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Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 14 Recap: Stranger Spouse

  • Henry talks to Woody about Christina's actions and the incident with the cell phone and gay rumor before they all go on a retreat together. 
  • Christina never showed him the text message. 
  • Olivia tells Amani about what happend with Brett. 
  • the other couples go on a retreat and spend some time together. 
  • Miles opens up about being there when he's still reeling from all of the protests for BLM. 
  • The couples talk about their relationshps with the other couples. 
  • Miles confides in Woody about his issues with Karen. 
  • Christina talks to the women about her issues with Henry. 
  • They play a spouse game to see who knows each other best. 
  • Christina feels like Henry is throwing her under the bust to the others. 
  • They have to write letters to their youngerselves and read them to their spouses. 
  • The couples talk about where they are in their relationshp and where they're leaning before Decision Day.
  • Amelia is  upset when Bennett doesn't talk about thier relationship in his letter. 
  • Christina is upset that Henry didn't get very personal in his letter. 
  • Miles still has some frusrations about Karen not being phsyical with hm and doesn't know if he would choose to stay with her at this pont. 

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