Gotham provides a reprieve from reality with its outlandish characters and even crazier storylines. The show never fails to bring a smile to my face week after week. — Lisa

Ryan Eggold as Tom Keen on The Blacklist
I’m thankful for Ryan Eggold and his portrayal of Tom Keen on The Blacklist. For the last five years, he gifted us with one of the most complex characters on television. Whether he was a good guy, a bad guy or somewhere in-between, Eggold rocked every incarnation of Tom. — Lisa

God’s gifts
I’m also thankful for Ben Daniels of The Exorcist and Hadi Tabbal of The Brave who both are God’s gifts to everyone. — Lisa

Shows Ending on Their Own Terms
Some of my favorite shows ended this year, from The Leftovers to Halt and Catch Fire to Bates Motel. Others, such as Longmire and Bones and Orphan Black and Girls were also enjoyable and I’m glad they all got to end on their own terms.
The Leftovers and Halt and Catch Fire will, for me, go down as two of the best and most unappreciated shows ever to air on television. I’ll be forever grateful they got the opportunity to tell their full stories even if not nearly enough love was lavished upon them by you, my dear readers. — Carissa

Comedies on Smaller Networks
The best comedies are showcased on smaller networks. I’m looking at series like Odd Mom Out on Bravo, Stan Against Evil, Baroness von Sketch, and Brockmire on IFC, Younger and Teachers on TV Land, and Rosehaven on Sundance. If you haven’t been checking out some of these goodies, you haven’t been laughing hard enough — Carissa

A Last Hurrah for Major Crimes
I am so thankful for this final season of Major Crimes! Even though I’m heartbroken that this series is ending, I’m loving having some more time with my favorite characters, and enjoying Sharon’s heart condition storyline. And even better, Rusty and Gus are broken up so I can stop complaining about this awful relationship! — Jack

Brendan Gleeson on TV
I would have been happy with most any character Brendan Gleeson might have wanted to play, but his portrayal of Bill Hodges feels so natural it heightens the status of AT&T’s Audience Network drama Mr. Mercedes. The thriller is possibly the best Stephen King adaptation done and seeing Gleeson on TV every week with his serious acting chops (and biting wit) is a big part of its success. — Carissa

JJ’s Great Storyline on Days of Our Lives
Thankful that JJ has such a powerful storyline on Days of Our Lives and that it’s not written with the agenda of making fans hate him. He’s my favorite, most underused character and Casey Moss is such a great actor who deserves some meaty material. — Jack

True Crime/Mystery shows on TV
If there’s TV crack, one of my worst addictions is to the plethora of true crime and mystery shows on TV. With the staples like Dateline and 48 Hours now with their own editions on Discovery ID, they get lost with People Investigates, Murder Made Me Famous, Copycat Killers, The Eleven, Home Alone, Something’s Killing Me, Horror at the Cecil Hotel, Autopsy: The Last Hours Of…, Vanity Fair Confidential, A Crime to Remember, Shattered, and 1980s Deadliest Decade.
I could spend every waking hour watching various A&E, Discovery, and Reelz programming, and I’d never tire of it. And guess what…Investigation Discovery is getting into scripted true crime movies!! They start the first week of December with such stars as (wait for it) Carrie Preston and Scott Foley!! Squeeeeee!! — Carissa

There is TV for every taste and you’ll never go hungry!!
Thanks to the era of Peak TV, everybody can find something to watch on TV whether they watch on traditional TV, cable, or online.
There is more television coming every week on new streaming services that pop up all the time. If you’re willing to pay for it, you can watch it.
It might not be the way we envisioned it initially, but if you have a hearty appetite for entertainment, you will never go hungry.