- Max is relying heavily on Luna's grandparents. They notice it.
- A woman comes in impaled by shears and the ED's ceiling collapses with what Lauren quickly discovers is a chemical spill.
- Helen seems to be avoiding Max much to his chagrin and Floyd continues getting close to his married colleague.
- Bertha, Floyd's patient is getting treated for MSGS exposure, but it's blinding her.
- Lauren shows signs of exposure with a rash breaking out on her arm.
- Max goes on a quest for the source of the issue.
- Iggy consults with a married couple whose son is dealing with ODD. One of the wives admits that she and their son were doing well when the other was away and that's the actual issue regh now.
- Max tries to stop a pipe burst with his shirt and gets trapped in the room with chemicals pouring all over him. Helen finds him.
- The chemical has blinded him.
- Lauren goes blind trying to help a patient and she manages to intubate him before she completely collapses and Floyd finds her.
- Floyd figures out what to give everyone to help out.
- Helen gets Max out of there and takes hi to the decontaminate showers. She unaddress him and lets him shower. He collapses into her, and he clings to her while she tries not to cry and gives him her prayer beads to hold.
- Lauren and Max recover. Casey is by Lauren's bedside and tells her that he's not going to a new hospital.
- Helen is at Max's bedside but tries to avoid her feelings. Max stops her and apologizes for seeming to forget. He remembers everything that happened, and tells her that. They share a truly intimate moment, where he tells her how much he cares and apprciates her, touches her throat, and they're about to kiss when he gets a call from Gwen.
- Gwen found out what happened at the hosptal and that Max almost died and says she's taking Luna with her for good. They plan to take Max to court for sole custody.
- Iggy hosts a support group for the parents of troubled kids to let them air out their grievances. It's a success.
- Chance finds out that Iggy filed a restraining order against him, and he doesn't handle it well.