Max confides in Floyd about Helen retuning and it messing things up with him and Elizabeth. They wonder whether or not they'll see Helen.
Max apologizes to Wilder and she says she understands and doesn't want to be part of romantic drama.
Floyd and his girlfriend are making out in his office when his friend from med school knocks and needs his help because his son is in the ICU.
His son has an aneurysm deep into his brain. Floyd vows to help
Radioactive activity is in the hospital and a team are shutting down parts they think have activity.
Lauren saves an adventurous accountant Dave, and he has a group wilderness escape set up. Max wants to take eveyone there for it.
Lauren agrees to go with him. Max asks Wilder and Ben along to the corporate retreat too. Iggy goes without issue and Floyd declines to save his friend's kid.
Helen texts Max again saying she wants to see him he ignores the texts.
Iggy stays behind for a bit while the others are hiking.
They are going to climb 300ft down a mountain. Everyone eventually does it one by one until the instructor tries but gets injured.
The radiation safety team comes into Floyd's OR and wants to evacuate the room. Floyd refuses until he can save Manny's son.
The isntructor falls and is unresponsive with multiple injuries. Everyone tries to work on her while rubble still falls.
They try to reach out with satellite phone but it's broken and there's no phone service. Iggy goes back to get cell service and get help.
Iggy sees a boy in the woods when he's trying to get back and find cell service.
After talking to the kid for a bit he realizes that it's a young version of him.
they realize they have to amputate the instructors leg to get her out and cauterize it.
Ben gets injured during rockslide. Max tells Tennesse, the instructor, that they have to cut off her leg to move her, and she finally agrees.
Iggy tells his younger version that he's not signing the divorce papers and wants to fight for Martin.
Iggy finally makes it somewhere with cell service and passes out from a head wound while calling 911
The radiaoactive guy bugs Floyd and tries to get him out when Floyd finishes the surgery and Floyd goes to extreme meaures to save the boy. It eventually works. The boy is alive and they get to leave the OR.
Max shows Wilder the text messages from Helen.
She tells him to go see her if he needs to for the closure.
the helicopter is there to save them.
Floyd asks his girlfriend to stay
Iggy signed the divorce papers and gives them to Martin.
He then ask Martin to date him.
Lauren goes someewhere and sees someone who reminds her of her sister and offfers to help her. The girl agrees.
Max stands outside the bar where Helen is but doesn't go in. He heads back to Elizabeth and realizes that he's over Helen and wants her. They kiss.