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Manzo’d with Children Season 1 Episode 4 Recap: Brothers & Sisters

With Albie and Lauren fighting, Caroline steps in to make peace. Al signs a deal to market his family's sauces. 

You know what happens when grown children spend too much time with their family and their mom? They get into fights. This week the entire Manzo family is still up in arms over Al's choice in girlfriends. I'm not really sure why everybody is jumping the gun and talking about him having a child with Busty Brittany, but apparently Lauren is already imagining dual weddings and Thanksgiving meals of the future, because she is pissed off over spending time with Al and his new gal pal. 

So the two kids, Al and Lauren are now arguing over their futures and their kids not spending any time together so they'll all be separated as families when they should be raising their children together. How about getting married and having children before all of this comes into play? Sure, Brittany is a boobalicious ring girl, but there may be more lurking inside that curvaceous figure, right?

Caroline is generally having none of it and wants Lauren to just bite her tongue and leave it alone. She wants to have a relationship with her brother, so have one. Even if he has a crap girlfriend (or future wife).

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