On day 97 of the McCord presidency, Elizabeth doesn't want to think about fundraising for one night. She changes her shoes and tells Daisy and Blake that she wants to have fun for once and it is Henry's night.
At the affair they're going to, Mike advises Elizabeth about some senators. Elizabeth gets a Senator from Alabama to agree to help with an education bill.
Henry makes a speech about how reading poetry changed his life when he was a working class kid in Pittsburgh. Stevie is looking at Blake.Elizabeth is smiling. Henry talks about how artist have inspired
Henry and Elizabeth dance. They have not danced since the inauguration.
The next morning, Elizabeth wishes Henry good luck. He wonders for what. Henry is booked on Colbert and then Elizabeth's assistant is in his office wanting to give him a new wardrobe.
Mike is not happy that Elizabeth hasn't found a replacement for him yet. He wants to be the counselor to the President, not Chief of Staff. He hates dealing with people.
There is a crisis for Elizabeth to deal with. Iran has leaked rumors about her opponent, Miller, and if it looks like Elizabeth got foreign help in winning the Presidency it could make her win look illegitimate. ELizabeth says this is bigger than that.
Elizabeth is super hot on the campaign bus and there is a smell. Blake goes to check on it. Daisy says Sprinkles is going to name a cupcake after her. Elizabeth is worried about the polls being bad.
Mike says he got a tip that Miller secretly fathered a child with a staffer and there is a tape of him making a deal with his Deputy Chief of Staff to claim paternity. He has no idea who leaked this.
Elizabeth says this is sordid.
Henry goes on the Colbert Show. Henry is not reacting well to Colbert's jokes. Colbert asks how he and Elizabeth are co-habiting. Jason is not amused when Henry says he and Elizabeth go weeks without… you know. Colbert gives Henry a weird hat.
Military guy gives Elizabeth three options: get rid of the Internet in Iran, attack infrastructure, attack the power grid. Elizabeth orders all three Elizabeth asks if she can declassify all this and a woman says yes.
Mike doesn't like the idea because it could kill the education bill. Elizabeth is not interested in his opinion.
Elizabeth does a press conference. Everyone asks questions at once.
Elizabeth has a rally where she claims education will be her top priority. Mike tells her the polls are down.
The Senate Intelligence Committee is investigating whether there was collusion between Iran and the McCord campaign. Elizabeth thinks they should cooperate with the investigation and doesn't want it to look like a cover-up. Henry says they should focus on the education bill.Elizabeth says people could be distracted by Henry's comments about their sex life. She thinks he feels inadequate because she's the Commander in Chief. He denies it.
The next morning, Mike has bad news: the Iran scandal is dominating the news. And worse, Miller makes a statement about how he only lost because Elizabeth cheated.
Elizabeth meets with Carlos in a kitchen. She tries to convince him that Miller is not fit to b e President. Carlos thinks he can be the adult in his room. She tries to convince him to be her VP instead. Carlos says he wouldn't support all of her policies. Elizabeth asks him to hear her out and she'll do the same with him. He won't have to publicly support her policies as long as he doesn't publicly disagree. He turns her down.
Elizabeth has made a lot of calls. General wants her to know that the operation against Iran has begun. Mike has good news: they have the votes for the ESI bill.
Henry comes to see Elizabeth. She hopes he isn't mad about Roxanne's wardrobe choices. Henry wants to have sex during their 10 minutes they have together.
Later, Mike says bad news: Miller has withdrawn his support and now they don't have the votes. Elizabeth wants to talk to Miller herself. Mike argues with her and finally tells her her shirt is on inside out.
Miller is watching the news when Elizabeth comes to see him. He thinks she should ask someone else. They argue about her relationship with Iran. She tells him to stop spreading lies. He wants his reputation back and demands that Elizabeth publicly thank him for his support of her bill.
Mike doesn't want to work for Elizabeth anymore. He's trying to honor his dog's memory by being himself. He has to trust his gut on this.
Elizabeth goes to see Russell He is retired now and is doing gardening, wh ich he finds to be problematic. Elizabeth wants him to step in as Chief of Staff temporarily. She says she knows he has to talk it over with Carol. As soon as she leaves he runs to tell Carol.
Elizabeth has a press conference in which she thanks Miller for his vote.
Russell shows up at the celebration for the bill passing and says the fun is going to end. They all toast. Russell wants his office back.
Elizabeth makes a speech saying that respecting the Constitution while disagreeing with each other is the American way. It runs over in the present, where Daisy, Mike, and Blake gets subpoenas from the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Elizabeth introduces her running mate. Morojon joins her as VP after all.
Steve gets a subpoena. So does Henry.