Sharon's last video plays, showing that she said goodbye and that she loved her work family. At her funeral, Provenza delivers an emotional, grief-filled eulogy.
After the funeral, Rios approaches Provenza and says she has reason to believe that Stroh is in LA. She claims she has protection, but that evening Stroh hides in her pool and drowns her.
When she is found, Provenza is angry that the security detail left Rios alone. Chief Mason thinks he is overly emotional and wants the death to be considered an accident. Provenza tells him to replace him if he doesn't want the case handled his way, as he is the interim commander now that Sharon is gone.
Provenza asks Flynn to help him tell Rusty about Rios' death. Rusty realizes it was a murder. Provenza wants Rusty to update the team on his investigation into Stroh's recent murder spree. Flynn doesn't want him to because when he stepped back, Sharon died and now he wants to protect Rusty by forbidding him to be in the investigation. Provenza and Rusty convince him that the best way to protect Rusty is to let him share his info with the team.
The kid, Dylan, who spoke to the detectives in Rio's backyard turns out to be an Australian who infected all the detectives' phones with malware so he can spy on them for Stroh and for some reason no one thinks that's even a possibility. Stroh spies on the team as they discuss the murders and is glad Sharon is dead.
Mason wants to talk housekeeping and Rusty gets upset at the idea of someone else taking Sharon's office. Buzz takes him aside and says he knows what losing a parent is like. He gives Rusty a video message from Sharon on a flash drive.
Mason gives Provenza two days to bring in Stroh but doesn't want any loopholes he can exploit. Provenza says Stroh will never see a courtroom again. Stroh agrees.
Sharon's video to Rusty tells him how to protect himself from Stroh: use his gun as a last resort, don't think of Stroh as a monster, and be willing to be vulnerable and ask for help. In the morning, Rusty confides to Ricky that he didn't sleep much. Ricky goes 10 seconds without being obnoxious but then is actually useful as he realizes that Rusty used a search engine to look up all of Stroh's potential victims and so did Stroh. Stroh spies on Ricky showing the team what he found and is happy, saying that this will accelerate things. He tells Dylan not to take his eyes off the detectives and call him if they mention the name Jim Bechtel. He is not happy that Dylan has blackmail//insurance against him betraying him but in any event goes to murder Bechtel who begs for his life and tries to call for help before his untimely death.
Stroh and Dylan talk about some fake evidence they have planted. Meanwhile, Skyes and Paige find Bechtel's body. Provenza tells the team that Bechtel was Stroh's stepfather. Dylan watches as Provenza says that he wants to kill Stroh. Meanwhile, Emily tells Rusty it's bad enough losing Sharon and he needs to be careful.