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NCIS Season 21 Episode 6 Recap: Strange Invaders

Lt. Elliot Greene, a fighter pilot, is awakened by a number of crank calls.

Then he hears a noise outside and his electrical devices flash.

Finally, he's blinded by a bright light.

Dr. Grace thinks Nick needs more fun in his life, which is why he's considering throwing a theme party.

McGee's goatee becomes a topic of conversation.

The team gets called to investigate Greene's death.

Palmer finds 11 oddly-shaped wounds on Greene's body.

No one can determine how Greene was shot.

Palmer recalled Greene testifying before Congress about UAPs. He testified that he had encourntered one.

Palmer can't determine what caused Greene's wounds.

Congresswoman Shirley Ives shows Vance and Parker Green's UFO footage.

Ives suggests it's a new type of Russian aircraft.

Delilah agrees to an online poll of McGee's coworkers about whether he can keep his goatee.

Kasie says Atomic Element 116, the sample Jimmy pujlled from Green's wounds, doesn't exist on Earth.

The calls to Green came from a company, Above and Beyond, which creates interactive IAs of the dead.

Daniel Silcott, a developer there, belonged to the same AUP watch group as Greene and says he was calling to let him know about one in his area.

He said that everyone in the Galactic Watch Society hated Greene.

McGee and Jess get chosen to infiltrate the society.

Torres, providing backup, wakes up six hours later and two miles away.

His bloodwork reveals that he'd been drugged.

Nick remember a smell and Kasie puts him through a scent test. He settles on the smell of correction fluiid.

A closed factory which used to make that substance is located near where he was found.

McGee's goatee stays by a 4-1 vote.

At the factory, McGee and Jess capture Nestor Quinn, the radio man from the UAP group, and find a roomful of alien merchandise.

He was responsible for moving Nick.

Quinn says he was hired to discredit Greene, by anonymous text, by making him think he was crazy. But Greene was killed before Quinn began "buzzing" him.

Silcott had hacked Quinn's phone and called Greene to warn him.

He says Greene had seen an autonomous drone. He knows what it can do because he built it.

The company that funded him was a gray-market weapons developer.

Parker and Silcott try to communicate with the AI using the backdoor that Silcott had built in.

Silcott modeled the AI on his late son.

Greene witnessed a test that Congresswoman Ives had set up for other politicians.

She wanted to discredit Greene. But the seller broke off all contact. That's why she got in touch with NCIS in the first place.

Kasie found a lab that theorized it could make Element 116.

The AI calls Parker wanting to talk to Silcott.

The AI tells Silcott he needs to use the kill code which will wipe out every trace of the AI in all the drones.

After much hestitation, Silcott enters the code.

Kasie tells the team that no one on the planet has successfully made Element 116.

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