In keeping with an ongoing theme of addressing many issues and disparities of the healthcare system, the hour focused on maternal health.
Each of the doctors had a maternal/pregnancy case on New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 8, and the installment produced some powerful content yet again.
It also was directed by none other than Shiri Appleby.
How often can we discuss how Iggy continues to shine this season in all aspects of his life? It's getting redundant at this point, yes?
Part of devoting time to maternal health meant showcasing the sexism, racism, and ageism that coincides with it.
In the case of Ydalis, we saw a young woman suffering from cryptic pregnancy. She refused to believe that she was not only pregnant but in labor, and most of the doctors didn't know what to do with that.
The frustrating part about the OBGYN's involvement was how she dismissed Ydalis without a second thought. Instead of taking the time to understand what was happening to her, she wanted to go ahead and start the process of deeming the girl unfit to make decisions regarding her health.

She didn't even want to speak to Ydalis. Anyone who spent mere seconds with the woman could sense that she was in deep denial because of something traumatic. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
It shouldn't have taken Iggy vehemently advocating for her as the resident psychiatrist and still facing his colleague undermining him at every turn.
Lauren: Your blood test says you are pregnant.
Patient: Your test is as wrong as you are. I’m a virgin.
🔗 permalink: Your test is as wrong as you are. I’m a virgin.
The OBGYN displayed her callousness, and she was too quick to remove any form of agency from this woman to get her job done. She didn't show an iota of sympathy or compassion, and it was infuriating.
If she didn't want to be bothered with Ydalis, it's one thing, but she could've gotten out of Iggy's way and let him help the woman.
As much as Ydalis' reaction after she delivered her child was troubling, you could see the genuine relief on her face when the midwife came in, and she was another Black woman.

Ydalis felt like no one was listening to her, and she felt disregarded from the second she walked into the hospital. The midwife showed Ydalis more compassion and understanding than the other doctor, and she still had a successful labor.
It wasn't a surprise when Ydalis opened up to Iggy, and she revealed that she was sexually assaulted. It explained everything.
It was such a bittersweet moment when she looked on as a family held her baby. But it was a great arc. Tiffany Mann was fantastic, and Tyler Labine, of course, was magic.
Floyd and Malvo's case with their patient had less to do with the expectant mother and more to do with the foreplay and flirting they had going on.

The surgery had its scary moments as they had to fix her appendix and deliver a baby who didn't cry quick enough for my poor heart.
But most of their scenes were filled with bickering, bantering, and endless flirting Between Floyd and Malvo.
It felt too soon after Evie, and it's an odd choice to have Floyd seemingly considering hurling himself into another relationship this quickly. They're not interchangeable, for heaven's sake.
But to Floyd and our shock, Malvo is a married woman. So the question is, what was going on in that OR room? Floyd wasn't imagining the sparks flying between the two!
Both Helen and Max's cases with their pregnant women were difficult ones.

Helen's patient was devastating. Can you imagine delivering your child and then finding out that you have to stay isolated away from them for three to four months?
The poor woman could barely process the bundle of joy in her life. She could hardly bond with her baby before the prospect of spending all of this time apart and missing out on crucial bonding time.
Her attempts to breastfeed weren't working, and her frustration was palpable. Often, we hear that breastfeeding is a critical part of bonding and also imperative for the child.
But for those who can't do that, moms need to know that they aren't inadequate or less of a mother for not partaking in it. It's all Helen tried to tell her patient when she faced the reminder that she doesn't have biological children of her own.

It's the only time the hour alluded to how difficult a case like this may be for her as a woman who wanted biological children but couldn't have any. She's raising a teenager now, but do you think that'll ever come up again?
It was a relief when her patient got to spend some time with her baby before she was wheeled away, and she even managed to breastfeed too. It was such an emotional scene.
The same is said for Evelyn delivering her baby naturally.
Evelyn faced many issues as an older woman, a Black one, and as someone who was considered high-risk and previously had a c-section.

All she wanted was a happy birthing experience of her choosing, but she missed out on that experience the first time she had a child. Back then, she felt like everything was a whirlwind, and none of her doctors were listening to her.
Sadly, she felt the same way when she got to New Amsterdam and dealt with much of the same.
Max: Everybody, stop! Listen, not to me, to the patient, Evelyn.
🔗 permalink: Everybody, stop! Listen, not to me, to the patient, Evelyn.
To Max's credit, he was already aware of some of the hardships that Black women face when they come into a hospital, especially in maternal care.
Evelyn's husband reminded him of it further, and his inquiry of whether or not Max has ever loved a Black woman elicited a delighted snort. Max's facial reaction was priceless, and we all know Helen came to mind.

The flood of doctors and medical staff coming into Evelyn's room doing whatever they pleased with no regard for her wishes and not even telling her anything that was happening was such a frustrating moment.
Fortunately, Max put an end to it, and he told everyone to treat her like she was a white patient.
Iggy: There’s always something we can’t control. Always, But there is something that you can control, what you do next.
🔗 permalink: There’s always something we can’t control. Always, But there is something that you can…
Their policy includes an assessment based on many factors. Sadly, Evelyn's age, race, and previous history are what prompted them to handle her care in a specific manner, whether it was to her benefit or not.
As much as Karen would like to moan about the liability the hospital would've faced if something happened to Evelyn, anyone with a cursory knowledge of the maternal mortality rates in the country for all women, but especially Black women, know that there is a problem anyway.

One way of curtailing it is listening to the patients and trusting their ability to understand their bodies to a degree.
Lauren didn't have any Baby Blues. However, she did invite Leyla to move in with her.
Staying in the supply room was always a temporary fix to a long-term problem. It was only a matter of time before Leyla got caught.
Now that Lauren knows Leyla better and they've grown comfortable with each other, offering her a place to stay was the next logical option.

I'm still feeling some potential vibes between those two. I'm just saying.
Over to you, ' Dam Fanatics.
How did you like this one? Are you surprised Lauren invited Leyla to move in with her? Is the Mina thing too much?
Hit the comments below!
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