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Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 9 Review: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Critic's Rating: 4.5 / 5.0

So that's why Magnum took a week off from new episodes on April 9.

That was so viewers could be refreshed for all the developments on Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 9.

It all seemed pretty innocent at first.

Chilling Out - Magnum P.I.

Higgins and Magnum having a lovers' tiff. Rick and T.C. chilling after Rick moved onto a houseboat. Gordie and Dennis checking out colleges on the mainland.

Things certainly picked up after that, didn't they?

Doctor Higgins - Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 9

That new client, Josie, caught Higgins in exactly the right frame of mind to take her case, as Higgins' drug-fueled doppelganger pointed out later.

Josie wanted answers since she couldn't believe that her boyfriend, Otis, had committed suicide. Juliet was angry because Thomas hadn't taken the threat of the hit squad seriously enough, in her opinion.

So, sure, she was more than willing to attempt to find out the truth, or at least closure, for Josie.

Magnum knew better than to disagree with her about taking the case. One of them had to go undercover, and, indeed, was there any doubt which one it would be?

Calling Juliet - Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 9
(Zack Dougan/NBC)

Plus, the new employee was a female doctor, so naturally, Higgins, baggage and all, went inside.

The logical villain was the hospital director, who cut medical staff and added less-expensive orderlies (i.e., guards), which didn't make for the most therapeutic environment.

But Juliet saw the director once, so she was a red herring. Higgins soon realized her patients weren't good sources for intel, other than the one who saw Otis sneak into the med room.

It didn't make sense that Otis, who had warned his friend about nefarious activities at the hospital, had been involved in them. Also, his tox screen had come back clean.

Outside Diagnosis - Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 9
(Zack Dougan/NBC)

So what was Otis's interest in the med room?

It took Thomas to give context to Otis's action, talking to a psychiatrist with whom Otis had met. He discovered that Otis wanted a second opinion about how one patient was treated.

A bipolar patient was being kept doped up so that his partner could sell their surfboard company without getting permission from the patient.

The choice of the inside woman was a bit suspect. Yes, nurses keep hospitals running as smoothly as they can. But would no one ask why this patient was never getting better or when a report got altered after the person who wrote it had died?

Going Inside - Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 9
(Zack Dougan/NBC)

Higgins did ask, and look what happened to her as a result.

There were a couple of improbable incidents during this case. First, how does a nurse get the drop on a former Mi-6 agent whose head should have been on a swivel while breaking into a restricted area?

The second was how did Thomas know precisely in which room Juliet was being held? Did he quickly ping her cell while racing across town?

Apparently, the case had to be wrapped up early for all the action that soon followed.

Outside Man - Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 9
(Zack Dougan/NBC)

The only upside of Higgins being restrained and almost overdosed was she did get a chance to work through her survivor's guilt over her former fiance Richard's death, which helped her to better understand her current fears about Magnum.

Surprisingly, Thomas came through with some sage wisdom to help her process her situation.

Juliet was correct to be worried about the hit squad stalking Magnum, as Childs and T.C. found out.

Childs really should have backed off when Thomas asked him to. There are cases that cops can handle, and then there are cases with which military and intelligence operatives must deal. CIA-funded mercenaries would undoubtedly fall into the latter category.

New Face - Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 2
(Zack Dougan/NBC)

Chris did his detective thing, matching a number from a couple of files, and browbeat the sleazy slumlord until he coughed up his involvement with the hit squad.

It seemed strange that Childs went out of his way to help Magnum as their relationship was still more adversarial than friendly.

And why was he checking these potential hideouts for assassins by himself, hitting the late property with just a flashlight for illumination? No wonder he missed that tripwire.

For those wondering why the series had two detectives as characters (a previous Magnum love interest didn't count) this season, that siutation has likely been taken care of with that explosion.

Mainland Mishap - Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 9
(Zack Dougan/NBC)

Gordie has got some catching up to do when he gets back.

Of course, Katsumoto couldn't go on a simple college tour without getting into a scrape.

Not that it was his fault. He just made the mistake of stopping to eat at a restaurant in a red state, where any outsiders are looked at suspiciously.

Gordie attempted to ignore the yahoo, who didn't even realize that he was being insulting.

Unpleasant Welcome - Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 9
(Zack Dougan/NBC)

It woke Dennis to racist perceptions he might have to deal with once he left his multicultural home.

Katsumoto knew precisely how to handle being attacked from behind by the redneck.

However, he was less sure about how to explain why people could act that way.

It took a few hours, but Gordie finally came through with a burst of wisdom, getting Dennis not to give up on his dreams because of the actions of one bad actor.

More Security - Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 4

To revisit Higgins's Mi-6 history, watch Magnum P.I. online.

Will the time inside the hospital help Juliet process her past?

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