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Motherland: Fort Salem Season 3 Episode 3 Recap: Oh Elayne…

Scylla gives salva to the rest of the fugitives to help them escape while she and Nicte distract the Cession marshalls. Abigail, Adil, and Tally apply the salva then jump off a ledge, hoping to levitate to the ground. Adil's magical compass shows the missing Khalida quickly heading north. Scylla and Nicte hop a bus to the Dakota border. Hourse the head marshall stops the bus and finds Scylla and Nicte. They bust out a window and run. Tally uses her powers and sees Khalida at the Two Rivers Road House. Hearst reaches a Camarilla hideout but gets humiliated by Kara. At Scylla's insistence, she and Nicte hole up in a barn. The trio discovers Alder with drinks at the road house. The trio starts dancing to Elayne, the house's headliner. Horse is tracking the witches' vocal signatures and catches up again with Scylla and Nicte. They use a bird to distract the marshals. Alder invites an insistent Tally to sit down with her and Elayne, who is unaware that she's a witch. Alder scares off Elayne. But Elayne's trailer is packed with stolen songs. Alder informs Tally that the mycelium brought her back. She becomes alarmed when Tally tells her the mycelium took Raelle. Khalida explains that Alder walked into their camp and asked for help. Alder is trying to collect the pieces of the first song. Khalida informs Abigail that they're sisters now. Nicte disrupts Scylla's attempt to reach Raelle and they fight. Horse captures them. The marshals are also at the road house. Alder disappears but Tally pockets the piece of the first song she found. The bar manager discovers Elayne mutilated in her trailer. Horse takes the fugitives to a mansion. There's an explosion at the Oval Office and Wade appears to be killed.  

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