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Marriage Boot Camp Exclusive Sneak Peek: K. Michelle and Kastan Recall Their Biggest Fight

Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition has featured some shocking moments in its first few weeks on the air.

Thursday's new episode, airing at 9 pm on WE tv, finds the couples speaking about some of their biggest blow-ups.

K. Michelle and Kastan have been on the show to work on their marriage, but it sounds like their arguments used to reach some worrying heights.

Butcher Knife Incident
(WeTV (Youtube Screenshot))

They avoid arguing now, and that's something they need to work on, according to the in-house therapist.

K. Michelle worries that arguing will make them have the intense fights they once had.

This piques the interest of the therapist, who wonders what their biggest fight was.

K Michelle
(WeTV (Youtube Screenshot))

The pair reenacted a fight in which K. Michelle checked Kastan's phone, wanting to know who the messages were from.

It got ugly, with K. Michelle chasing Kastan with a butcher knife.

Like we said, ugly.

It makes sense they want to avoid fighting.

Kastan on Marriage Boot Camp
(WeTV (Youtube Screenshot))

"Tensions boil over between K. Michelle and Lyrica, as the couples learn how words can damage a relationship," reads the official logline for the episode.

"Ish and the Judge have some big surprises in store that will teach everyone the true meaning of respect."

K. Michelle's feud with Lyrica has been an overarching plot this season, so if that continues, we should expect much more drama.

That's what reality TV is for, right?

K Michelle on Marriage Boot Camp
(WE tv)

This season, four hip hop couples, including K. Michelle & Gangsta Boo, face the music at Marriage Boot Camp. Dr. Ish & Judge Toler help them confront lies, betrayal, and bitter rivalries, but when secrets are exposed, will their relationships survive?

Check out the exclusive clip we scored from the cabler below.

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