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NCIS: Origins Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Sick As Our Secrets

Critic's Rating: 4.5 / 5.0

One of these days, we will make it through an episode of NCIS: Origins without tearing up. Until that day, keep your Kleenex auto-delivery going.

Holy crap, that was quite the deep dive into parts of Randy previously unknown. Is it me, or does every NIS team member seem to be struggling with one personal issue after another?

NCIS: Origins has a firm grip on emotionally intelligent tough guys. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many gun-toting male characters cry, and I love it.

Kyle Schmid as Mike Franks and Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro Gibbs.
(Erik Voake/CBS)

In all seriousness, NCIS: Origins is knocking it out of the park in the storytelling department.

While some viewers don’t think the series feels like an NCIS series, everyone agrees it’s still a great show.

Do You Think NCIS: Origins Is Too Different From Other NCIS Shows?

From Golden Boy To Tough Guy, NCIS: Origins’ Randy Has A Lot Of Layers Under That Adorable Smile

Let’s jump right in and get to the meat of this incredible episode. Apparently, Randy is a total badass and has been hiding it under that adorable smile for seven episodes.

If you read the NCIS: Origins Season 1 Episode 8 Spoilers, you know we were fully expecting to see a very different side to the NIS golden boy. I think it’s safe to say the series exceeded our expectations.

I still can’t get over how quickly Randy switched from a nice guy to the butt-kicking cop who choked out a grown man. I think even the way he walked changed. He had a swagger to him.

Caleb Foote as Bernard “Randy” Randolf
(Erik Voake/CBS)

The rest of the team was just as surprised as the audience. It’s a good thing that Rando has a wife because he is the very definition of “husband material.”

As shocking as seeing Randy’s tough side was, no one was prepared for the secret that had been weighing on him. Viewers likely guessed it before he confessed to Father Bobby, but it was still heartbreaking.

“Brave Enough To Face Your Story”

Randy’s confession sheds light not only on what has been bothering him but also on whether he is really and truly the sweet guy he seems to be.

Who could possibly blame Randy for Agent Mitchell’s death? Randy had a sick new baby and wasn’t sleeping because of it. He was right not to take the protection detail.

Sure, Mitchell would be alive with his kid, but as Father Bobby insinuated, Randy needed to be there for his son. Sometimes, things are out of our hands, and all we can do is find the strength to keep going.

Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro Gibbs
(Erik Voake/CBS)

There’s been a lot of soul-searching in this series with almost every character. Luckily, this spotlight on Randy was much better than the one on Lala in NCIS: Origins Season 1 Episode 6.

One particular fan of NCIS: Origins made an excellent point about the character. The series purposefully spotlighted Lala right from the start with no payout.

Since the start of the series, audiences have been waiting to understand how Lala fits into Gibbs’ story. We thought we would get some answers in “Incognito,” but that episode only left us with more questions.

Everything would have been fine if Mark Harmon hadn’t referenced Lala when he said: “This is the story of her.”

It would have been better if the character had made the statement, but rather than a focal shot on Lala, the shot should have skipped around to each female character, thereby leaving the woman Gibbs is referring to a mystery.

This could have very easily have also been the story of Vera or even Mary Jo. There are plenty of unique female characters to throw some mystery on.

Mariel Molino as Cecilia “Lala” Dominguez
(Erik Voake/CBS)

At least we definitively know Lala wants to advance in her career. Granted, if you ask Mike Franks, he’ll tell you that’s not the path for Lala.

NCIS: Origins Is The Love Child Between Action-Packed And Emotionally Intelligent

It’s good that Mike is so lovable because that man is terrible with his words.

When he told Lala, “You don’t belong behind a desk. You belong in the dirt with me.” I could not stop laughing because, of course, that is Mike’s idea of a compliment.

He might be rough and tough on the outside with his perfect mustache, but there is a big teddy bear under those gun holsters. As Mariel Molino’s (Promised Land) Lala called it, Mike is a sentimental kind of guy.

With a show like NCIS: Origins, there is always going to be a reason to tear up and get emotional. It seems like an odd choice to have emotionally vulnerable characters who have a license to shoot, but it works.

Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro Gibbs
(Erik Voake/CBS)

Speaking of work, does anyone else wonder what makes a person want to be a priest? They always seem to fall into two categories.

They’re usually either struggling with a dark past that they are trying to atone for, or they are filled with so much of God’s love that spreading his message is the only life path for them.

Father Bobby was somewhere in the middle. The man was clearly tortured by demons from his past but was genuinely concerned with the well-being of others and tried to do right by God.

Raise your hand if you thought that Father Bobby was for sure going to be a martyr. It was better to write that he lived because otherwise, it would’ve painted the picture that the only path to forgiveness is death.

That’s dark, even for CBS‘s NCIS: Origins. Besides, we may want to see Father Bobby pop up again.

It Took A Few Episodes, But NCIS: Origins Has Found It’s Footing

Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro Gibbs and Caleb Foote as Bernard “Randy” Randolf
(Erik Voake/CBS)

Speaking of popping up again, who did we see at the very end of the episode but none other than Jamison ‘Bugs’ Boyd. Honestly, he’s not looking any better.

The last time we saw the strung-out murderer was during the NCIS: Origins Season 1 Premiere. Now he’s back, but for what reason is yet to be seen.

Vera was working on her profiling program, and considering how much screen time has been devoted to mentioning it, I’d say it will play a big part in the coming episodes.

We still have a few more episodes before NCIS: Origins takes a break until after New Year’s. Between now and then, a lot of things can happen.

And you know the series will go on break after a cliffhanger just to drive viewers crazy through the holidays. Either way, it’s going to be action-packed and dripping with tears.

NCIS: Origins had a few bumps taking off, but the show has really found its stride. And while not everyone agrees on what kind of show it is, we can all agree that Kyle Schmid is killing it as Franks.

Kyle Schmid as Mike Franks
(Erik Voake/CBS)

What’s your favorite part or aspect of NCIS: Origins?

Do you think Gibbs would want to know that Randy was initially supposed to be on protection detail for his wife and daughter?

Please drop a comment below to let me know what you liked about this episode, and join me again when I review another episode of NCIS: Origins!

And keep a lookout for NCIS: Origins Spoilers posted before each new episode!

Watch NCIS: Origins Online

Caroline Walter

Friday 6th of December 2024

Absolutely my number 1 show. It has so much weight to it, the characters are all multidimensional, and yes definitely the cog in the wheel is Kyle Schmid. What a gut filled portrayal. If I didn't watch anything else, this would be enough. I'm very glad you agree and I look forward to more of your reviews.

Joshua Pleming

Friday 6th of December 2024

Thank you! That was such a nice comment to receive. I'm so glad you liked my review and I can't wait to hear more about what you think of the show. It's so good! The characters feel so real and I think that's been the best part of the show.

Jasmine Blu

Thursday 5th of December 2024

This episode wasn't as entertaining as many of the others for me. But I enjoyed it.

Randy, I did not expect to have the hots for that man. He was hiding all that behind his little suit and sweet persona? Randy taking that dude down and the white tank... 🥵

Anyway, me randomly thirsting over the Origins guys is just a thing now, I guess. But I definitely was living for the 90s action hero vibes Randy gave off in the episode.

I enjoyed the background about the previous case and how that haunts him. So many darn feels on this team and I love it. I loved understanding his character more, and I appreciate how they keep delivering these unexpectedly complex characters. Like every time I think I have a character figured out or I want to put them into some type of box, the show is always like, "aht,aht, aht" and I love that so much. Boxes are a pain anyway, too constricting.

Lala and Mike were the weak point of this episode. It was very clear that based on what Mike is like that his reasoning for not wanting to promote her had to do with exactly what it was. She's a great field agent, she shouldn't be riding a desk. He's shite at communicating, sure, but also, hell, she's known him longer than we have, and surely we figured all this out easily enough.

The whole thing with the priest was meh for me. But it all had it's purpose. I also get a good giggle out of booze drinking, unorthodox priest.

Mike had the best centric episode. Gibbs is always great. Lala... still came last. I hate to constantly harp on her, but I keep feeling like I'm poking a stick at the character and saying "do something" because of how she's written. I just want her to be better. There's nothing wrong with the character in principle but she's the least fleshed out and weakest and shouldn't be.

Anyway, I need my Mary Jo centric.

Joshua Pleming

Friday 6th of December 2024

Mary Jo vibes all day every day! Ugh, I love that character so much. She is the epitome of "leave them wanting more" and I am "them." Lol. And, girl, Randy?! What in the hot-nerd was going on there?! When Randy, all sweaty in that tank, took that man down, I clutched my pearls and went, "Oh, my." Lol. Yeah I am straight up thirsting for all the male characters at this point. Every time Gibbs is on the screen, I'm like, "I can fix him." I am fully in my delusions. Lol. I would even learned how to deal with Franks smelling like cigarettes. All Hunks aside, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse going on about Lala, but it's the show's fault for locking her "story" in with Gibbs. Once that happened, it raised all our expectations. Granted, that really is the only issue with NCIS: Origins, so in that mindset, it's not so bad.


Friday 6th of December 2024

@Jasmine Blu, I kept saying Randy had DiNozzo-like qualities but with McGee life experiences.


Wednesday 4th of December 2024

Best NCIS series since the first few seasons of the original NCIS. Good too, that Mark Harmon involved.

Jasmine Blu

Thursday 5th of December 2024

@Joshua Pleming, it's introspective and a character show rather than a run of the mill procedural, like the other series in the franchise. Not to say the franchise doesn't have great characters... they're just not character centric and focused.

With Origins you can tell the characters come first, the plots and procedural elements second. It actually feels more like a procedural that would be on premium cable or a streamer.

Joshua Pleming

Thursday 5th of December 2024

The show is awesome. It feels more real than other NCIS shows. Not that the other shows in the franchise aren't great, but this one has more grit and bite.


Tuesday 3rd of December 2024

What is the song title of the song that plays at the end of episode 8 of ncis: origins. I believe it has the words "there's always forgiveness". Thanks for your assistance.


Joshua Pleming

Wednesday 4th of December 2024

Hi David! The song at the end of NCIS: Origins Season 1 Episode 8 was a great one called "Hold on Tightly" by John Denver. The song can be found anywhere you source your music from.


Monday 2nd of December 2024

Step down from last episode not surprising as that was real raw and all but still this was nonetheless an entertaining one.

Randy I have said before he feels like an odd mix of McGee and DiNozzo. Like McGee he’s an agent with a family fighting the good fight to keep the world safe for his wife and son to grow up in. But like Tony he has this cockiness from the fact he is the closest to being Mike’s right hand he has a standing with Mike that both Dominguez and Gibbs don’t have.

But this episode shows Randy is a lot more like DiNozzo than expected. He feels he cares and he sees the worst that humankind can do but he still goes on to help others and he puts on this outgoing front as his way to function with his baggage that reveal he was supposed to guard Shannon and Kelly instead of Mitchell and he blames himself for it.

Austin truly is growing into the role of Gibbs. There is some little moments we see of the Gibbs we know, like him deducing the priest knew the killer from confession with his gut instinct. And him keeping the priest safe when the hotel was being robbed.

Mike pairing with Dominguez was sadly the weakest of the episode. The reveal he wants Dominguez as an agent not as an administrative desk jockey at least explains a bit of why he is the way he is to her.

Didn’t expect that ending of Vera profiling the Sandman sniper from the premier. I feel this will be an ongoing case. Maybe Bugs didn’t really kill those people or he’ll escape and go after the team that locked him up.

More NCIS easter eggs. The begins of rule 4 and keeping secrets. More nods to Mitchell and his son from 13x02 and why Gibbs was close with him. Again I admire this show for its consistency to detail.

What I hated from the other spinoffs is they tried so hard to loosely associate themselves with the flagship show in absurd ways. Callen had history with Gibbs that was never brought up again after the backdoor pilot which made sense as Mark Harmon had issues with LA and wanted nothing to do with it. Tenant was recruited to NCIS by Gibbs when he gave her his card when she conveniently met him and DiNozzo during her CIA days. Even Gibbs’s bromance with Pride from NOLA seemed like a stretch that already breaks the established history prior. All these ‘connections’ just seemed contrived.

Next episode is an interesting one Gibbs going back down to Mexico so soon. I really do hope we see that infamous recreated flashback of Gibbs putting that sunroof in Hernandez’s head.


Tuesday 3rd of December 2024

@Joshua Pleming, I have been enjoying Origins more than I have OG NCIS lately. Don’t get me wrong I will always love the flagship show but all this season they have been focusing too much on the characters I hate while sidelining my favorites. McGee and Parker have the most interesting storylines but they throw it to the side and barelt mention them in favor of Torres angst or Knight being unbearably cringey.

Joshua Pleming

Tuesday 3rd of December 2024

Holy crap, Dean! You have your finger right on the pulse of NCIS: Origins. The franchise needs to put you on the payroll. Lol. I agree that this episode wasn't as introspective as episode 7. You were definitely right about Lala and Franks being the weakest point if the episode. But like you said, it's nice to at least know what's going on in Franks' head. I was a little thrown by the Bugs being brought back. That case seemed over and done, but yea, like you said, it could be a new twist or plot for the second half of the season. Personally, I love that the show seems a little different from the others in the franchise. It feels like going home with the series, especially with how it's really finding its footing. I think NCIS: Origins will be one of those shows that takes a minute to catch fire, but it's on the right path so far. Just a few kinks to workout with some of the characters.

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