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NCIS Season 17 Episode 14 Recap: On Fire

Bishop and Torres are run down by a hit-and-run driver while running. Torres shoved Bishop out of the way but got hit. He's in the ICU in critical condition. The doctor removed carbon fiber from Torres's cervical spine and Gibbs got the evidence for Kasie. She tracks it to a spoiler bought by a trust-fund baby, Xavier Zolotov. Gibbs and Bishop arrest him. He admits to committing multiple crimes to Bishop but Vance lets him go because the Russians claim sovereign immunity for him. Vance is working his contacts in high places while the team finds a way to keep Xavier in the country. Torres is back into surgery for fluids in his lungs. Gibbs and McGee arrest Xavier's wife for possesion of an exotic animal. But Xavier doesn't care. Bishop tells McGee she's going to kill Xavier. But he calms her down and she agrees to go to the office instead. Jack thinks Bishop is dealing with a kind of PTSD. Jack tells Gibbs to locate Xavier's girlfriend, since his wife is locked up. Bishop is MIA then shows up. Gibbs tries to reason with Bishop. Torres is awake.  Kasie had found footage of the accident and captured a photo of the girlfriend. It's Colleen, the woman they keep running into in Xavier's building.They find Xavier dead in her tub and Gibbs and McGee look at Bishop. Jimmy finds a blonde hair, which points to Bishop or Xavier's girlfriend. Torres investigated Colleen for the death of her sister and was set to be the star witness at her trial. Colleen injects heroin in Torres's IV but he's faking sleeping. Then the team busts her. She denies killing Xavier. McGee confronts Bishop about Xavier's murder but she denies doing it. Both look at the departing Gibbs. 

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