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Mom: Here’s Why the CBS Sitcom is Avoiding COVID-19

With TV shows returning to the air and filming with strict safety measures in place, many of them are tackling the pandemic that delayed them in the first place. 

This Is Us and The Good Doctor recently returned with fresh episodes, and, yes, they included COVID-19. 

When Mom Season 8 premieres tonight, it will be without Anna Faris and COVOD-19. 

Slumber Party - Mom
(CBS/Screen Grab)

Indeed, we've known for weeks that Faris would not be a part of the new series, but we didn't know whether the pandemic would bea featured. 

Despite executive producers of Mom rallying to weigh up the pros and cons of including COVID-19, Gemma Baker decided that it was for the best to avoid storylines related to the virus. 

Bonnie Outside at a Candlit Table
(Michael Yarish/CBS)

"The question of whether or not to deal with COVID is something that we grappled with quite a bit," Baker told Give Me My Remote.

"However, because our show has never before reflected current events in our storytelling, we ultimately decided not to address it."

"For us, it feels like we made the right decision and hopefully our audience will enjoy a little escape when they watch our show.

Mom has never been a show to avoid sensitive topics, but as a sitcom, it's probably a good idea to leave COVID-19 out of the narrative. 

Tammy Looks Suprised - Mom Season 7 Episode 1
(Michael Yarish/CBS)

As Baker said, the series has largely avoided current events, so it may mess with the fabric of the show to change things now. 

The good news for fans is that, despite changing the way the episodes are filmed, the on-screen content has not. 

"Going into this season, we thought for sure that all of the COVID restrictions would change the type of episodes we could produce," Baker stated. 

"But now that we have five shows under our belt, we’re pretty confident that the viewers at home will not feel the restrictions one bit."

Bonnie Relaxing in a Chair  - Mom Season 7 Episode 1
(Michael Yarish/CBS)

That’s because our stories have always been small and intimate. So while how we shoot the show has completely changed, what we’re shooting has not."

What are your thoughts on the news?

Hit the comments below. 

Remember you can watch Mom online right here via TV Fanatic. 

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