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New Amsterdam Season 4 Episode 20 Recap: Rise

  • Veronic gives everyone key cards, and she's forcing everyone to work there.
  • Walsh is running the ED now and Casey and Lauren have to adjust to that.
  • Max feels helpless and they all have a non compete that says they can't practice medicine for three years or they have to work at New Amsterdam.
  • Max doesn't want to tell Helen the truth.
  • Wlder and Floyd have a pregnant patient. She's having twins but they both have tumors so the plan is to take the twins out remove the tumors and put the twins back inside
  • Helen comes in and revives a kid who codes and a fellow doctors tells her that she just made it harder for the family to say goodbye.
  • Max ends up treating all the janitors at the hospital.
  • They take the tumors out of the babies but the placenta shrinks and they can only place one baby back in and have to decide which one.
  • Walsh is thrown off by Bloom being receptive to him being her boss.
  • The UK government intervenes and says that they will take the kid Helen treated off of life support.
  • The kid Iggy was talking to through the game says that he's the only one that he trusts and wants to meet him. Iggy realizes that he's lying to him and that it'll be an issue.
  • Wilder proposes making one of the babies an ectopic pregnancy to save them both.
  • Helen tells Max that she's transferring the young patient to New Amsterdam.
  • Max learns that all the medical staff are getting poor healthcare and sustaining issues from getting overworked.
  • Wilder and Floyd pull off the surgery 
  • The cops come as they're taking the child away. DHS stops everything right then and there and threatened to arrest Helen and the parents.
  • Iggy tells the kid that he's a therapist. The kid disappears. But then his next patient is actually the kid he was talking to. They come in asking for help.
  • All the workers that Max helped are protesting her and now no no one is cleaning up the OR or prepping anything.
  • The essential workers protesting gets the board's attention and that's what prompts Veronica to leave for good. Everyone celebrates and Karen wants to know if Max is returning.
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