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New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 10 Recap: Radical

  • Leyla announces that she passed her boards and kisses Lauren. Lauren freaks out about it. 
  • Lauren and Floyd get a patient who is in a poly relationship and all of his spouses show up .
  • Iggy's young patinent Safi wants gastric bypass and her mother isn't a fan of the decision and neither is Iggy. Eventually,they talk it out, and Safi's mother agrees to let her do the gastric bypass. Iggy is torn up and feels lie he failed them because it didn't go in his favor. 
  • Max has a Native American patient who refuses help from anyone who isn't Native, and Max goes on a wild goose chase in search of a Native doctor only to realize they don't have one. 
  • He also organizes the protest after finding out that the hospital was built on Native land to have the name of the hospital changed. They settle for an atrium name change. 
  • Floyd and  Lauren's patient requires his former wife to make the decision about what's next which makes the man's series of spouses to feel slighted. 
  • The new head of Neuro is not a hit. She propsoes that they slash all the mutual services with Helen, and Agnes is still fretting on how to fire her after regretting that she made the wrong decision choosing her.
  • Agnes fires her
  • Max and Helen talk about Cassian on the rooftop. They almost kiss but she tells him she's grateul that they're friends and they hug. 
  • Floyd and Malvo spend time together. 
  • Lauren lays her heart out there to Leyla.

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